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Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 10:52 pm
by Sam The Butcher
I don't know if it has been mentioned before or done before. I had an idea though for a mapmakers resource site. Where ppl could upload and download different map parts. Units, models, script combos etc. So basically if someone was building a map and they were wanting a different unit than standard. They could go to the site and DL a file with all the tags for that unit. Same with models etc. There could be a pic and a brief descritption of the item. It would make it alot easier for ppl building maps. They wouldn't have to track down the author ask permission then extract the unit or whatever from a map. Just DL the file and put the tags in the right place. There may also be ppl more interested in building units or models etc (not full maps) they would have a place to put their creations to be used by other ppl.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 5:54 am
by The Elfoid has a lot of individual units you can download.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 6:33 am
by Samsara
Personally, this sounds like a great idea to me. However, it may have been better if timed 5+ years ago when there was enough of a mapmaking community to actually set it in motion. =-/

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 12:56 pm
by Doobie
What are you talking about Ama? There's lots of map makers still creating stuff, not as many as before obviously. But I can think of 3 significant groups off the top of my head, and a handful of individuals working on their own projects.

Edited By Doobie on 1112205399

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 1:58 pm
by Lothar
Yeah, individuals, like, mb, Lothar?

I just end up stealing...I mean... borrowing units from all the hundreds of plugins I have.


Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 3:01 am
by Samsara
My point is, most the 'significant' groups barely have time to release stuff for theirselves let alone be bothered to spend time on other peoples 'possible' projects. I know often even people within groups don't even help each other with content if its not 'their project' or a project they are primarily concerned with.

And individuals are pretty much who this project is working for. Not who this project is being created by - just like most open source file archives. In most cases its the individual who needs the resources most, not groups.

All I'm saying is that when the community was 15x the size it was today it would have been easier to take off the ground. Not that its still not feasible. There just would have been more demand and more supply of resources.

What I said mostly was it would have been a much better idea 5 years ago, but is still a great idea. Just would be harder to take off nowadays imho.

Of course we all have projects that have sat on our hds because for some reason we decided not to finish them that may be useful for this sort of archive...

I know I have a 700mb cd of m2 model files I've made for a tc that never got done along with about 5 m2 cmaps and about 10 m3 cmaps that I'll never release but are still 'ok enough' and 1 m3 unit I modelled that I would love to donate if someone gets this going.

However its really easy to propose an idea, but is anyone going to follow through on it? =-/. I hope so.

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 4:20 pm
by TarousZars
I think this is a good idea. So i've started to impliment it. It is in very early stages, but you can see it in action here.
If you would like to upload your something, email me at tarous (at) with a desired username/password.

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 7:48 pm
by A-Red
That's an awesome idea! For starters, you could include all of the TFL units converted to M2 (including the Skrael), and all of the Chimera units since those are basically Bungie property, and therefore no one needs permission to use them.

The TFV team has decided that our policy will be to allow anyone to use anything from the campaign once it's released. When it's done, we'll upload all of the stuff to that archive.


Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 8:46 pm
by TarousZars
Good Idea A-Red.
I also want to point out that this is for more than just units.

Got a cool colormap or crazy model? Did you make some Awesome special attack? Did you make your own trees? All of these things would be great.

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 10:00 pm
by William Wallet
You dudes rule.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 11:49 am
by TarousZars
Time for some feedback.

I've been digging thru chimera, isolating Kyrilla.
Now comes the dilema, there are 5 different Kyrilla mons tags spanning 2 collection references and 3 different attacks. Meaning some mons tags share collecltions references and some share attacks. There are also invincible and non invincible object tags, as well as a special attack that requires its own collection.

Should I include them all? Should I just include a basic unit w/ no attacks and only 1 collection reference, and put her special attacks as a seperate download?

I'm looking for input here.

P.S. I'm leaning towards only adding melee attacks to units, and seperating special attacks as a seperate download. Also I figure more than 1 coll reference is redundant, they are easy to make.

Edited By TarousZars on 1115398812

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 12:01 pm
by A-Red
Kyrilla herself is pretty heavily based on the scripting needed for specific situations. For example, her teleportation attack is completely useless without scripting. The invincible version of the monster tag is for levels in which she appears as a villain, and can't be killed or else the story (and the script) would get screwed up. So basically, most of Kyrilla's tags will never be used again outside of Chimera.

For the archive, I would suggest making two versions available: one with every tag associated with the original Kyrilla, just in case somebody wants them; and the other with just the basic foundations like the collection reference, death projectiles, normal monster tag, etc, which would allow mapmakers to build new units using her as a starting point (like you did with your Aes Sedai characters).


EDIT: Looks like you edited while I was posting this. I agree about the collection references, but personally I think you should leave all units with their original attacks, except for specialized cases like Kyrilla's teleportation.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 4:23 pm
by carlinho
samsara, if it's true you have tons of models to share, that would rock to see them...hehe
anybody has any classic greek models or anything related to it?
I'm doing the ancient and classical greece tagset and would love to get any help possible...

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 5:55 pm
by TarousZars
K, I added 2 versions of Kyrilla. 1 includes everything from chimera and the other is basic and requires you to add attacks.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 8:32 pm
by Samsara
carlinho wrote:samsara, if it's true you have tons of models to share, that would rock to see them...hehe
anybody has any classic greek models or anything related to it?
I'm doing the ancient and classical greece tagset and would love to get any help possible...
Just now read that someone actually did this. I'll dig through my stuff and ul what I can sort out from most the other stuff.