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Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 11:37 am
[color=DFC99B]Acheron wrote:
The thing magma is doing wrong is not using people like me and my order, NP, Cocks, etc for testing new builds.
Id say the thing YOURE doing wrong if you wanted yourself and your order to help with pre public beta testing is you cant post any details without calling someone / something GAY, NEWB, or just putting someone down, and your general demands to do this or do that, and your assumtions that becasue YOU demand something should be some way, thats the way it outta be.

Addmitadly you have found a couple issues, but the way in which you present those issues leaves MUCH to be desired.

Personally I dont give a chit what YOU think Acheron, because I usually dont get past the first sentance of your posts /demands /putdowns.

::Awaits the customery Acheron response of "f*ck you gay newbie, Ill beat you in any game of Myth at anytime, you dont know sh*t!" ::

Yep, Im a seven year old Myth newbie, who is happy /gay (I mean gay as in merry: full of light-heartedness and merriment, of course), to play Myth and make maps whenever time allows.

Oh, but thats right Ive never been in a game with or against the MIGHTY Acheron, so I am still just a nOOb which makes me gay(homosexual).

Whatever dOOd, my 10 year old Nephew has better posting /people skills /ettiquette than you could ever hope for I am begining to realize.

::Goes back to ignoring Acheron and his demanding put down /holier than thou posts::[/color]

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 11:48 am
by Acheron
Myrd wrote:Acheron, if you expect people to respect you and listen to what you have to say on these boards, I would suggest you stop your constant insults and swearing, and act in a civilized manner. Just because you find a bug doesn't give you the right to start insulting people on these boards - in fact such behaviour is probably detrimental to your cause of getting the bug fixed (the more childish you act, the less chances your arguments are taken seriously). So for your own good, you should try to act more civilized.

I dont care if people listen to me. I refuse to change my attitude, but you SHOULD listen to me for myths own good. When halo2 is out im gone. But for the future and the own good of myth it is a good idea to listen when i (or any other peole who know what they ar talking about) tell you about a bug. Project magma has done lotsa good stuff to make myth more like a modern game. But I disagree in anything changing gameplay and/or balance. Magma guys are good but they are not bungie. Some things you guys do is just dumb and not well thought out from the view of the GOOD gameplay.

It is very hard to make good and enjoying games.. it is not just to have a world and a very good engine to use. (see mumbo jumbo and myth3)

Ghost read over. Same goes for u n00b. Speak when spoken to. Im here to help

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 12:34 pm
by grim
ChrisP wrote:I think the best thing about 1.5 is how fetch have better range, dwarves throw faster and trow are easier to kill now. That and some of the other changes have really improved my playing skill.

This was a joke, right? :embarassed:

I haven't played with 1.5 properly yet since I've been visiting my parents and 1.5 made myth lag too much with win xp (which my dad has in his computer) for it to be properly playable.

Though I agree with Acheron on one thing, you shouldn't tweak the units since even minor changes have effect on the balance. The balance myth has is exactly what makes it so great and it doesn't need fixing or tweaking of any kind. Except for some bugs like the runbug was or the "magic lockball" bug which happens rarely but is still there. :lol:

You guys are doing a good job. The best enchantment these new patches did was that they made it possible to keep a lot of plugins active without insane lag, but you should leave the unit balance alone since it already is as close to perfect as it can be. :;):

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 5:25 pm
by iron
leaving unit balance alone is our intention, and ChrisP was joking ;) The ghol problem that Acheron has pointed out has been with us since 1.4, and will be fixed in the 2nd beta.

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 5:27 pm
by mauglir
Acheron makes some good points, but let's not go overboard on the criticism. Project Magma may have made a few unpopular decisions, but they've done far more good than harm to the Myth games. I don't really care for the comparison between them an Bungie, because Bungie is a professional game company, and Magma is a group of fans who volunteer their time to something they love.

