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Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 11:30 pm
by MadGoat
Well, I dont know make anything on Fear & Loathing, but...

How about a plugin, converting "Sir Mauriac Tales" of TFL, for Myth II: SB? A solo (not only coop) Sir Mauriac Tales for M2? And, how about a plugin reproducing the solo campaign of Myth III: TWA, for Myth II, with engine and the playability of the M2? With all solo levels of M3?

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 12:18 am
by Pyro
Porting the M3 levels into M2 would be so much hard work. And of course somethings won't be able to port. The people who have learned how to use Fear and Loathing have their own projects and ideas to work on. Why not try to read a tutorial or two of Fear and Loathing and map making in general.. who knows, maybe you start making the stuff you just mentioned.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 2:12 am
by Gleep
Willow from SMT was my favorite tfl plug ever. If I had a mac I would even attempt the conversion.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 2:54 am
by :) Da Cid (: McCl
I myself was thinking a few weeks ago that McCoolness should put M3 into M2, but I realised three things:

1. We hate it.
2. We'd change lots of stuff, so it wouldn't really be a real port.
3. We're not that good.


Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 4:48 am
by William Wallet
My interest in Myth3 isn't nearly high enough to warrant such an effort.

Now Sir Mauriac's campaign - that rocked.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 12:37 am
by MadGoat
My idea isnt port M3 to M2, but MAKE (like a new plugin, starting from nothing) all the campaign, all the solo levels of M3 to M2, all maps, all units (except the units that we can see in both, like zerks, myrks, dorfs, etc), and etc. I think, its a good idea, but will waste a lot of time for who make it (if I knew use F&L...)

PS: Sorry my english :D

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 8:05 am
by GizmoHB
i started porting some mythIII maps a while back...this is what I learned

started by exporting some cmaps (this at the time had to be done with that uhmm whats it called the app by khrome, a lot of 128 x 128 pixel jpegs that ud have to export 1 at a time stitch together in PS, i believe somebody released some app thats suppost to be able to export full cmaps recently...)

so u now have a mythIII cmap in PS, but getting it into mythII isnt as easy as indexing and opening it in loathing, M3 cmaps are to detailed (even without the detail layers, it still looks bad in M2), and use to many colors (since it jpg, this makes indexing tricky), also the water is missing)...this simply leads to the conclusion "redo the cmap" which was to much effort for I stopped...

after that I guess u can export the displacement...and stitch it together...

dunno about object placement...mb u ca somehow take the mesh file from M3 and use that, I havent tried...

but if ur gonna try, gl with it...


Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 7:56 pm
by Killswitch
GizmoHB wrote:i believe somebody released some app thats suppost to be able to export full cmaps recently...)

My app called Patchwork. Takes texture stacks, recombines them into full images.

GizmoHB wrote: so u now have a mythIII cmap in PS, but getting it into mythII isnt as easy as indexing and opening it in loathing, M3 cmaps are to detailed (even without the detail layers, it still looks bad in M2), and use to many colors (since it jpg, this makes indexing tricky), also the water is missing)...this simply leads to the conclusion "redo the cmap" which was to much effort for I stopped...

after that I guess u can export the displacement...and stitch it together...

dunno about object placement...mb u ca somehow take the mesh file from M3 and use that, I havent tried...

But IIRC, the terrain info (height map, terrain info, passability, etc, etc) is still buried in the mesh file (not as an image like the texture stacks). So, yes, like Gizmo said, you'd pretty much have to recreate it all. And even then you'd have a mediocre port. LIke others have said: It's still Myth 3 in the Myth 2 engine - a crappy story on a more toned-down engine.

If you were really feeling ambitious, here's something you could try: Basically a M3 mesh is just like a M2 mesh except with a few extra goodies added in (extra tags? models?). That's how Ballistic suggests you edit map actions with M3: do the map in Loathing and then drag it into Ballistic. Anyway, if you were somehow able to strip the extra crap away, the M3 map should be editable in Loathing with very little work (relatively speaking).

What I would like to see is some elements taken from M3 combined with the M2 engine, mixed with a little extra bits and have the real prequel to the Myth series. I mean, when it was all said and done with M3, I ended up not caring one whit for Connacht soon-to-be Balor. And don't get me started on Damas/Soulblighter. "My mother could beat you!" ... please :roll:

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 8:05 pm
by :) Da Cid (: McCl
See, I don't think I'm up to changing the storyline to the way I want it. What if everyone else hates it? It could be worse than M3. Deciding a whole chunk of Myth lore like that is a little difficult: I have a few doubts about how TFV will go, deciding so much of the Myth storyline.


Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:46 pm
by William Wallet
Killswitch wrote:And don't get me started on Damas/Soulblighter.
"My mother could beat you!"
BURRRN! Damas sure knows some good taunts eh.

"I have a few doubts about how TFV will go, deciding so much of the Myth storyline."

Well lets not open the barn door before we've bought a horse, maybe it'll work maybe it won't. Heh.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 4:29 am
by Lugas
I had a few ideas: Bahl'al finding the Dream of Unlife. A pre-TFL map about the Myrmidons becoming...Myrmidons but evil.

Also about a M3 Port and TFV: How TFV will go is purely a matter of opinion. You might not like it, but others might love it.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 7:28 pm
by :) Da Cid (: McCl
Lugas wrote:Bahl'al finding the Dream of Unlife.
We had that idea, but decided that Bahl'al versus a shitload of trow wouldn't really make for an interesting level.


Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 4:20 am
by William Wallet
:) Da Cid (: McCl wrote:
Lugas wrote:Bahl'al finding the Dream of Unlife.
We had that idea, but decided that Bahl'al versus a shitload of trow wouldn't really make for an interesting level.


I know that when we discussed it Cid, I said 'yeah, TROW!' but now that I think about it - they can't really go further than 'giant' depth which makes me think they probably wouldn't manage well at such depths.

I guess the only other existing unit you could have would be Skrael, and I'm not big on those.

Poser has a dolphin included, so if one would make a Bahl'al vs. Dolphins level, that would rock.

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 2:04 pm
by Pyro
Not that this is the best way to go with it, but what if... have The Watcher vs undead. Since he hasn't gotten to the Dream of Unlife just yet there could be undead around and have no bind to him. You could even have undead Trow. Undead Trow? you ask? Well imagine reanimated Trow remains... you would have a bunch of rocks in a rough form of a Trow with cracks and spaces throughout so you know some pieces didn't make it into the process. So that would require a new or modified collection. :)

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 3:39 pm
by Lugas
Or maybe Bahl'al VS Angry Ghosts of Trow/Magi he killed.
Another idea could be Mazzarin's Demise reversed. Player plays Bahl'al and kills Mazzarin. Or maybe player plays Balor destroying Muirthemne.