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Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 7:49 am
by vinylrake
Baak wrote:A *really* simple version of this that I would like to see with team games would be something that you could toggle that would turn all units on the field to "enemy/friendly/ally/you" - even if it were some kind of extra mana bar above the mana bar in 4 colors or something - I dunno. Amazingly frustrating in big team games when either the colors are similar (this could go away with a floyn fix) or when units such as Myrks are involved. Would be nice to be able to turn them a color (like in Loathing): solid red=enemy; solid blue=friendly; solid yellow=ally; solid green=you.
How about a nice glow effect around units that you could turn off or on. Red for enemy (Everyone knows anything red is ALWAYS an enemy), green(or blue) for teammates, and possibly yellow for ally. I actually like the Red/Yellow/Green as the scheme maps similarly to the meaning of traffic lights (at least here in the US).

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:24 pm
by Khadrelt
As frustrating as similar color schemes or things can be, I'd still rather not lose the realistic look and feel...It'd just be weird with all those colors floating around, y'know?

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 3:00 pm
by Baak
Khadrelt wrote:As frustrating as similar color schemes or things can be, I'd still rather not lose the realistic look and feel...It'd just be weird with all those colors floating around, y'know?
What about this:

Toggle that puts red circle (like the yellow circle for moving units) under enemy units - perhaps semi-transparent. Blue for friendlies. That's it. Your guys don't have any and allies are friendlies so are blue. Simple.

This could let you know incoming enemies immediately (you'd see the red circles under their feet) and would let you know quickly if you were losing a battle and what section of a melee bunch to focus on - especially if it's a mix of Myrks, etc. It also wouldn't interfere with mana, health, selection boxes - and would be using something already in the game (the circle icon).

Dang I wish I had this now! ;)

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 5:03 pm
by Khadrelt
That would be useful, but it should definitely be an option, so you can turn it off if you don't like it. For me part of the fun is the whole mix of battle where it's hard to tell who's who.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:20 pm
by Baak
Khadrelt wrote:That would be useful, but it should definitely be an option, so you can turn it off if you don't like it. For me part of the fun is the whole mix of battle where it's hard to tell who's who.
Absolutely. :)

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:28 pm
by Archer
I think Myrks in big fights should occasionally randomly change teams.


Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:07 pm
by Frodo
What would be really cool is a way to view myth from the first person perspective. Once someone made the engine capable of switching camera angles, people who wanted to, could create maps that take advantage of it, or not.


Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:09 pm
by CurstAlchemist
Frodo wrote:What would be really cool is a way to view myth from the first person perspective. Once someone made the engine capable of switching camera angles, people who wanted to, could create maps that take advantage of it, or not.

Are you talking about making the game squad based? I can't think of anyway that you can play first person and still effectively control your units with the selection method of play.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:28 pm
by Frodo
I was thinking more of having a single unit, like an rpg.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 1:21 am
by iron
making the engine able to switch camera angles would be a trivial change. Introducing keystrokes so the user could switch to 1st person viewpoint ... a bit harder but not overly so.

As its Myth 2 we're talking about, there are some nasty problems that'd make it unworkable without major changes. First is the fact that all the sprites are rendered from a diagonally overhead angle & would look wrong if viewed from a horizontal perspective. The second (and worst) is that Myth has no horizon/skybox implemented, and it renders all mesh triangles in the field of view. Make it so that you can look to the horizon & you greatly increase the number of mesh triangles in view with a resultingly massive performance hit.

Its really the kind of thing that is more suitable to the Myth 3 engine - firstly as it uses models for everything so there's no problem with sprite angles, and secondly as I believe (I could well be wrong) that they've already done stuff to alleviate the performance issues.

All that aside though, once you're down to a single unit with a 1st person perspective, its no longer Myth. In fact it becomes like dozens of other games out there, either rpg or fps, except with a creaking old graphics engine driving it. I don't really see the point to be honest.

Btw the gameplay and networking parts of Myth are superb - I'd love to see them bolted onto a shiny new graphix engine.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 1:43 am
by carlinho
I concur with the above you said Iron, specially if you use HIGH camera ceilings when you press C to zoom in the horizon tends to look weird and all sort of glitches appear

now one thing that is depressing is when you see colour maps on high rendering antialiasing 3d video cards...
the resolution is horrible and although the units and models look amazing the colourmaps look terrible
even the elevations and terrain that looks good on software mode looks more sharp and nasty

I saw melekor was implementing with OAK a colourmap sharpness tool
maybe something could be done to improve graphics that way or sprites sizes without lagging the game performance

I see a better myth looking game more apalling to play specially nowadays where games look SO good...

anyways just a comment....

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 8:31 am
by vinylrake
carlinho wrote:I see a better myth looking game more apalling to play specially nowadays where games look SO good...

anyways just a comment....
Just to be clear, did you mean that you find a better myth looking game more 'appealing' or more 'apalling'?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:12 am
by Khadrelt
Frodo wrote:What would be really cool is a way to view myth from the first person perspective.
How about a 3rd person perspective? You could arrange your troops on the battlefield and then, in the thick of things if you wanted to, you could zoom in on any particular unit and take control of it Oni style!

Heck, while we're at it, let's combine the Myth and Oni engines and create a whole new game!

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 12:01 pm
by carlinho
hehehe forgive my poor english sometimes
I mean more beautiful looking is more interesting or fun to play of course
I guess it's appealing then :oops:

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 1:17 pm
by Archer
More thoughts:

Eliminate the distinction between a film and a saved game. Allow resumption of play at arbitrary points.

Make it possible to run films backwards.