I'm also very tired of listening to "Bungie are untouchable gods and all their stuff is golden" comments. I've been listening to that crap ever since people started making the third party maps in '97/'98. Face it, Bungie bundled a lot of shit in with their excellent games - the original verison of Death in the Dire Marsh is one prime example of a hack map that couldn't have gotten more than 15 seconds of testing time before it was released as part of an actual retail product. Bungie also introduced many after-the-fact gameplay changes of their own that weren't all popular. The people who were with Bungie during the Myth days were not gods, they were people just like many of the Magma members, except that the Bungie people were devoting their careers to the game, not doing it in their spare time.

That said, I agree with Acheron that you shouldn't fix something that isn't broken, but some of the gameplay "changes" in 1.4 and 1.5 were clearly attempts to fix bugs or irregularities in the original game that didn't quite work out they way Magma intended. Other changes were intensional deviations from the original game – some generally popular, others not, and I think Magma does a pretty good job of addressing the unpopular things.

Overall, Magma is doing an excellent job.

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 5:34 pm
by ChrisP
Yes grim, it was a joke. And no worries, M2 unit tweaks or balance changes are definetly NOT part of the agenda. Sometimes odd little things can change as a result of fixing a real bug (walk-bug was notorious for this) but if the programmers become aware of it, they do their best to reverse the damage.

As Iron said, even the ghol change that was there since 1.4 is being reversed. I was only teasing Acheron for being so upset about it in the 1.5 beta when it seems he hadn't even noticed it in 1.4.

Anyway, if Project Magma wants to make a change, they can do it as a map making feature that doesn't effect any existing maps.

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 5:53 pm
by Acheron
Wrong it was not the ghol bug whiich pissed me off. it was the: *Add-new-feature-modify-unites-attitude i went nuts on. And I said im my post that i WAS PLEASED with 1.5 a lot more happy then when 1.4 came. so dont make up crap

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 12:00 pm
by Corbeau
Is it me or did ach say he was leaving once halo2 showed up?

Three cheers for Bungie anyone?:D

Incidentally I can't report any bugs of my own because I have failed to find any. Things seem to be looking up a bit for myth with 1.5, thanks magma!

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 12:23 pm
by Graydon
Shout out to Achreron: The whole talk about modified 'unites' (they were called units last time I checked...mb the 1.5 String List changed?) was started when you reported a ghol bug of the unit melee fighting while loaded with puss...correct? and then someone said that they thought you could DOUBLE CLICK TO MELEE while loaded with ammo. Not DOUBLE CLICK TO PUSS with ammo. I think the idea of being ABLE to melee while loaded is a cool idea....but yes, if you are loaded and single click/ctrl click that should be the default. As far as I can see Ach is the n00b here...he cant bloody well read. Unless I'm mistaken he mis-understood someones post big time. And btw Ach...I assume you're a big rank h00r? seems only those types of players are the ones to speak their minds in the manner you do :( Oh more DO NOT tell GHOST, who IS one of the gods of 3rd party script, to speak when spoken to. Magma provides these forums for your use and pleasure...if you abuse that privilege and call people down here your privilege WILL be taken away. Dont push it.

P.S. If you choose to call me a noob that is fine, I am.....and have you ever considdered that some people in the world ARE homosexual...and might take your comments as extremely insulting and vulgar? Think about your actions man...they have a bigger effect in the greater scheme of things.....we dont revolve around your little secluded world.

Edited By Graydon on 1082049899

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 12:26 pm
Is it me or did ach say he was leaving once halo2 showed up?

Three cheers for Bungie anyone?
Hip Hip HOORAY !! Hip Hip HOORAY !! Hip Hip HOORAY !!
Incidentally I can't report any bugs of my own because I have failed to find any. Things seem to be looking up a bit for myth with 1.5, thanks magma!
AWESOME !! :o)

Ive seen a few irregularities, but nothing detrimental, and I have full confidence that every effort is being made to fix every possible issue to the majorities satisfaction.

