Double attack?

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Double attack?

Post by £N »

Hey guys, I'm having some trouble getting this attack to work. Basically it's a ranged attack centered on a single target (think alric pop) that ideally will trigger a reflexive attack (think auto-heal). I've been trying different things but I can't seem to get this to work in fear. I figured I could script it as a last resort (geom test for proj, activates reflexive attack) but I'm not sure how to actually go about this (I've tenaciously clung to my n00b status when it comes to loathing). Any ideas?

Thanks for your help.
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Fury IX
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Post by Fury IX »

whats different between this and vampiric drain? I do not know the fear part either, havnt a clue, but scripting may not be too hard, but mb a little awkward.

So... again im not sure how easy this will be, it will have some strange snags in it somewhere im sure. im assuming this will only be used by one unit too. and it will have to be perfected, there are probably many ways to do this.

1) Throw drain projectile at enemy, that has 1 ammo charge

2) Geom test for that projectile

3) Trigger a Unit Cntrl from the geom that makes your unit use special ability "attack all enemy". Tricks unit into hitting himself

4) Reactivate geom after both proj have expired, and give ammo back so you can do it again after a certain amount of time.


proj 1 = drain (ammo =1 or mana =100)(no recovery time)
proj 2 = regen (large radius and reflexive)
so again, the script, 4 lines:

GEOM (test for proj1): exp. on successful exec , trigger time 0, object type (4 letter code of proj 1), entire map, act on success (CTRL)

CTRL (attack self): exp. on successful exec, trigger time 0, monster (to regen), attack all enemies, use special abillity, act on success (ACLI)

ACLI (wait to loop back): exp. on trigger, trigger time = ~5 maybe ( to use proj 1 again), actions to activate (CTRL2)

CTRL2 (give ammo back): exp. on successful exec, trigger time 0, monster (regener), set Ammunition to 1 (or mana 100), activates on success (GEOM)
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Post by lank »

i read your post last night, but didn't have any ideas then. maybe this will work... (i am making the assumption that your target may not be in the first line of battle or within direct line of sight, here, which is probably not unreasonable, and this setup has the drawback that even if the attack is supposed to only heal if it drains from the targeted enemy, it will heal anyway.)

you will need:

one initiator projectile (a) that promotes the instant it is made - this will be what the monster uses as its attack projectile
one lightning projectile (b) that (once you know it is working properly) you may make invisible
one negative damage or healing projectile (c) that will be set with inertia=0 and cannot be accelerated and chooses nearby target within a very small radius
one projectile group that (a) will promote into and that will contain (b) and (c).

in theory, (b) should still have the original target for the attack and as lightning arc over to damage it, and (possibly with a little tweaking) (c) should target the source of the attack and detonate on that unit, or may need to be made to fall at its feet and detonate there.
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Post by £N »

Fury IX wrote:3) Trigger a Unit Cntrl from the geom that makes your unit use special ability "attack all enemy". Tricks unit into hitting himself
The only thing that doesn't make sense to me is this. If the first attack is a special already, will this mean that it will be cast again on the source of the attack? How can I make loathing access an attack that is not one of the main attacks of a unit? Or is there something I am overlooking/not grasping here?
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Fury IX
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Post by Fury IX »

Since I dont know how to aim attacks after they promote (to center on target or be reflexive), and you cant use two attacks at the same time using T click, I figured the only way to do it would be to make 2 attacks.

The first attack is T click and centers on target and drains the life from enemy. You can only shoot one at a time, so it uses either 100% mana or 1 ammo. Once this ammo is gone, it should choose the next availible attack, which will be the second attack, which is scripted to be auto attack the owner, and then to give back ammo so you can use the first attack again. Its sort of like B&G reload
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