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Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:08 pm
by Lord Raven
What is this Avon's Grove film people refer to?

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:41 am
by Oroboros
Lord Raven wrote:What is this Avon's Grove film people refer to?
"I have yet to mention our jailor. It is the devil Phelot, the shade who decimated Avon's Grove during the Great War. It is a wonder he has not yet sought vengeance upon us, as he was sorely injured by The Deceiver upon our arrival." Flavor Text, Myth II, "Murder of Crows"

Often mis-named, the fan film "Avon's Hope" was created by a couple of Myth fans who scripted, directed and shot a handicam movie set on the times and places mentioned above.

The film ran for about 20 minutes, featured a few stuntmen as thrall, two lead actors playing a warrior and dwarf, limited pyrotechnics and, the holy grail of geek fan films, a young woman who DIDN'T have the sex appeal of a Deep Sea Angler.

Basically, the plot revolves around a clinically depressed Warrior and a Dwarf who could have used a little Ritalin as they journey through woodland to Avon's Grove. They've heard tales of villages turning into Thrall Bootcamps over night. No prizes for guessing who's doing the en-thralling... Rhymes with 'zealot'.

Our good guys encounter some thrall, the lead lady (who's main purpose is to deliver the backstory and provide our Heroes with some protective jeopardy AND eye-candy), and get mugged in the village. I'd love to tell you how it ended but, like all great movies, fooked if I can remember it.

The most notable features of the movie was that it was made at all... And the flashpot pyros, and the woman.


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:58 am
by Lord Raven

Yeah, I tracked it down and saw it last night. Was surprised by it, actually. The acting was, largely, terrible - but the rest of it was well done considering it was probably done on a limited budget. Pyros were a nice touch, and the settings (bar the distant lights during a night scene) were well chosen.

The storyline was implausible and the acting was ordinary, but it wasn't near as bad as I'd have assumed reading about it. Something I'd have made in my theatre days, haha