Reviews of Fan novel: A Shade of Gray
by A-Red
Overall I really enjoyed this novel. It pulled me into the Myth universe again which I've been out of for a while and made me want to play. It made me question motives of the "Light" and the "Dark" in an enjoyable way.
I felt the ending was a tad sudden. I actually thought I must have missed something and went back to make sure I didn't. I guess I was just looking for some hidden plot from the commander or Phelot.
If you enjoy reading and you enjoy Myth you should read A Shade of Gray.
If u luv a bargain and if u also luv such pleased coincident such the auspicious and glonous histry the myth 2 universal land of one guy cane imaginary it. I behave the speculate of2 goats tied 2 the stick next 2 a camper of unded solders gettin rteddy 2 figth the finale battel for good verses evile? Than this storey is 4 u. Firtsly I try 2 putted it the storey insid my pulgens folder burt than i knowed i maiden misteak so i try
it again this time i jutsly oppen file ok now i understan so u gotta do it 2 jut open it donet putted inside a pluggen folder. then click start an opened it 2 read it its a. if u like a well storey than u gonan liker. i got s many scarred from just a frist pages! beware the frigthen! i hopped u don went ur pands from 2 scarry! I HAS 2 tolde my self i gotta bravery all the thru it. OK,OK clam downer KIMBO be car-full an readed it against once more time try it with remember u gonna know it juST AN STOREY ALSO NOT A REAL ONE! SO than I can enjoyed it mostly as such the knolage it was an friction righting FAN NAVEL he dose made it. OK New Review for Fan : ###A Shade of Gray###, u gonana lover it 2 deah butt donet die of frigth 2 dead! K? good one I am gladly u done die from it plase.
I can sware 2 u thru my mathers gravel acrossed my heart an also spitted truth that i canned tell it 2 u=this one gotta be it a best myth fan rigther, I GOTA RATED it NOMBRE 9ND BEST OF ALL TIME MYTH STOREY!! that mean evry one storey myth every made anny time of all the earth and evan the univers/
Spectacular!! This story is what Myth III should have been. Awesomely inter-weaved with the known M:TFL & M:SB Campaign Histories and Lore, while expanding into the "unknowns" of the aftermath of the war and Soulblighters demise.
The story is written as alternating Journal entries from Oderic, (from the Shiver level), and Seven Star Wolf, it proceeds at a good pace while keeping you totally engrossed.
Very well written with excellent portrayls of personalites by the characters we all know and love.
*Monday September 14, Covenant,
The sky threatened us with its leaden grayness for an entire week, yet still the rain did not fall. The feeling of the coming storms was palpable for days.
A couple hundred thralls were waiting for us at a crossing on one of the Ire’s tributaries. The platoon’s three dwarves dealt with them almost on their own, largely thanks to a field of satchel charges that the thralls heedlessly crossed. A dwarf is every squadron’s greatest asset and most fearsome liability. Lone wolves, sadists, calculators of mayhem, every one of them I've met-- even Andvari, who was a mathematician of all things.
In platoons, the dwarves tend to pair up and ignore everyone else. Bromi and Bjarni are brothers, so it comes as little surprise that they fit the common mold. Telling hasn’t found his way into their good graces yet, and I can’t tell whether that’s by his own choice or not. In any case, most of the thralls went down in a show of flame and fury, and the footmen from Kearney’s squad finished the job.
The soldiers went to work cutting willows in the shallows to make a way for Phelot to cross. We assumed the fighting was over--it was so long since any of us last saw a wight that we didn’t think there were any left. The first one came up in the middle of one of the wood-cutting crews. Two men are dead, and several others were saved only by the healing magic of the elder Herons.
There were a few others, but we saw them in time and shot them down. The crossing was still putrid with decay, it’s waters numbing to the touch, when we finished the raft and got Phelot over the shallow crossing.
We’re in the ruins of Covenant, and it’s fortunate that there are a few roofs left in this city, because the rain is coming relentlessly, finally unleashed from the roiling sea of dark cloud that loomed over us all the way here. There isn’t much for us to do but wait it out.*
A Shade of Gray is a MUST_READ for all Myth lovers. :o)
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