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Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:22 pm
by Tireces
HEhe yea, I thought exactly the same thing :D

Btw Mr. IRON we neeeeed you :D ... 6#Post6426

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:13 pm
by vinylrake
iron wrote:Now imagine Myth 2's village-idiot peasants in their place. Right.
You know, I hadn't really thought about this but you are right. It wasn't until Myth 2 that I started wanting to kill the peasants.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 11:09 pm
by William Wallet
Eddaweaver wrote:

Bre'Unor aren't so bad in their context.
You mean in the context of a shitty level?


Just yanking your chain... maybe I'm irrational but I could never stand either that level, or The Ibis Crown. They felt like boring filler to me and I still don't know why, when taking into account I didn't have any problem playing the rest of the M2 campaign.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 11:57 am
by A-Red
Through the Ermine has no substance. You fight six or seven identical groups of enemies and then call it a day. The only "point" to the level is the new enemies, and I didn't like them enough for it to be worthwhile. Something more interesting could have been done with that slot in the campaign.

Coming of the Dark used the Bre'Unor pretty well though, i think.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 2:36 pm
by gugusm
Well, I have to say that my new plug (which will be released veeery soon by the way :wink: ) uses almost all of M2 units, so Unors are among them. But... in my plug they're cool :P

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:50 am
by Lord Raven
I went with Ghasts. While Mauls and Mykridian Giants had a little bit of a 'tacked on' feel about them - they at least brought something to the game, even if it was only minor.

Ghasts, though, were just shite. They featured in how many solo levels? (I want to say one, but maybe 2-3 is closer, it's been a few years) They were weak, had a paralyzing attack that wasn't particularly devestating, and just looked lame.

I'd have enjoyed the first level more if it had been Thrall menacing the populace. I don't see why they had to be lame adolescent wights.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 5:31 pm
by Arthim
I voted for mykridian giants. I think ghasts and mauls had their flaws, but myrkridian giants seem to me like a perfect storm of lazyness and the need for a new giant unit.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:38 pm
by carlinho
I think the same, they look like dorks

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:58 pm
by Myrd
I'd say bre'unor. They're thrown in "just cause" - they don't fit into any grand story - except "oooh we're camped and there's weird monsters around".

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:00 pm
by Arthim
bre unor are tacked on, true, but they have the merit of being tacticaly interesting. they were used in a boring filler level, but the units themselves have the potential to be cool. they just need to be well used


Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:30 am
by Point
iron wrote:I would have voted for the Peasant. ...

...Now imagine Myth 2's village-idiot peasants in their place. Right.
i picked OTHER I wasnt sure it was a close battle...

between Microsoft, clem or blades... just kidding... of course we all have our moments of being miss understood and miss qouted its online type what do you expect.. chill peeps and stop picking on myths monsters ;)

Re: worse...

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:20 am
by Death's Avatar
Point wrote:
iron wrote:I would have voted for the Peasant. ...

...Now imagine Myth 2's village-idiot peasants in their place. Right.
i picked OTHER I wasnt sure it was a close battle...

between Microsoft, clem or blades... just kidding... of course we all have our moments of being miss understood and miss qouted its online type what do you expect.. chill peeps and stop picking on myths monsters ;)
I worry about you some days point…

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:37 am
by vinylrake
Arthim wrote:I voted for mykridian giants. I think ghasts and mauls had their flaws, but myrkridian giants seem to me like a perfect storm of lazyness and the need for a new giant unit.
For pure "most ridiculous monster", I hate myrk giants because they are such slacker monsters. Seriously - all they do is walk around avoiding confrontation and instead of learning hand to hand combat (which they should rule at given how good the normal myrks are) or finding something to use as a weapon what do they do when they want to attack someone? They just reach into their diapers and pull out a handful of their fesces and throw it at their enemies. That is SO lame AND lazy.

But Ghasts are close behind in the lameness (most ridiculous) pool. If they ate brains or something cool like that I could respect them, but those little paralyzing farts are just stupid.

Bre-nor would have been cool if they threw boomerangs and talked with an australian accent, but they are passable as is.

In the category of "Which monster is the most ridiculous because it doesn't fit into the overall campaign?" I would say it's a tie between Myrkridian Giants, Mahir, Ghasts, AND Mauls.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:32 am
by Lord Raven
In the category of "Which monster is the most ridiculous because it doesn't fit into the overall campaign?" I would say it's a tie between Myrkridian Giants, Mahir, Ghasts, AND Mauls.
I actually liked Mahir. An ancient, shadowy evil is certainly the kind of thing I can see being summoned to act as a kind of personal bodyguard/elite assassin style unit by an unspeakable evil such as Balor or Soulblighter.

My only real gripe was that they weren't mentioned at all anyplace else. A shadow that can steal the life out of something really is the kind of thing I'd imagine Balor/SB would be using to sew terror into enemy ranks with midnight assassinations of high ranking figures etc.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:10 am
by Death's Avatar
Lord Raven wrote: My only real gripe was that they weren't mentioned at all anyplace else. A shadow that can steal the life out of something really is the kind of thing I'd imagine Balor/SB would be using to sew terror into enemy ranks with midnight assassinations of high ranking figures etc.
This is a good point...are they really mentioned anywhere? They just sort up.