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Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 9:25 am
by spectral spirit
Did you ever wonder if those nine gold tiles caused the journeymen back problems or could they somehow mend their spine aswell?

And did Myrdred actually die after Connacht's service?
Did he just end up in some flat somewhere for 1,000 years or did he live for a while and die in some other stupid way? Could he have remained young or did he simply grow old becase he preferred to be underestimated? Then again maybe 1000 years were the equivalent of 50 for him. Balor bent Myrdred to his will which kind of suggests that he was alive and unsure at the time and not raised and reeducated. Plus, he is known as an avatara of the Wolf Age which probably suggests that he was active and famous through that golden age. Did Connacht even know him in his lifetime? Myth III suggests that he did but it would make more sense if Myrdred was born well into the Wolf Age and whooped the Watchers ass around then. Connacht defeated the Watcher during the Wind Age and Myrdred finished the job centuries later by using the binding dream.

Did he use sorcery to keep his heart working and circulating blood?

Since Damas became deathless in the east, did he survive the Wolf Age and simply bump into Balor at the end of it? No damn wonder he was so good martially,a millenium of training. Although, why did he wait till the end of Balors reign to learn his landmark sundering abilities? Was Balor really so damn picky about all out destruction or Damas doss during class at the temple and not remember how to make Tharsis go boom. Surely the fact that it was prone to eruption didn't affect his decision.

Just how many berserks die of the cold?

Why were their villages virtually untouched? Was Balor being stupid again and felt that he had no right to raze their independent kingdomn?

Might Shiver have left that unfortunate peasant off with a slap on the rump if he had made proper eye contact?

Where did the Deceiver buy his shoes and did he even have his outfit cleaned after his revival?

NOTE: Not much research was done for this topic but plenty of outrageous gaps are likely.