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So, why doesn't Take2 sell Myth2 copies online?

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:54 am
by mattosx
Iv come to understand Take 2 owns Myth.

With app stores everywhere, why doesn't Take 2 sell copies of Myth II online? I am an app developer myself and my total costs are next to nothing to sell online.

Is there any logic to the madness of letting it languish?

Re: So, why doesn't Take2 sell Myth2 copies online?

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 9:05 am
by ozone
They probably dont even know they own it... :facepalm:

Re: So, why doesn't Take2 sell Myth2 copies online?

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:18 pm
by GodzFire
There are numerous topics already about this, so please don't be offended if you don't get a very detailed response. It's just been gone over ad-nasuem so many times already it's kinda a downer to keep bringing up.

- Take 2 gets Myth from Bungie
- Take 2 tries to make a buck off franchise by creating Myth 3
- Take 2 fires entire M3 staff as soon as game has gone Gold; major bugs and issue remain
- Take 2 does nothing with series for the next 12 years despite attempts to contact them

So at this point Take 2 doesn't care if Myth is lost and forgotten.

Re: So, why doesn't Take2 sell Myth2 copies online?

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 6:54 pm
by juliocpaes
"take2" no longer wants to continue with the Myth?
is understandable because businessman to live of profit, and in economy today's, they need a lot of profits. (money).
and perhaps our "myth" it can not compete with the diversity of current games.
Myth is lost and forgotten ?! perhaps ! so, enter the our work : making plugins, units, updates,etc.
one with more dexterity others not much, and thereby, we give long life to Myth.
I hope that have helped. :|
