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Myth 2 on Win8.1 Tablets

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 6:50 pm
by punkUser
Hey guys,

This topic comes up every few months, so I just want to point out that there's now a variety of fairly inexpensive tablets that run Myth 2 really well. These tablets run full versions of Windows (i.e. not RT) that can run any standard application (i.e. Myth) in addition to the Windows Store stuff and work great with the new touch stuff in 1.8.

Dell Venue 8 Pro, ~$300 or less. Often available for $250 or even less. (For Canadians, $250 now at Future Shop, Amazon for $270, Microsoft recently had them for $200)
Lenovo Miix 2, $300. A bit harder to find in North America, but similar concept to the Dell.
Toshiba Encore 8, $300, ditto.
Asus Transformer T100, ~$350. 10" tablet/convertible including a keyboard dock.

All of these include full Windows 8.1 and full office... those two alone would typically set you back $300!

Myth runs great on these tablets. I plan to tweak the touch interface to improve it in a variety of ways, but it's already surprisingly playable... I was playing single player on the bus the other day and enjoying it :) Works great for watching films too of course.

Just figured I should point out that there are some good options now for folks who want to play Myth on a tablet/on the go.

Re: Myth 2 on Win8.1 Tablets

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:08 pm
by GodzFire
A Dell and Windows 8..........BAHAHAHAHAAAA!

Re: Myth 2 on Win8.1 Tablets

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:50 pm
by juliocpaes
GodzFire wrote:A Dell and Windows 8..........BAHAHAHAHAAAA!

oh lord, forgive, he does not know what it says

Re: Myth 2 on Win8.1 Tablets

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:29 am
by punkUser
Just ignore him, he's willfully ignorant :) Two seconds of googling would have shown him his biases are completely wrong, yet again.

Not to lay it on too thick, but Godz is basically just a troll at this point.

Re: Myth 2 on Win8.1 Tablets

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 7:32 am
by GodzFire
Willfully ignorant my ass. I wouldn't use a Dell tablet even if you gave it to me for free.

Re: Myth 2 on Win8.1 Tablets

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:38 am
by vinylrake
GodzFire wrote:Willfully ignorant my ass. I wouldn't use a Dell tablet even if you gave it to me for free.
Everyone has a right to one's opinion, but if someone doesn't have something one could use or would like and that thing is given to one for free and there is no cost in using it, and one refuses to use it because of ones own personal biases or animosity towards a corporation that isn't based on any moral or ethical grounds then one is not only ignorant, but stupid as well.

Re: Myth 2 on Win8.1 Tablets

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:55 pm
by punkUser
GodzFire wrote:Willfully ignorant my ass. I wouldn't use a Dell tablet even if you gave it to me for free.
I think you just proved my point :D Ignoring the facts and reviews (i.e. very good, comparable to much more expensive devices) about the device because of your biases about Dell (which, for the record, I'm typically not a fan of either) is a prime exemplification of what I said.

It's okay though Godz, no one is forcing you to buy one or even use one. We all know you have no interest in playing Myth anymore anyways, let alone on a tablet ;)

Back on topic, I also noticed that 1.8 behaves great with screen rotation - better than most other games - due to the new resizing stuff in Windows. It does exactly what it should do, smoothly and instantly :)

Re: Myth 2 on Win8.1 Tablets

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:33 pm
by capital
punkUser wrote: It's okay though Godz, no one is forcing you to buy one or even use one. We all know you have no interest in playing Myth anymore anyways, let alone on a tablet ;)
This should have been your original response instead of descending into hyperbolic ad hominemisms as per usual. As far as I remember Godz made and/or ported things for Myth II but for what ever reason his enthusiasm for helping increasingly was perceived or actually was manifested/channeled into shunning him, both parties may be at fault but wtf. Increasingly things about Myth are about one point of view while others are marginalized or made to feel marginal.

I tend to fall on the side of Dell is crapware from personal experience. There is the saying about fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I can imagine people being guarded about spending money on a brand that has a bad track record. We vote with our dollars/dinar/moloch.

To points about a windows 8 tablet, since this isn't an alternate tablet OS I am not sure the significance of these new offerings as they don't bring "new" users into the fold. Moreover, I am not aware that Myth layout we have today particularly is suited to a touch tablet interface.

