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Aries/Toecutter, quit being a coward

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 3:35 am
by Zaknafein
To the author of this garbage, I am ready to discredit and prove false every single claim you make in this review. But I'll only bother doing that if you're willing to face me directly on an open forum instead of lying about me when I'm not in the lobby, complaining about me on the udogs hotline, or writing reviews behind the name of a real mapmaker on the tain.
Untested mapspam. Loads of sloppy placements and things causing imbalance in play ON TOP of the unit imbalance. When making this map, the person operating Fearâ„¢ & Loathingâ„¢ used no thought, no plan, no testing whatsoever. So there is no reason to bother downloading, in my opinion. Save your hard drive space for a Cremisi or Fury map. Someone who takes the work of others and signs his name to it for no reason other than to caress his own fragile ego is not really a mapmaker and is definitely not a "Mapmaking Team". None of these maps were planned or tested or have any concept behind them. These hundreds of slightly altered meshes with "Zak" added to the pregame and credited as the author are not fun, some not even playable. Most are absurdly imbalanced with glaring ineptitudes, but the author neither cares nor ever even opened his franken-plugin to test before uploading it and demanding everyone download all 26 gigabytes of borked plugins. What mistakes could such an expert cartographer possibly have made? What needed elements could he have omitted? Well all of the plugins contain lovely bits of baby-sick such as: 1-hit-kill special units CTF flags on the other side of the map from the team start FFAs where you can actually shoot your neighbors from the starting positions, team starts at wildly varying distances from the flag/targets/goals/balls, units selected from different plugins which have completely different health/stamina/etc. - making some units seem invincible and others pathetically weak - and you are clueless until after trade.... enough issues to warrant we all demand this guy actually try to test his own maps and make sure they work?

Because right now they are all absolutely bereft of any plan or even reason to exist, there are no intentions to create anything new or even fun. Simply put, Zak has done absolutely NOTHING other than use all of his spare time adding multiple-start FFA variants to every 2-team-only map ever created and adding 2-team-only variants to every FFA map ever made. Regardless of whether or not they fit. He made a 12 start map where there are only 2 entrances to the hill.

The author's response to any and all of the above criticisms? "You're just jealous." "Stop being a f*gg*t."

I'm boycotting any and all Zak maps until he actually thinks up a reason to edit his next one other than to make every map have every option and add his name. There had better be a twist or even just one thing unique added to the next upload from this clown because right now his maps are pretty much equal to his playing style, which is suiciding, host crashing, dropping, joining games and seeing how long he can delay a game in pregame, sitting there, unchecked before getting booted. His maps are just one big troll. The epic troll is that he got everyone to download dozens of gigabytes worth of maps that are nothing more than untested, barely playable waste of hard drive space. This review applies literally and fairly, without prejudice to every plugin and map Zak has altered and added his name to. You can help stop this nonsense by joining me in boycotting these mapspam thievery of hard work from the original mapmakers who actually had a vision and a plan, this guy is doing nothing other than shouting "HEY GUYS! LOOK AT ME! GUYS? LOOK WHAT I MADE!" Some maps are DESIGNED to have 2 starts and they don't really work with more, while some are DESIGNED to have many starts and don't work well as a 2-team map. Zak doesn't care, he's just collecting pokemon. Unbalanced, unplayable, ill-conceived pokemon.

Re: Aries/Toecutter, quit being a coward

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 1:09 pm
by GodzFire
This is not the place for conversation. If anywhere it should go in The Tain subsection. Otherwise I suggest a PM.

Re: Aries/Toecutter, quit being a coward

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:34 pm
by Mything persons
Untested mapspam. Loads of sloppy placements and things causing imbalance in play ON TOP of the unit imbalance. When making this map, the person operating Fearâ„¢ & Loathingâ„¢ used no thought, no plan, no testing whatsoever. So there is no reason to bother downloading, in my opinion. Save your hard drive space for a Cremisi or Fury map. Someone who takes the work of others and signs his name to it for no reason other than to caress his own fragile ego is not really a mapmaker and is definitely not a "Mapmaking Team". None of these maps were planned or tested or have any concept behind them. These hundreds of slightly altered meshes with "Zak" added to the pregame and credited as the author are not fun, some not even playable. Most are absurdly imbalanced with glaring ineptitudes, but the author neither cares nor ever even opened his franken-plugin to test before uploading it and demanding everyone download all 26 gigabytes of borked plugins. What mistakes could such an expert cartographer possibly have made? What needed elements could he have omitted? Well all of the plugins contain lovely bits of baby-sick such as: 1-hit-kill special units CTF flags on the other side of the map from the team start FFAs where you can actually shoot your neighbors from the starting positions, team starts at wildly varying distances from the flag/targets/goals/balls, units selected from different plugins which have completely different health/stamina/etc. - making some units seem invincible and others pathetically weak - and you are clueless until after trade.... enough issues to warrant we all demand this guy actually try to test his own maps and make sure they work?

Because right now they are all absolutely bereft of any plan or even reason to exist, there are no intentions to create anything new or even fun. Simply put, Zak has done absolutely NOTHING other than use all of his spare time adding multiple-start FFA variants to every 2-team-only map ever created and adding 2-team-only variants to every FFA map ever made. Regardless of whether or not they fit. He made a 12 start map where there are only 2 entrances to the hill.

