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Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 9:56 pm
by ChrisP
Blades, if my reading comprehension was as dismal as yours, I'd just give up on the English language and start over in Chinese or something. I'd explain what I mean with shorter sentances, but you still couldn't get it.

Spond, I'm afraid I don't see the logic. The connection you're missing is that there is no customer/business relationship between Magma and the community. As a Myth "consumer" myself, I don't recall anyone from PlayMyth ever asking me to decide how to run their banning policies. I don't remember Clem ever asking me to dictate what colors I thought he should use in his maps. Now don't get me wrong, we want the community to like what we do, but the way you, Clem, Blades and Acheron think you guys can walk all over people like you paid them is extremely self-centered and selfish. You're right, most of us have to occasionally deal with total jerks in order to collect our paychecks, but there's no need for that here.

So after you go deal with all those asshole customers of yours strictly in your free time, come back here and try to explain how your context example again.

And what really gets me is that you know better, Spond. I've seen you on the receiving end more than once when you were trying to do good for the community. Hell, I even defended you and PlayMyth's policies once. Remember, the flag incident after the shuttle crash? You said you were going to save my post, frame it even. If you still have it, read it now and maybe you'll see a different context.

I know you know better, and I know you know why Blades and Clem are doing this and how it has NOTHING to do with the quality of Myth 1.5.

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 10:58 pm
by Chaz
Acheron wrote:No wonder myth2 sucks as you use all ur time for such thing as locking my name to complete n00b.

Way to go champs- Thanks for proving my points. I am being critical and get my name changed to complete noob. very cool I must say.

Bugma sucks at making code no doubt so when I point this out, they know im right and have to "take me." Of course the only way they wanna do it is in a way which make it impossible for me to defend myself. Typical magma. got no balls at all.

They manage to patch myth and make a lot more bugs then the original game..then when somebody raise their voice they decide to play a fun joke with him. Haha god damn idiots.

What is the next "feature" form magma building stuff into the game which makes them able to cheat when playing? wouldnt suprise me at all. They prove to be non serious and they will fuck up myth2. belive my word

fuck u

LOL, wow, thats funny :lol:

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 11:00 pm
by Krusader
Blades why do you come in as BladesP9, not PMABlades? (not intented as flame bait.) I am just wondering. Also on why do you post as blades and PMAblades. PMA Blades is nicer in posts. ;)


Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 12:03 am
by BladesP9
because I can't remember my account password, the web site won't email it to me... and the site won't let me post as a guest with the name Blades. Good enough?

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 12:45 am
by Cu
The playmyth version of this thread is even more hilarious. Especially Blades' posts. You can almost picture his hands shaking in delight like a kid opening up christmas presents. I'm sure take two/Contraband will be outraged by this horrendous act against all that is good.

"Well if this is true, I think it takes player abuse to a whole new level. I wonder if Contraband knows that they're now putting stuff in the Myth code to get even with their detractors.

See what speaking out does?"

PS: hows the myth source code and mythdev going blades?

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 1:01 am
by Nitro
well i for one can see the humour behind this.

Cu do u remember the way you stole achs pw in tfc2? :O I thought that was funny too.

Mb its just me.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 1:03 am
by Cu
He gave it to me I didnt steal anything.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 2:24 am
by chohan
BME wannabes might support Magma's immaturity. (see Nitro) It just makes you all look very unprofessional, even more now after beta #1 release. Take advice from Archer in his topic, I think he has a good point there.

Keep your guys in check, whoever is Magma's head in charge.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 3:32 am
by grim
I read the title of the topic:"Magne is power abusing.." and I was like "When did they make Magne and admin?" :0

Anyway, it's no so bad Ach. Spond once switched my account to an order called "butt fuckers" after they unlocked my account. Which was nice.

Though I think changing his name permanately is not funny, if it would have lasted for a day or so then the joke woulda been good. But if it's for good then it's not :(

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 3:45 am
by lank
grim, as people have said, it was only for beta 2, however long that lasted.

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>edited to add:</span>

however; if we were to stay in beta 2 forever (which we won't!) acheron's name change would be forever, at least until he gets a new account (which won't be necessary). :)

Edited By lank on 1083833254

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 3:46 am
by Nitro
i thought i was an oa wannabe? oh wait i was a cock wannabe. Nope, shit i guess am a bme wannabe after all. Damn.

Grim they did it only till final release which as they estimate will be in 2 weeks i think.

So yes, it is funny.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 4:20 am
by chohan
only a bme wannabe. No you can't join our private forums Nitro :laugh:

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 4:31 am
by Nitro
damn, now i cant watch grown up adults like you and 70% of bme talk like 12yr olds.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 9:24 am
by Spond!Max
yeah but Grim ... you actually like heiny, right? Besides, I think you knew it wasn't going to stay that way, and it didn't. Other than that giant phallus incident, we've had no bad truck with one another.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 9:28 am
by Spond!Max
Now for ChrisP ... I just don't understand anything you say. Are you from Wisconsin or Minnesota or something? Never could quite grasp the way those round headed folks up there thought.

Iron, I see your point. What's this crap written in anyway? Maybe I can help with the tools I have.