Re: Myth 2 on Win8.1 Tablets

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 12:07 am
by Pyro
capital wrote:I tend to fall on the side of Dell is crapware from personal experience. There is the saying about fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I can imagine people being guarded about spending money on a brand that has a bad track record. We vote with our dollars/dinar/moloch.
The reason Punk replied the way he did is pretty similar with this "fool me once" way of thinking. Meaning Godzfire is to some people what Dell is to him. Bad experiences. Just click on the "Search user's posts" link in his profile and you will see how he tends to sound like he intentionally (or unconsciously in other times) wants to stir things up. He wasn't always like this by the way, which is why you see people react to him in a way they didn't back in the old days.
capital wrote:To points about a windows 8 tablet, since this isn't an alternate tablet OS I am not sure the significance of these new offerings as they don't bring "new" users into the fold. Moreover, I am not aware that Myth layout we have today particularly is suited to a touch tablet interface.
If there were to someday be an alternate tablet OS port, this current windows 8 tablet implementation would have been a step closer to making it doable. So yeah, it may not bring new users but it could keep some current ones that would rather mess with tablets. And as other changes, it was likely more of a

Re: Myth 2 on Win8.1 Tablets

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 12:45 am
by capital
Pyro wrote:
If there were to someday be an alternate tablet OS port, this current windows 8 tablet implementation would have been a step closer to making it doable. So yeah, it may not bring new users but it could keep some current ones that would rather mess with tablets. And as other changes, it was likely more of a
Frankly, I don't know why some of the talents of coders and artists with a very particular set of skills; skills they have acquired over a very long career weren't long ago redirected toward a new project for an independent RealTimeTactical myth-verse that does not have any of the hairyness of being tied to Taken2 agreements which pour into a deadend ownership deal with Taken2.

Re: Myth 2 on Win8.1 Tablets

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 1:00 am
by Pyro
Ah, I just noticed I didn't finish that last sentence which actually answers your current question.

Just like other changes done to Myth, it was more of a pet project or hobby. It is why magma didn't try to create a new game even though the idea floated around for a while many years ago. The game is updated for fun while working on a new game would be more of a job which wouldn't have the same appeal to some.

Re: Myth 2 on Win8.1 Tablets

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 1:10 am
by capital
Nothing about a new coding project could be considered a job, unless you want it to be a job. Given all the things that have come the way of Myth in the past 10 years, looking back, I see a lot of wasted opportunity to branch off.

Re: Myth 2 on Win8.1 Tablets

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 10:38 am
by vinylrake
capital wrote:Frankly, I don't know why some of the talents of coders and artists with a very particular set of skills; skills they have acquired over a very long career weren't long ago redirected toward a new project for an independent RealTimeTactical myth-verse that does not have any of the hairyness of being tied to Taken2 agreements which pour into a deadend ownership deal with Taken2.
Pretty simple explanation really. Beyond a small group developers still active in PM, I don't think a lot of the Myth content creators get along with each other or like each other all that much and my impression is that most of them are pretty strong minded individuals.(which is not a value judgement just an observation) IMO if you took a poll of any two mythers and asked them what should be in a new Mythlike tactical squad based game it would be near impossible to get anywhere near 100% agreement. Now multiply that by a half-dozen and throw in the strong opinionated personalities and it's impossible to agree on what features it should have. There's no one person who is going to be able to get people to agree or rally behind him just because he has a 'vision' and enthusiasm (see "Renwood" for ex, and also as an example of people not agreeing about what the game should include). So no one person is going to be able to get everyone to agree, and if you try to make it a democratic process as soon as someone's favorite-must-have game elements, feature, component gets voted not to be included that person starts to lose interest in making 'someone elses' game. Also, having similar skills and interests doesn't mean people will have similar personalities or will be able to get along or work together - a project of this magnitude would take a lot of time and effort by devs and a LOT of cooperation.

None of this is meant critically, even my comments about Renwood are meant just to illustrate a point - i.e. there's nothing inherently wrong with RW wanting to add massive army battles into the Myth world, but it demonstrates how very different people's ideas are of what a mythlike game should be.

Re: Myth 2 on Win8.1 Tablets

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 6:33 pm
by juliocpaes
GodzFire wrote:Willfully ignorant my ass. I wouldn't use a Dell tablet even if you gave it to me for free.

godzfire is now unfortunately apparently a "the fallen myther" :lol:

Re: Myth 2 on Win8.1 Tablets

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 8:32 pm
by Omicron