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Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:18 am
by haravikk
An official Myth IV would be cool, maybe now that Bungie is free of Microsoft's evil clutches we can always hope they'll go back to their roots? Oh well.

The thing I'd love to see are big epic-scale battles such as a siege on a city or something, but with you still only commanding a small squad of troops on which the whole outcome of the battle hinges. Lead your troops behind enemy lines to destroy their catapults/cannons, or fight guerilla against overwhelming odds to give you comrades in arms a chance of surviving the inevitable assault.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:01 am
by Baron LeDant

change the channel

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:58 am
by vinylrake
Renwood TWA wrote:Please dont sit there and insult us, then try to not look like a dick by saying "Gee i really cant wait to play it though" that goes for VR and DA.
"Insult" you? How did I insult you? Unless you consider my that saying "you" (if the shoe fits wear it, but I intentionally didn't name any individuals) have a thin skin and take offense when no one is even insulting you is ITSELF an insult, or if you think my objection to your choice of a name for your M2 campaign is an insult then I haven't insulted you in any way. If THAT is what you are referring to, then get over it. Want to get me back? Finish a kick ass plugin that will put all us 'haters' in our place.

For what it's worth, I didn't say "I can't wait to play it" to avoid "looking like a dick", I said it because it's true, and I am trying to be clear about what I _am_ making fun of/criticizing. e.g. I am making fun of ANYONE who names their campaign "Myth IV" _and_ I am making fun of ANYONE who is so sensitive they see insult when none is present. Please note that I am NOT making fun of your project itself, I am not hinting or insinuating that it won't be great (I don't have enough info to feel one way or the other about the issue), and I am not in ANY way disparaging the considerable talents/skills and/or ambition of any the people on the project.

I think I've been pretty clear about my feelings about the 'M4:TWA' project from the beginning (love the concept, hate the name), if you can't see the difference or you really think I am just being a dick, then that's your opinion, but if you interpret my comments as me being a generic dick you'd probably be best to just ignore the forums altogether and concentrate on getting your project done instead of telling _me_ to get off the forums. Let's get our Myth priorities straight, YOU have important stuff to do, I don't.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:05 am
by Death's Avatar

Edit: More pointedly, I do want to play your plugin/conversion/whatever the hell it is. I am a HUGE (I mean huge) fan of the work Ooga has done, as well as the work the rest of your team has done.

But you say silly things Ren. Like, really silly. And I don't mind calling you out on those.


Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:49 pm
by Renwood TWA
Well im a rather silly person so sure why not!

Anybody who has played myth with me a good deal over the last 10+ years knows im very "in your face" and rub people the wrong way sometimes. But o well if i wanted EVREYBODY to like me i would be a filthy politician! :::Spits:::

Well if your a fan of the skills of the people i work with, i dont see where the hostile things you say come from.

The ONLY person left at bungie who you could have faith would do a great job with Myth is Jason Jones (Hes a Myth GOD to be sure)

But other then that, the skill, experience, and know how with the myth engine and its universe and exactly how it should function is in the greatest conentration within the myth community and NOWHERE else. And we work with most of those people.

the only thing we are missing is a huge amount of funding that a publisher like bungie or take2 could provide. other then that we are sitting pretty.

So if you really are looking forward to playing the stuff we make, then maybe just say "Yea Ren's kinda an ass, But Man can he make some cool shit when surrounded by skilled teammates to help out!"



Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:17 pm
by vinylrake
Renwood TWA wrote:Well if your a fan of the skills of the people i work with, i dont see where the hostile things you say come from.
If you mean making fun of calling your campaign "Myth 4", then those 'hostile things' come from the voice of reason and logic. I believe my reasons for thinking "Myth 4" is a bad name for your campaign are completely logical and reasonable.
Renwood TWA wrote:So if you really are looking forward to playing the stuff we make, then maybe just say "Yea Ren's kinda an ass, But Man can he make some cool shit when surrounded by skilled teammates to help out!"
I hope to be able to say that WHEN YOU HAVE ACTUALLY MADE SOME COOL SHIT (e.g. completed your campaign), but unless you've made something else I am not aware of that I could base that comment on, until then I will just hope the project gets done.


Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:19 pm
by Renwood TWA
haravikk we have a level that is close to what you described.
Its a super gigantic colormap 8192X6144 called "Battle for Covenant"

Its a level where there are tons of NPC armies of the light and dark fighting each other and you do various little missions here and there to do important things that are needed. And its funny you should say the thing about artillary outside that some maybe l337 units to go destory them behind enemy lines before they get in range or something.

i had this VERY thing happen on Battle for middle earth, i have NO love for resource gathing RTS at ALL, BUT BFME was kinda cool...for about a month, then i never touched it again.

But anyways haravikk, one time i built up a huge fort with all kinds of cool defences like thick walls with arrow tower ALL over and catapults and ballistas all over it. I put my units within the castle fort on "Guard"

This makes it so they will defend the fort and move around within it but WONT follow the enemy outside OR leave the castle to kill them.

So i was happy with my little fort of awesomeness and Thought my myself "Aaa yes now i can leave the game running and go to bed, and let the enemy do their worst! my castle shall prevail!"

So after about 7 hours i wake up, go to the computer and see my little castle is still filled with troops and bristiling with defences.

After sitting at the comp for about 2 seconds i see one of the catapults on the high walls fire a single boulder....I grab Gandalf on his horse Shadowfax and my most l337 veteran Cavalry unit the 7th. and rush them outside to see whats going on. and what do i find but a FEW enemy catauplts and ballistas JUST getting within range of my castle, No biggie i think to myself and i run past them dodgin so make sure my guys dont get hit...i go a tiny bit further and find a SUPER HUGE ENEMY FORCE of about 40 catapults and 30-40 ballistas crossing a river in a bottle neck with a big assed melee force behind them and more catapults waiting to get acorss the river as well. In a moment i realized that even my spiffie fort wouldnt be able to withstand this huge enemy attacking force, and on pure instinct alone i took Gandalf on his horse and charged headlong into the enemy with my super l337 cav unit the 7th far behind him.

I began running through the enemy formations of artillery turning and weaving changing Gandalf's direction evrey few seconds so they couldnt get a bead on him. Then the enemy proclaimed "Kill the White Wizard!"

The enemy began shooting evreything that they had at him. Gandalf Exclaimed "FLY SHADOWFAX, FLY!!!" And to my surprise the deadly HUGE projectiles started landing all around Me and..what happed? The Baddies wanted to kill Gandalf soo badly that they had NO care if they hit their OWN guys with Friendly Fire. As The white wizard on his white horse was surrounded by the enemy and running though and around them, all the Projectiles landing near Gandalf started to take a horrible toll on the enemy forces.

I knew i had made the right choice to run strait at them now, Then i brought in the 7th Cav to clean up and kill the more vanguard parts of the enemy's attacking force as most were targting Gandalf.

This seemingly unstoppable gaint enemy force of HEAVY artillery and Melee support was completely destoryed but ONLY 8 l337 guys on horses.
Gandalf didnt use ANY of his magic in the attack. HE just tricked the enemy more or less and it seemed to fit what John Ronald Reuel Tolkien had written about how The Wizard goes about doing things.

I saved the game before i made this desperate charge outside the castle,
and i again saved the game after i deafted the enemy's artillery attackting force. then i loaded the saved game of just before i ran outside the castle and tried to see what would have happened if this huge enemy force had gotten within range of my super castle. My units and castle fought well but the sheer number of big enemy projectiles that was unleashed unpon my fort after the enemy had gotten all set up outside was too great. when you have about 100 artillery pieces shooting randomly at you at the same time, there is no amount of dodging that will protect you. Thus all my guys got killed and my castle got bliggitty blasted into dust.


I still have those saves on a CD somewhere hehe.