The author's response to any and all of the above criticisms? "You're just jealous." "Stop being a f*gg*t."

I'm boycotting any and all Zak maps until he actually thinks up a reason to edit his next one other than to make every map have every option and add his name. There had better be a twist or even just one thing unique added to the next upload from this clown because right now his maps are pretty much equal to his playing style, which is suiciding, host crashing, dropping, joining games and seeing how long he can delay a game in pregame, sitting there, unchecked before getting booted. His maps are just one big troll. The epic troll is that he got everyone to download dozens of gigabytes worth of maps that are nothing more than untested, barely playable waste of hard drive space. This review applies literally and fairly, without prejudice to every plugin and map Zak has altered and added his name to. You can help stop this nonsense by joining me in boycotting these mapspam thievery of hard work from the original mapmakers who actually had a vision and a plan, this guy is doing nothing other than shouting "HEY GUYS! LOOK AT ME! GUYS? LOOK WHAT I MADE!" Some maps are DESIGNED to have 2 starts and they don't really work with more, while some are DESIGNED to have many starts and don't work well as a 2-team map. Zak doesn't care, he's just collecting pokemon. Unbalanced, unplayable, ill-conceived pokemon.
I was going to make a review just like this one....but this guy beat me to it. :facepalm:

Re: Aries/Toecutter, quit being a coward

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:29 am
by Zaknafein
What plugins are you complaining about and why.

Re: Aries/Toecutter, quit being a coward

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:19 am
by William Wallet
Zero fucks given.

Re: Aries/Toecutter, quit being a coward

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:23 pm
by Zaknafein

Re: Aries/Toecutter, quit being a coward

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:19 pm
by Bonky
lol can't take criticism.When you put stuff out in the public domain,get ready for some negative responses.If you cant handle criticism,don't do it.Personally when i see a map from ZAK it just makes me think its some kind of malware.

Re: Aries/Toecutter, quit being a coward

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:55 pm
by Zaknafein
Bonky wrote:lol can't take criticism.When you put stuff out in the public domain,get ready for some negative responses.If you cant handle criticism,don't do it.Personally when i see a map from ZAK it just makes me think its some kind of malware.
I can take criticism when its legitimate.

This dude just wrote a several page long rant about me, then copy/pasted it all over my plugins.

Re: Aries/Toecutter, quit being a coward

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 6:11 pm
by Olong2
Zaknafein wrote:This dude just wrote a several page long rant about me, then copy/pasted it all over my plugins.
And every word was true, for each. So, why should he (or she) waste time/space with unique critiques? Let's face it, we all know what we're getting with the "Zak Brand": Shite, thievery, ineptitude, delusion.

I applaud the reviewer for not wasting his (or our) time with unique reviews. Like the Zak "brand" itself, once you've seen one, they're all about the same.


Re: Aries/Toecutter, quit being a coward

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:21 pm
by Zaknafein
Olong2 wrote:
Zaknafein wrote:This dude just wrote a several page long rant about me, then copy/pasted it all over my plugins.
And every word was true, for each.

Actually its not true, and you would know that if you played all the plugin or watched films of it being used in tournaments. Not that I expect someone as ridiculously bitter, petty, and biased as you to come into this thread with a rational perspective.
Olong2 wrote:So, why should he (or she) waste time/space with unique critiques? Let's face it, we all know what we're getting with the "Zak Brand": Shite, thievery, ineptitude, delusion.
Is that why so many of my plugins are being used in MWC this year? Oh wait you don't give a shit about what the majority of mythers play.
Olong2 wrote:I applaud the reviewer for not wasting his (or our) time with unique reviews. Like the Zak "brand" itself, once you've seen one, they're all about the same.

u mad bro?

Re: Aries/Toecutter, quit being a coward

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:34 pm
by GodzFire
To be honest whoever did do that review was completely 100% correct, and Olong was spot on as well.

It doesn't take much to take a map someone else has created with the units, move around or create some start points, change up the unit trading, and call it a new release. The reason isn't not done is due to the respecting the original mapmaker's goals or getting their approval to make modifications to it which has never been something that has been important to you, judging from past history.

Re: Aries/Toecutter, quit being a coward

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:45 pm
by Zaknafein
Who exactly is calling it a new release? The maps he reviewed were clearly just modifications of FFA/TSG maps so that they could be used in a 2 team tournament.
Complaining about me making that possible is retarded.

What if I complained that Mazzarin's Demise shouldn't be using Raid on the Plains for Co-Op? The original makers of the map didn't intend for it to be used that way, and how do we know they would approve?

Re: Aries/Toecutter, quit being a coward

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:46 pm
by Zaknafein
"Original Mapmaker's Goals" my ass

Re: Aries/Toecutter, quit being a coward

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:48 pm
by GodzFire
Raid is a Bungie map and it goes without saying that anything they released could be edited, that's why they included Fear and Loathing. It's a different situation.

Re: Aries/Toecutter, quit being a coward

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:53 pm
by Zaknafein
Yes it can be edited, but it wasn't their intention for raid to be a co-op map, just like it wasn't Clem's intention for TSG maps to be used with reg units.