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Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:07 pm
by vinylrake
Renwood wrote:They have keyboard and mouse combos for x box and 360.
only way to play myth is with keyboard/mouse.

But your thinking is trapped in the box of the current versions of Myth, think beyond what is already here, think BIG! I am sure by the time an imaginiary Myth X arrived, there will have been all kinds of advances in user interface and actions and artificial intelligence that might eliminate the need for much of the keyboard interfacing we have to do today.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:59 am
by rifthead
I for one cannot see how Myth X could use any other control system than cerebellum integrated brain implants.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:13 pm
by Khadrelt
I'm just waiting for touch-screen Myth. Maybe an iPhone version? :lol:

Re: well

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:46 am
by oogaBooga
Frumius wrote:
Bladetooth wrote:Are you telling me that you wouldn’t get a console to play a new version of Myth? Not that Halo Wars is necessarily anything like that...
I'll tell you that right here: I would not get a console to play any form of Myth.
Frum - i have one simple answer for you.

Xbox 360 keyboard/mouse attachment.

It OWNS FOR CALL OF DUTY OH MY GOD nobody can touch me with the sniper jesus its unfair


Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:48 am
by oogaBooga
vinylrake wrote:
Renwood wrote:They have keyboard and mouse combos for x box and 360.
only way to play myth is with keyboard/mouse.

But your thinking is trapped in the box of the current versions of Myth, think beyond what is already here, think BIG! I am sure by the time an imaginiary Myth X arrived, there will have been all kinds of advances in user interface and actions and artificial intelligence that might eliminate the need for much of the keyboard interfacing we have to do today.
Vinyl youre not too far from the truth - i saw a cool documentary on a game designed (kind of a toy at the moment , not much game) using a VERY complex camera hand detection thing. I believe you wear special gloves similar to the ones motion capture people use, except with colors instead of big white balls pasted all over a jumpsuit:)

It makes me salivate if it actually becomes a good method of control - it could be the future. Little camera, special gloves. Bingo.


Re: well

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 12:28 pm
by Khadrelt
oogaBooga wrote:Xbox 360 keyboard/mouse attachment.
Does that attachment actually let you assign more controls? I was under the impression that even though you can use a keyboard and mouse with it, you could still only assign the controls that are available with the normal pads.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 7:18 am
by :) Da Cid (: McCl
I'm sure for an RTS being made for the 360, they'll make it so you can assign a keyboard and mouse. Otherwise, they fail.

I like the overall concept of Halo Wars, and some of the ideas, but the only video I've seen of it just doesn't feel... very Halo-ey. One of the main problems I see with Marathon and Halo tagsets for Myth is that there's a lot of running and gunning, and that can't happen in Myth (yet?). I expected to be able to have units run and shoot in Halo Wars, but it just looks like a Warcraft/Starcraft-esque cluster-fuck around every corner. Everyone stands in a big line and shoots at another big line.

That's not how I play Halo. That's not how Halo Wars should play either. The warthogs turn very tight and move very quick, all the physics are artificial, it just looks crap. Apparently it got delayed a few weeks ago, and I didn't hear a peep on the forums.

Shows how little people care about this. I see a major flop, but I'll probably give it a go.


and that fucking voice acting, oh my god.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:35 am
by William Wallet
I can't make any final decision until I play it,
but if it's anything like the trailer....

"If they want war, we'll give 'em a war"

Then I promise to blowtorch any copy of the game that comes within a metre of me. It's almost as insulting as that Heroes of the Pacific game that had a lengthy Ben Affleck-esque cockstroking session talking about his life growing up on the farm and the 'Japs' at Pearl Harbour.
I quote the game directly : "No one sucker punches the United States and gets away with it".

To see that kind of Michael Bay turd smeared on something as potentially fun as Halo, would just be tragic. I think.
Which is why I'm scared of them ever making a movie out of it. Gotta be done just right, otherwise you end up with Alien vs. Predator.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:02 pm
by Khadrelt
William Wallet wrote:Which is why I'm scared of them ever making a movie out of it. Gotta be done just right, otherwise you end up with Alien vs. Predator.
Peter Jackson does good stuff, though. If he puts as much care into it as he did "The Lord of the Rings," it'll be good.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:56 am
by William Wallet
Khadrelt wrote:
William Wallet wrote:Which is why I'm scared of them ever making a movie out of it. Gotta be done just right, otherwise you end up with Alien vs. Predator.
Peter Jackson does good stuff, though. If he puts as much care into it as he did "The Lord of the Rings," it'll be good.
I loved seeing those movies in the cinema. Bits of Lord of the Rings were awesome.
Unfortunately, other bits were contrived nonsense... I'm not saying this for bashing's sake, there are bits of the movie I have in mind when saying this... but I won't get into that unless asked.