Der VR the last thing you have in this world is LOGIC

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:11 pm
by Renwood TWA
Hmm so by your logic VR, if something isnt completed it isnt cool or anything to speak of.

This is an interesting Line of logic to follow, by your logic HoC hasnt actually been made, and isnt cool, since its not completed.

Man you really have no idea what you are talking about and now you have been added to the Mute/ignore list.

GG! your a child VR, and you are NO friend of logic.


Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:21 pm
by Souly

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:26 pm
by Souly
Ren you NOob!

We all Know TVF = Myth 4
and TFV> TWA

Mu hahaha!

Edit: from HL

oogaBooga sle: PoinT: lol ren claiming the logical high ground makes me crack up

oogaBooga sle: BLa Bla Bla
Pyro: wait... ppl said that stuff only cuz Ren implied u guys were having a 3 sim , Ooga was the one ontop and Ren the Bitch
Souly-: DING DIng round one ...TWA
oogaBooga sle: anyways
oogaBooga sle: just getting that truth out there
oogaBooga sle: we arent endangering he's virgen
PoinT: dude if Pop COrn is in violation or could be then ... even more so calling it m4 is bad idea
oogaBooga sle: Zombie the one eye man is the only entity

Re: Der VR the last thing you have in this world is LOGIC

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:47 pm
by vinylrake
Renwood TWA wrote:Hmm so by your logic VR, if something isnt completed it isnt cool or anything to speak of.
No, all I said was that unless YOU have made something cool I am not going to say that YOU make cool stuff.

You are welcome to point me to something great you have made so I can decide whether you do make great stuff, or you can just call names and pretend I make no sense. Apparently you've chosen the latter. Suprise.
Renwood TWA wrote:This is an interesting Line of logic to follow, by your logic HoC hasnt actually been made, and isnt cool, since its not completed.
You really need to study logic - it doesn't really work when you make up someone else's argument then try to prove it wrong. All you've done is demonstrate that your logic is faulty.

I don't know whether HoC is great/cool or not, I honestly can't remember whether I've played it or not. No insult intended, I've played hundreds of coops and don't remember them all. But I AM consistent - in the same way that I've never used your uncompleted project as a basis for saying "Ren makes great myth things" I've never used the (as you report) uncompleted HoC as the basis for saying "The author of HoC makes great myth things". He MIGHT. you MIGHT. Proof is in the pudding, and everyone knows that if you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding.

Renwood TWA wrote:Man you really have no idea what you are talking about and now you have been added to the Mute/ignore list.

GG! your a child VR, and you are NO friend of logic.
ORLY? I will have you know that I have concert t-shirts older than you, and logic is my bitch.

Such a shame I am muted, as you have missed this comment and will miss my intelligent, well thought out responses to your silliness. but at least you won't have to suffer the slings and arrows of my vicious "insults".


ps. Any of the "Lost Lore: The Legend of Kearney", "The Mote In God's Eye", "Tron", Bones of Ferros", "CounterStrike" or the "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" total conversions will totally kick M4:TWA's butt when they are released. (as will Daimyo) ;p

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:47 pm
by Pyro
Don't listen to Souly. :P

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:49 pm
by Souly
Pyro Hates you Ren

Pyro: the only reason there was a whole copyright/take two whatever stuff talk was cuz Ren implied and stated that it wasnt a plugin... but a game... that they were messing with the code... that was a long time ago i know but ppl remember that
oogaBooga sle: ugh

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:04 pm
by Pyro
Nice try Souly, but that doesn't mean or implies that I hate anyone. :P

Souly-: im goign to go stirr some more
Souly-: ok i hoep that ticks hi mof abit more
oogaBooga sle: souly cmon
oogaBooga sle: stop addin fuel
PoinT: u suck souly
Souly-: ren goign to flip now
Zeph: lol souly youre a douuuche
Zeph: :P
oogaBooga sle: :P
Souly-: :>
Souly-: ;>

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:33 pm
by Frumius
I'm gonna mute the whole damn topic.