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Small 1.8 Suggestion

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:55 am
by Platinum
A forward/backward option for tips and hints. Accidentally skip a hint you were looking for, or just want to go back and re-read the one you just read, gotta click on next hint until it cycles all the way back around. Just my 2c

Re: Small 1.8 Suggestion

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:13 pm
by DarthRevan555
A rewind option for replaying of recordings would be awesome.. Unless its already there in which case Pyro will shoot me down with something like "Have you bothered pressing cmd shift F1 you newb"

Re: Small 1.8 Suggestion

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:34 pm
by Pyro
Have you bothered reading the forums to know rewinding in replays is too much work to make, you newb?! :D Both of those suggestions would be nice to have, but only the "previous tip" button idea is actually feasible. I've been in that situation where I wish I could go back so I don't have to cycle through them all.

Re: Small 1.8 Suggestion

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:51 am
by Platinum
I would think that if you rewind/forward/rewind/forward fast and long enough it would cause errors in what actually happens. THIS ISN'T MADDEN GUYS LOL.

Re: Small 1.8 Suggestion

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:39 pm
WHAT!? :oO

::Scraps Helmeted Tro and GMyrk Collections::

Damn, the Tro passing, handing off, and spiking of Dorfs was looking way cool. And the mad scrambles between the Tro and GMyrks over a fumbled Dorf were unbelievably awesome!! ;op

Re: Small 1.8 Suggestion

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 2:43 pm
by Platinum
Football Myth would be pretty sweet.

Re: Small 1.8 Suggestion

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:42 am
by Platinum
So I just noticed, that when playing STB, when you click on the ball with your units, you can taunt as many times as you want, but the units will continue to chase after the ball until given another prompt. Wasn't there something addressed about this? Like where a dwarf/warlock is given an attack and then continues to follow the order even after taunting? This is a pretty minuscule concept and not like it really affects gameplay, but just wondering.

Re: Small 1.8 Suggestion

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 2:11 pm
by Pyro
Platinum wrote:Wasn't there something addressed about this?
No, as far as I recall it has never been addressed. This also happens when you try to pick an object up. (Like making a dwarf pick up a satchel charge.)

Re: Small 1.8 Suggestion

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 5:21 pm
by vinylrake
I think being able to make your unit taunt your opponents as you are running away with a bacon ball without having to reclick to get them to continue running with the ball sounds like an awesome feature.

Re: Small 1.8 Suggestion

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:46 pm
by £N
Yeah I recall one Mazz game where I told Pal to pick up a root. He got confused right after that command but still moseyed over and picked up the root before acting confused.

Re: Small 1.8 Suggestion

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:41 pm
by Platinum
I was going to do some testing on paralyzed units as well. I think as far as picking up objects or what not it remains in tact. I'm fine with it, and that rare instance where you don't want your units to chase ball or pick something up so you taunt with them before they do it pretty much never happens.

So, are clicking on an enemy unit and control clicking the ground the same scenario in this case? So, say I click an enemy trow with my warlock, but the warlock gets pussed. Does it follow through with the command after it unfreezes? How about if I control click ground with it, and it freezes and unfreezes, does it still attack ground? What about attacking in both scenarios after being confused? I'd assume its the same as being paralyzed maybe.

Re: Small 1.8 Suggestion

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 3:45 am
by iron
You're touching on some of the nightmare issues in the Myth gameplay code. It tries to keep track both of what the unit's current state is and what its objective is in relation to a command its been given. Its always been possible to intercept the two in various ways, such as in TFL you could control-click to attack the ground, and when the unit starts on the attack animation quickly click an enemy unit. With fetch it'd divert the lightning to the enemy unit, no matter how far away (chain lightning). With trow it'd explode the unit at a distance (chain kick). You could use this to make a fleeing archer shoot out its back at a pursuing thrall.

Bungie "fixed" this in Myth 2, but only by introducing another bug (the "archer walk") that made units unresponsive to attack or switch-target commands. Getting units responsive to user commands without re-introducing chain-kicking has not been easy, and you've just given a bunch of new examples where behaviour might not be as expected...

Re: Small 1.8 Suggestion

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 2:47 pm
by Point
vinylrake wrote:I think being able to make your unit taunt your opponents as you are running away with a bacon ball without having to reclick to get them to continue running with the ball sounds like an awesome feature.
totally doable... can work with an artifact monster change the move order still is in effect even as you switch via i key... so you could have 8 different move / celebrate / taunt sequences triggered by inventory... coluld trigger a sequence or maybe a sound like "see ya suckers"

Re: Small 1.8 Suggestion

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:51 pm
by vinylrake
i realize it expands what the game can do and for some players it's like frosting on lard, but being fairly simple-minded I am not the biggest fan of inventory.

Re: Small 1.8 Suggestion

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:57 pm
by Platinum
iron wrote:You're touching on some of the nightmare issues in the Myth gameplay code. It tries to keep track both of what the unit's current state is and what its objective is in relation to a command its been given. Its always been possible to intercept the two in various ways, such as in TFL you could control-click to attack the ground, and when the unit starts on the attack animation quickly click an enemy unit. With fetch it'd divert the lightning to the enemy unit, no matter how far away (chain lightning). With trow it'd explode the unit at a distance (chain kick). You could use this to make a fleeing archer shoot out its back at a pursuing thrall.

Bungie "fixed" this in Myth 2, but only by introducing another bug (the "archer walk") that made units unresponsive to attack or switch-target commands. Getting units responsive to user commands without re-introducing chain-kicking has not been easy, and you've just given a bunch of new examples where behaviour might not be as expected...


And given how old the game is, its not really a 'nightmare' except if Myth were to come out in a whole new game (ahem). We've gotten used to these minor flaws. I'm pretty sure that someone whose units got pussed are clicking rapidly away from the enemy so as they unfreeze, the units are being given a command. I kind of like that added touch; Myth is the ultimate input game. There is no skill cap (ceiling) to the potential a player could be. Just imagine if this was a mainstream game, and some of the best most talented gamers in the world got their hands on it. It would take a while to learn all the ins and outs of the game, but someone with freakish eye and hand coordination could be an absolute prodigy.

As far as shooting out their back, that is a rare occurrence in the M2 gameplay. It definitely happens, and the unit I've seen most affected is the Warlock. Say a trow is chasing it down from behind while the Warlock is running. If you click the trow at the right distance and time away from the Warlock, the warlock will stop and shoot in the same motion, and the fireball will exit out the back of the Warlock and hit the trow. I don't know if it would work on a slower unit giving chase, simply because the physics would not have to compensate for how fast the trow was enclosing on the warlock.

Say a bunch of spiders rush a pack of soulless. Except these spiders are 3x faster than their regular speed. The soulless animation still shows the soulless winding up to throw their spears, but the spear goes directly behind them because the spiders are moving so fast toward the soulless. Pretty cool thing to see as I assume most people who play myth have not, unless they were in a very similar scenario.

I've also noticed that some ranged units are tweaked to have greater range when fighting or shooting uphill. Fetch are one... ever shoot a flying bird with a fetch? Chances are the bird might be farther away than the fetch's attack range, plus up in the air. Now I've never made any formal measurements (I just realized this paragraph is off topic but I'm going to keep going) but the bird may or may not still be the same distance away (horizontally). But given the added variable of height, the lightning travels further because it is essential going diagonal instead of straight across.