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Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 8:44 am
by ChrisP
Flip wrote:Thats the biggest difference between us and you. :) You release half-baked shit that doesn't work. We release "Release-Quality" things people enjoy. Thanks for clarifying that.
Don't make me cite the DSM handbook to outline the real biggest differences between you and us.

And sorry to burst your delusional bubble, but over the years Project Magma has given to the community nearly three dozen quality releases that very many people have enjoyed.

To date, 'Flying Flip Studios' has released a drawing of a pig, a Quicktime movie demonstrative of very bad taste in music, and a lot of self congratulations. Don't get me wrong though, I think everyone is hoping for better than that from you guys in the future.

By the way, someone pointed out your logo resembles a swastika. Shift two lines over slightly, and indeed, you have one exactly. Was this intentional, or just bad design?

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 9:45 pm
by Auslander
ChrisP wrote:By the way, someone pointed out your logo resembles a swastika. Shift two lines over slightly, and indeed, you have one exactly. Was this intentional, or just bad design?
Neither. Why couldnt you say that about anything? Shift this, move that. HEY! LOOK! I MADE A SWASTIKA! Hell, fold and bend enough you'd have a cross. Wanna make something of that too?

I normally dont post here but this was way left field.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 11:39 pm
by ChrisP
Auslander wrote:Neither. Why couldnt you say that about anything? Shift this, move that. HEY! LOOK! I MADE A SWASTIKA! Hell, fold and bend enough you'd have a cross. Wanna make something of that too?

I normally dont post here but this was way left field.

Actually, I'm pretty sure it was the later, and if you can't see the resemblance, you probably wouldn't make a very good designer either.

My comment wasn't entirely left field. For personal reasons, Blades takes great pleasure in trying to rip apart everything Magma does. On occasion I see fit to give him a double dose of his own medicine as it helps keep him in line. It's not wise to give a bullying personality too much free reign; they take passivity as encouragement to continue. But you really needn't let any of that concern you. Hell, it barely concerns me anymore.

Say, it's been years since I read it and I forget the author's name, but weren't the Nazis represented as pigs in that brilliant comic book, "Maus"? No, wait, my mistake, the Nazi's were cats. It was the Poles who were Nazi sympathizers that were the Pigs.

Edited By ChrisP on 1086669585

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 11:58 am
by Auslander
So your saying that by my being part of FlyingFlip I'm a tune to Nazi's? Even though my Grand Parents fled Germany in 1939? Wow now that is a family turn around. I would hope people would think before making light of things. Even in fun some things are best left by the way side.

Well to trudge down this road.. how am I a Nazi? I am a proud member of FlyingFlip. Does that mean I'm proud to be a Nazi? Does my being a first generation American mean something too? Or are we just jabbing using the all so funny terms like Nazi or baby rapist?

I know you may have directed a jab at Blades but you put it into the context of our whole group. Also, no, I don't agree with Blades being called a Nazi either. ::nor anyone for that matter::

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 12:26 pm
by mauglir
Some of the comments in this thread have gone entirely too far.

I was really hoping that Magma and Flying Flip were going to be able to maintain a certain level of professional courtesy, but this thread makes me think otherwise -- and BOTH sides are at fault.

Someone please tell me I'm not the only one who it sick to death of all this antagonistic rivalry bullshit.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 12:30 pm
by Flip
I'd not intended to post further here, but I will only to accept my part in being responsible for the direction of this thread. I don't intend to post here further. With any luck each side can just live and let live from here out.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 12:31 pm
by CIK
Auslander-> I'm sure you don't know the truth and maybe not some of the history of the last 12 months, heck the truth is so far buried in lies mb no one knows it. If I where you I'd mb check around a little and learn a few things.

I didn't read anyone calling FF a Nazi organization, ChrisP was just bring something to Blades' attention and give him a good jab back. Unless you don't read the public forums you can't say the Magma hasn't been jabbed a few times as of late by Blades & Clem.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 1:37 pm
by Auslander
Auslander = Alpha I had changed my name after playing Call of Duty for a while and seeing hundreds of Alpha's. Yeah CIK I do know whats happened and done my best to stay out of it. I enjoy what I do and the folks I hang with. As far as what Chris said maybe I did read more into it, but in my family it is a very serious issue.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 1:41 pm
by ChrisP
Auslander, weren't you the guy that started out talking about left field? Now, we can leave it at, that in reference to Blades's bragging about "quality" from Flying Flip, I commented that the logo was poorly designed because it looked like a swastika.

Or we can go down a different road and get all melodramatic and talk about how your grandparents fled Germany, and so on, but let's not, okay?

I'll leave it at I'm sorry I led you to believe I was actually accusing anyone of being a Nazi, and I wish you good luck at FF.

Edited By ChrisP on 1086720242

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 4:27 pm
by Auslander
Agreed. I was attempting to do the same above with "As far as what Chris said maybe I did read more into it, but in my family it is a very serious issue." I should have just said so.


Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 10:16 am
by Doobie
Ok, this whole swastika thing is just silly.

First of all, it's obvious there is a certain resemblance, don't try to demonize people for seeing that.

Secondly, who gives a fook, I mean, it isn't a swastika, even if it has a certain resemblance, it probably wasn't intended to look like one, and even if it was, the swastika predates nazi germany and has plenty of cool meanings. In fact, I think having it slightly resemble a swastika is a good move in a way since that design has withstood the passage of time, clearly it has some appealing characteristics.

In short, everyone stfu,