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Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:39 pm
by Khadrelt
In Marathon, the Simulacrums (or Assimilated B.o.B.s) would run around shouting strange phrases like 'Kill me!' or 'I'm out of ammo!' The most popular and strangest of these phrases was 'Frog blast the vent core!' What the Comguy says in Oni is in reference to this.

Another interesting bit is that in the original Marathon the B.o.B.s were fond of shouting 'They're everywhere!' In Myth II, this phrase is shouted by the Poachers of the secret level 'A Long Awaited Drinking Party.' In Oni, there is a sound file in which the comguy shoutes 'She's everywhere!' (though I've never heard it in the actual game, have you?) And in Halo, the Grunts will often cry, 'He's everywhere!' Kind of a reoccurring theme in Bungie games.

And yeah—Balor does show up in Oni. I laughed pretty hard the first time I saw that plastered across that crane.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:41 pm
by Myrd
It's one of the random phrases said by Simulacrums (cloned humans) in Marathon. From Wikipedia:

Simulacrum: Some humans (normal and vacuum-enabled) are actually living bombs created by the Pfhor and assimilated into the human army to create confusion and havoc. They are almost indistinguishable from the genuine humans, except that in the game they will always be wearing a green outfit, do not actually attack with weapons, have yellow blood (this can be revealed upon shooting one with an assault rifle bullet, which is not strong enough to kill), will shout ridiculous phrases that a normal person would not (in Marathon, they only said "Thank God it's you!" but in later games, phrases such as "Kill me," "I'm out of ammo," or, perhaps most infamously, "Frog blast the vent core!" became commonplace). Certain levels task the player to destroy all the simulacrums without harming the identical normal humans, with the majority of the real officers wearing green.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:50 pm
by geyser
Thank you. The origin of "frog blast the vent core" is well known and documented indeed.
My question was about the sentence "Okay, Okay, DON'T Frogblast the ventcore." in Cobalt's sig.
Did that sentence appear in any famous context to which Oni's Easter egg would be a reference?
Or would Cobalt's sig be a reference to Oni's Comguys? A coincidence is unlikely, so which one was 1st?
Sorry if I'm tedious :)

P.S. "She's everywhere!" can't be heard in the original Oni, just as "Radio Saber!" and a few other voiceovers.
We'll be working on bringing them back though. Watch out for DemOni (on the other thread)...

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:59 pm
by Khadrelt
I think the 'don't frog blast the vent core' was purely an Oni reference to the Marathon saying. I've never heard it anywhere else, anyway.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 10:04 pm
by geyser
I think the 'don't frog blast the vent core' was purely an Oni reference to the Marathon saying. I've never heard it anywhere else, anyway.
Maybe, but I still want to hear Cobalt say that about his signature. Maybe he knows better :)

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:28 am
by Cobalt 7
Tell the truth, I actually was browsing around hl.udogs (I think) and found the sound file. It made me laugh. I don't think I've ever heard it used anywhere else, sorry.

Mostly my thought process was a progression starting a few years ago with Halo's "Wildcat destabilization, blast the ventcore, he's everywhere etc.

From there I started playing Marathon, with "AHHHHHH", and "where're everywhere, Thank god it's you. FROG BLAST THE VENT CORE", etc.

Then I started playing Myth, and fell in love with "Let's move, they're right behind us, Casualty, The Dwarves vocals/ personality, much of the speech work, etc. Not quite as many good quotable lines, but a couple. "Riight. Lets move."

Then I started up with Oni, and laughed very hard when I discovered the gag vocals in the Credits. "Whoops, Sorry Konoko." (Seriously, someone needs to make a SB vs Konoko voice track.)

Sorry to disappoint (I guess). I just thought it would be a nice homage to BoB's by giving them something smarmy to say. I didn't even know that line was from a Com Guy when I first heard it. But even now I do think it's fitting. After all, The number one rule of all Vidmaster's, is Never leave a single BoB alive.

p.s. I'm pretty active with the Oldskool fans on, but I use a different name there.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 3:55 pm
by geyser
"Whoops! Sorry about that, Konoko..." is indeed meant as a reference to Myth's "Dorfs". It can be found in Oni's resources along with "She's everywhere!"
Unlike the Comguy taunt and Balor, those 2 don't appear ingame: they can only be heard on the bonus track of the promotional CD.
I thought about making a music video for that bonus track, assembled from original and scripted cutscenes. It would be great to have an actual Dorf there :)

I've never bothered looking at forums. I'm on and a little bit on and that's it.

About this Dorf reference: does it refer to a specific voiceover from Myth?

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 4:07 pm
by Khadrelt
When Dwarves injure or kill a friendly unit, they'll say one of several things: "Whoops," "Sorry about that," or "My fault."

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 6:52 pm
by Cobalt 7
But what makes those little pyromaniacs so memorable is their...enthusiasm. For Bombs.

At several points in a few Myth 2 levels, certain sound bytes arre triggered... these included...

1) a fit of Cackling laughter.
2) Oh BOY are they gonna get...Oh Boy are they gonna get it.

and in instances when Friendly Fire occures...

1) Whoops...
2) Hey, sorry about that.
3) Uh oh...

Which, when said by 3-4 foot tall manic demolitionists... it's priceless.

Then there are true classics...

Hey Hey, we did it. Dari owes me twenty Big ones.

They really go a long way to add some subtle humor to the Myth universe.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:31 pm
by geyser
Wow. I'd be glad to hear some sound samples, but your descriptions already made my day (erm, my night, to be precise).
So the Dorfs would be the comic relief in Myth... That's good to know. Another things that's good to know: they say "Blam"?!
That would mean that the infamous "Damn! Blam, Oni crashed" is also, possibly, a reference to Myth? Hehe. Hehe indeed.

We already got around to making the Blam slightly more verbose, now we only have to add the "Whoops!" sound to it :)
(originally the sound appears only in the Science Prison level: maybe meant to be said by the guy who kills Kerr?)

Enthusiasm and subtle humor... heh, that's reminiscent of Starcraft:
"Need something destroyed? I'm eager to help."
"Is something burning? Aha, that's what I thought."
"Got any questions about propane? or... propane accessories?"
etc... I haven't played the game, but I know the quotes by heart :)

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 12:27 pm
by Myrd
Instead of asking all these questions, you should grab a copy of Myth II and check it out for yourself...

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 5:57 pm
by Archer
"So, they've finally toppled the mad, deadly, worldwide, gangster, Communist, Frankenstein computer god."


Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 5:31 am
by geyser
Myrd wrote:Instead of asking all these questions, you should grab a copy of Myth II and check it out for yourself...
Maybe, maybe not... Maybe this summer, maybe in my next life :)
If Myth is at all addictive, it's a risk I can't afford to take. And as it goes, I took a "vow of chastity" with respect to RTS some 10 years ago ;)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 9:08 am
by Lugas
I think anyone who likes any of Bungie's games (with the possible exception of some Halo noobs) will like Myth. But Myth is addictive, and so is Marathon and Oni, so if you're right about that risk, don't get it.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 3:48 pm
by AblitERateOR
geyser wrote:And as it goes, I took a "vow of chastity" with respect to RTS some 10 years ago ;)
ah but technically myth is not an rts game, its a real time tactical :D