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Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 10:40 pm
by tb
yeah see thats my point. every update in the past 2-3 years has been like "OMFG GREAT MAPMAKER UPDATES" and is just a project in self-masturbation by the mapmaking community.

instead of putting the proper time into fixing GAMEPLAY they just add a bunch of bullshit mapmaker features that they want, and have actually fucked up gameplay more than they've fixed it. I'd much rather go back to 1.3 and ditch the "UBER LEET MAPMAKER ENHANCEMENTS" for real M2 gameplay.

Of course people at this forum would want more updates to enhance their UBER MAPS that like 20 people download...but 90% of the mwc population would disagree.

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 3:52 am
by ozone
you still crying tb?

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 4:48 am
by William Wallet
Guest wrote:yeah see thats my point. every update in the past 2-3 years has been like "OMFG GREAT MAPMAKER UPDATES" and is just a project in self-masturbation by the mapmaking community.

instead of putting the proper time into fixing GAMEPLAY they just add a bunch of bullshit mapmaker features that they want, and have actually fucked up gameplay more than they've fixed it. I'd much rather go back to 1.3 and ditch the "UBER LEET MAPMAKER ENHANCEMENTS" for real M2 gameplay.

Of course people at this forum would want more updates to enhance their UBER MAPS that like 20 people download...but 90% of the mwc population would disagree.
You wrote the book "Words of a Naive Simpleton", right?

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 2:56 pm
by Doobie
now now, play nice.

TB is entitled to his opinion, even if he is wrong.

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 3:35 pm
by Lugas
Doobie wrote:TB is entitled to his opinion, even if he is wrong.
Alright, but he shouldn't try to eliminate the whole point of Project Magma.

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 6:40 pm
by Doobie
making m2 patches is hardly the end all and be all of magma ;)

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 8:27 pm
by tb
ozone wrote:you still crying tb?

hardly...i simply stopped playing the game

but the thread asked "Should magma make more updates?" and that is my opinion. but i guess most of the people who would share my opinion got sick of dealing with the crap updates and stopped playing, so go ahead and do whatever you want

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 8:30 pm
by sam
u guys are fucking lame. tb is gay.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 12:42 am
by William Wallet
Doobie wrote:now now, play nice.

TB is entitled to his opinion, even if he is wrong.
I *was* playing nice Doobie.

Everything you guys put into mapmaking updates is allll optional. There's a button that reads TFL gameplay, and if you don't push that, everything stays the same. And for christsake, if someone doesn't like an update, they can just *not* install it.
If things are the way tb says they are, then there's obviously a secret society of people who hate anything from 1.4 onwards *so much* that they can just play over IP, right?

There's 'being entitled to an opinion' and then there's being just plain foolish. He *has* the option to play 1.3. Bitching about updates that pretty much everyone else likes is just pathetic, especially considering these updates only affect people who play plugins that UTILISE THEM.


Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 1:23 am
by kickenwing
I don't know if this would be possible, but maybe make a way that people in lobby can send pm's to people who are in a game that hasn't started yet? I don't know how many times I've wished I could pm the host and tell them to boot DA or Ara so I could get in.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 1:34 am
by Death's Avatar
Mb if you stopped flirting with Teenie all the damn time...

But really have got to think about what you are doing here. You don't like updates? Thats cool, stick to old versions then. You have to update because everyone else does? Cool, stop playing the game I guess. You post on forums about the game saying how much updates suck? quit the game but still post on the forums? GO OUTSIDE. Don't squirt your bitter misanthropy all over a forum about a game you no longer play!

Sleep time.


Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 2:25 am
by lank
as i remember, we tried fixing gameplay and making it better, but people seemed to argue that they wanted it like it used to be. *shrug*

at least a lot of oos and moonwalking bugs and things are gone. :)

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 4:23 am
by iron
The real problem here is that myth players will rarely agree about anything. For every person who bitches about gameplay changes there'll be another who'll feel that the changes didn't go far enough.

I find it illogical that many players would say they don't like the gameplay and preferred 1.3, yet instead of asking for an update with 1.3 gameplay they'd rather leave it at 1.5.1. Also when making both 1.5 and 1.5.1 we spoke to a lot of ppl about the perceived gameplay bugs (eg pathfinding) and demonstrated the identical behaviour in 1.3. Acheron could verify this if he were still around.

So ... 1.5.1 gameplay has bugs, and 1.3 had bugs. Neither were perfect, and perfection is impossible imho. Magma will continue to make updates to keep Myth working on new versions of Macosx and Windoze.

We may also introduce new mapmaking features, but these will all be things that are activated by mapmakers and do not affect gameplay in the least. Is this an exercise in self-indulgence? No, as new and innovative plugins have done a lot over Myth's history to keep the game alive and there's no reason why that shouldn't continue. There have always been a lot of mythers who rarely or never appear online and who's main diet is solo levels.

What's really important though is that gameplay itself should not be changed from here on in, as we said when 1.5.1 was finished. Hence any new updates will be optional, as 1.5.1 will continue to remain compatible.

Just a few thoughts to keep in mind when considering the subject of this poll.

Edited By iron on 1139131562

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 7:16 am
by William Wallet
"perfection is impossible"

On this one thing, I must disagree, Iron. Perfection is not an end result, but an ongoing process. Hence the idea of 'perfecting something'. That's what you guys do.

"We may also introduce new mapmaking features, but these will all be things that are activated by mapmakers and do not affect gameplay in the least."

This is what I didn't get in 'tb's' post. If this stuff is all optional and only activates in plugins that utilise it, how do people even know it's there without playing with it?
Bugfixes and extra mapmaking features... to me it sounds like a great deal but I suppose I'm insane!

Rock on Magma.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 10:22 am
by Sav
A few things I would like fixed (if they haven't been addressed yet) -

- F10 doesn't always put boxes around all the visible units, and units may lose the health box as the camera moves. Would be nice if F10 was a consistent toggle button, so that when "on" all visible units have health boxes.

- Would it be possible for the host to have some indication when someone attempted to join his full and/or closed game? I don't know how the host server works, but I'm assuming it tries to negotiate a connection initiated by a player, and if it can't the player times out. If it works something like this, then when the host has a failed connection it could generate a line in the chat box saying "player xyz attempted to join game" in some color other than red?

- I think I've still seen j-men turn before self-healing in 1.5.1. I suppose fixing this would mean a gameplay incompatibility, but I can dream.