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Re: Soulblighter additions Spike's wish list

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 9:46 pm
by dac
pyro is correct - on maps like say, grave, when you have 6 players and they insist on teaming you can set 2 start max so that you wind up with a 3x3 but not allowing people to join each other in team games. not as big a deal now as it would have been on tfl in bungie days, but i digress!

taking units out of the trade menu without a third partyplugin is the point!

when i thought about the neutral observer thing, i thought that it could easily be expanded to give people a neutral observer checkbox next to the ready checkbox so they can watch games if they want. host should have powers to either allow or disallow netural observer chat, as well as view or not view private team chat.

new idea! timeout sooner if the game is firewalled. i dont know how long it is now but it takes FOREVER for the lobby to reload if you try to join a firewalled game. it sucks.

you could show healthbars only on visible units! if a unit is out of range (opposite side of map mb?) you cant click on it or see trades or whatever, its not that unreasonabble to think that showing a healthbar is going to make invisible units visible. i think this could be done and i completely disagree with everybody screaming that this takes the skill out of doing these things - it makes some things easier sure it allows people to focus on the other units. i dont know if people complain about shift healing your herons so they all use roots at once, or the ability to shift double click a melee unit to kill it.

Re: Soulblighter additions Spike's wish list

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:51 pm
by Archer
Redcoat wrote:I have another addition to the wish list: As host, I would like to know my game's IP address (I play a lot of TCP/IP).
This is a bad thing to want ;)

(To be clear on why: if you're behind NAT, you do not have the IP of your router; your router simply forwards requests to you. This is important because it means that there's no way you can find the external IP from your machine, because your machine has nothing to do with it; you either need to ask the router or, more likely, ask some service that you know to be on the other side of the internet from you what it thinks your IP is, neither of which is an appropriate thing for Myth to be doing directly.

Which, actually, is an objection I have to whatismyipaddress's name; it should really be whatismyroutersipaddress.)

Long story short, this is why you need to lobby your ISP for IPv6 :)


Re: Soulblighter additions Spike's wish list

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:01 pm
by Redcoat
Archer wrote:
Redcoat wrote:I have another addition to the wish list: As host, I would like to know my game's IP address (I play a lot of TCP/IP).
This is a bad thing to want ;)

(To be clear on why: if you're behind NAT, you do not have the IP of your router; your router simply forwards requests to you.)
I know all about NAT routers, in fact, that's partly where my request comes from. I have a weird internet set-up where I may be playing games through routers, direct connections, hamachi, and LANs. And when I try to connect with my friends I get very annoyed and frustrated when we can't connect together. If I ask my computer it will give me two or three different IP addresses. And thus I'd really like to know what the game I'm playing thinks my IP is, because it would go a long way to trouble shooting the problem!

Apologies that I'm both stupid and a weird use-case.