If the ratio of Awesome : Contrived Nonsense is the same in this Halo movie, then it will still be worth watching. But one wants the movie to turn out as good as is humanly possible.... without unnecessary use of slow-motion (Lord of the Rings) or questionable disregard for the source material in some crucial areas (Lord of the Rings) or use of dialogue from The Phantom Menace and Return of the Jedi (Lord of the Rings, the 3rd film...)

I'm just being a dink.. I have faith that the Halo movie will be worth seeing. Anything more than that will be a pleasant surprise.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 7:19 am
by vinylrake
Khadrelt wrote:
William Wallet wrote:Which is why I'm scared of them ever making a movie out of it. Gotta be done just right, otherwise you end up with Alien vs. Predator.
Peter Jackson does good stuff, though. If he puts as much care into it as he did "The Lord of the Rings," it'll be good.
disclaimer: I have only played Halo I so my comments may be less relevant if Halo2 or 3 address any of the issues I have.

The difference between making LoTR and a Halo movie is that while in LoTR Jackson had not only environment and action but many richly textured characters and plot that depended on character motivations and interactions, but in Halo, all there is Action and Plot. From past videogame-to-movie conversions I think it's pretty obvious that without good characters and interactions/motivations all you get is action-eye-candy.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 2:11 pm
by William Wallet
Whenever anything gets translated into a movie, you invariably lose something. I can't tell you the amount of times I had to stifle a groan or a sigh while watching the 3rd Lord of the Rings film.... this was a movie I knew was going to take out every Oscar it was nominated for, and at the very least I would've liked it to have been a movie that deserved a clean sweep like that.

The Faramir/Denethor thing was just.... a MUDDLE, and since I only ever read The Hobbit and Fellowship, I don't know if Peter Jackson or Tolkien is to blame.
The ghost army saving the day was the mother of all cop-outs... the only thing that would've disappointed me more would've been Aragorn charging in with the Ewoks.
The sixteen different endings... gosh.

There were so many perfect scenes in those movies. That bit with Pippin doing his little song for Denethor, now that was Oscar-worthy.

Where was I going with this.... crap.....
Yeah- things get lost in the game/book/tv show >>> movie conversion. One can be forgiven for looking at the Halo movie and being worried that it'll just be another Pearl Harbour or Starship Troopers.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 7:44 pm
by :) Da Cid (: McCl
William Wallet wrote:There were so many perfect scenes in those movies. That bit with Pippin doing his little song for Denethor, now that was Oscar-worthy.
Only because of that one shot where the cherry tomato squirts all over the place.

I have maybe three reservations about the Halo film:

Grunts. I, apparently unlike 90% of the Halo community, don't really like the Grunts or the humour that comes with them. One of the worst things I can see happening in the Halo film is that they take that and turn it into a Jar-Jar-esque comedy gag, with that annoying "bum bom bum bum!" wacky comedy music that you hear every five seconds in Phantom Menace.

Gamer culture. I will cry if someone, ESPECIALLY the Master Chief says "Boom, headshot!" somewhere in the movie. Then again, I could use the gamer culture thing as an excuse not to see the film at all, because at least one person in the cinema would do that.

Contrived scenes. I can safely say there were a few of them in Halo 3, but quite a bit of Halo 3 was also very nice (namely, 'Were it so easy' and the whole Luck thing with Cortana and the Chief). But the bits like Miranda saying "To war" just made me wince. I can see that shit (just like the Halo Wars trailer "If they want a war, we'll give 'em a war!") dominating the film. Hopefully they focus on the character interactions moreso than the feeling that it needs to be an EPIC SHOOTER ACTION FILM FOR GAMERS.

I think that translating the book into the film would be a much safer bet than the game into the film. Fall of Reach was a well-written book, with enough character interactions and meaningful scenes to help balance out the bullshit.

Except all the gamer kids would go nuts for the scene where Halsey is naked after being in cryo.