Iron is his own worst critic and he puts everything into getting things 'just right' :oD

edit* added the 'n' to things, as I havent a clue what a thigs is. :oO[/color]

Edited By GHOST® on 1082055070

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 12:34 pm
by Graydon
Oh more thing Ach....if you're such a god at myth...and play reg maps sooooo well....I challenge you to beat The Fallen's Vengeance levels one and two in the demo that is soon to be released, on legendary difficulty, by yourself, first try. I bet you a billion dollars you cant. I assume when you die a horrible death and get 'butt raped' it will be because my script 'sucks nutts' just like pete right? Your big long post I totally skipped cause I was dying to reply to your outrageous comments prior to...I just went back and read it dont deserve rights to be here....heck you dont deserve to play myth. It's self centered idiots like you that ruin the fun in a game like this. Sorry to be the one to break the news to you but I suggest that if you dont like a little bug and it doesnt get fixed to your f00k off mb. If people are going to quit that dont like the new alterations that this fantastic group of guys is doing....let them. They wont be missed.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 12:34 pm
GHOST, who IS one of the gods of 3rd party script
:oO OMG!! How many times do I have to say this, I am nothing but a hack, a very persistant hack, but just a hack none-the less. :o)
Think about your actions man...they have a bigger effect in the greater scheme of things.....we dont revolve around your little secluded world.
C`mon Gray, eveyone knows by now Acheron cares about nothing and no one but Acheron. If is suited Acheron and his sense of what is 'right' and 'wrong', he would insist the world was still flat despite ALL the evidence to the contrary.[/color]

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 2:42 pm
by Loial
I totally agree acheron can be rude sometimes.

But Acheron knew what the gholbug was all about. And that double clicking make it slap with it's dirty sword. This is not a good feature because, as acheron tried to explain in his very own way, it makes the ghol too powerfull. But I wouldn't really expect you to understand this since you think a coop map proves how good of a player you are. Even i could script a map and make a player lose.

I have no doubt this ghol feature would be cool in single player, as would dwarfs stabbing and berserks shooting lighting from their eyes. But mb you should comment on acherons rudeness next and leave the skill and bugs part of it out?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 3:25 pm
I totally agree acheron can be rude sometimes.

But Acheron knew what the gholbug was all about. And that double clicking make it slap with it's dirty sword. This is not a good feature because, as acheron tried to explain in his very own way, it makes the ghol too powerfull. But I wouldn't really expect you to understand this since you think a coop map proves how good of a player you are. Even i could script a map and make a player lose.

I have no doubt this ghol feature would be cool in single player, as would dwarfs stabbing and berserks shooting lighting from their eyes. But mb you should comment on acherons rudeness next and leave the skill and bugs part of it out?
Rude ? Acheron is 7 levels beyond rude in my book. As for him "knowing what the gholbug is all about" he should also know its been present since 1.4. :oO

Acheron dont 'try to explain' nothing. He makes demands and calls people names and acts like the little kid in the grocery store throwing a hissy fit because mommy wont give in and by him candy.

Dont try to pigeon-hole us eh. ;o/
Personally I dont think beating a coop makes you a good player, I think beating a coop is fun !!

The object isnt to create a map people cant beat as you suggest, the object is to create challenging, entertaining, replayable maps for others to enjoy as well as ourselves

What I call a good player is not what you call a good player. A good player in my book is someone who is fun to play against or with, who is a good loser /winner, who doesnt hold themselves above everyone else proclaiming how enlightened they are while everyone else is an ignorant nOOb.

As for leaving the skills and bugs part out of it, its Acheron who continually proclaims himself #1 supreme player of Myth who knows exactly how every nuance of Myth should be and he loudly makes this known along with his demands and rude comments to anyone who disagrees with his point of view.

If he could be civil about it, lose the demanding tone of his posts, keep the personal remarks out of it, and put his ego aside long enough to not proclaim how great a player he is and how sOOk everyone else is, then I wouldnt have an issue with him.

But this will never happen, so he and I will forever remain on opposite sides of the fence.[/color]

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 5:13 pm
by Graydon
Well said Ghost. I think that feeling goes for all of us :)

and btw...I DID say leg ;) It's a balanced map like they should be...walk in the park on timid mb mb. It WILL rape the 'best' player out there though....if they're alone at least. Some good team work should help stomp those filthy berzerks though mb :D

Edited By Graydon on 1082067520