Map Actions & Collections

A forum for discussing map making ideas and problems for the Myth series.
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The Vile
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Map Actions & Collections

Post by The Vile »

People from ProjectMagma, I'm wanna learn some MYTH I and II mapmaking stuff, so I have two basic questions, and I'll thank a lot and give proper credit for anyone who gives me good productive answers:

1 - In both MYTH I and II the characters' sprites are packed as collections (files with .256 extension). They can be seen and their colors edited through Fear editor. Is there any way of extracting these sprites and/or edit them?

2 - I also need learning about map actions. Does you here in have a tutorial or something alike to learn every detail of map actions, since the basics to the advanced? If not, where can I learn it?

Okay, I'm going for now...
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Post by Deqlyn »

1. You need to use Amber if your using a MAC or Tahoe if your PC. Tahoe is very limited so it might be easier to use sheepshaver which allows you to use MAC applications on a PC. I actually dont know too much about collection editing but I am sure some others will help. Amber can be found on Tahoe is found on udogs under useful uploads.

2. Map Actions aka Scripting is a fairly easy process once you get it done. Check out Ares Tutuorial of scripting that can be found here... ... torial.pdf

A-Red also created an advanced scripting tutorial which is located on the forums like 3-4 pages back or so. But start with Ares its real good.

3. I am not from project Magma. Hope this helps.
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Post by vinylrake »

Also, you might want to check out the articles/tutorials & resource links at

If you are looking for specific info, just ask.

For scripting, Are's scripting tutorials are a good place to start, there are links to other scripting tutorials (including A'Red's) on the Myth II Mapmaking link on the previous link.

For unit collections, you might find reading a tutorial about how to CREATE a unit/collection helpful. (links on the first page linked above)
The Vile
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Location: Rio de Janeiro

Post by The Vile »

Lol, that's some great stuff in there! Thanks a lot guys for helping me on this! I'll start to learn it right now!
If ya wanna war, come into! I'll be waiting for you!
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Post by Deqlyn »

Best advice is I can give is get Hotline off udogs and find some mappers. I asked many a question to pyro and we was afk so i was forced to figure it out myself. I think that works great. But there are some things that are currently "near impossible" within the engine so its nice when you don't waste time ttrying to figure it out.
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Post by Sonixboom »

ya i have asked So many questions on that udogs holtline i crashed the server :)

Anyone interested in joining my clan drop me a line.
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