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Re: The Seventh God

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:54 am
by Jon God
WeefBellington wrote:Yes, here's a video. I cheated to win the level since nothing was happening.

On closer inspection, it looks like there's a Berserk spazzing out at the far end of the map. I loaded up the saved game and killed him, and lo and behold, the end of mission triggered. So I guess that was the issue. No idea of this is just a Seventh God bug or if it's related to the Magma patches. I seem to remember this mission being finicky even on 1.3.

It was kind of funny to see me Legionnaires on the wrong side of the river when the hundreds of others spawned :D
I know there are a few major/minor bugs in TSG due to scripting errors, methinks someone should fix TSG and patch it at some point.

Re: The Seventh God

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 2:54 am
by Welly
Baak wrote:
Jon God wrote:Someone should just update TSG and fix all the issues. Be done with it.
I've sent a message to Clem asking if it would be all right with him for me to post an update to TSG on the OoH site. I'll let you know whether it's a "go" or not.

Then perhaps those of you who know the issues can determine one way or the other whether or not they can be fixed, and if so, how involved it is. Even better, actually doing the fixes and then I will put together the final package (likely an update to the existing TSG as an OmniPatch file).
Permission from clem or anybody from creation is simply unnecessary for anyone willing to patch that plugin.

Re: The Seventh God

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:07 am
by William Wallet
Yeah, if I'm not mistaken there's a clause in the Bungie readmes that basically says that once your stuff is in a monolithic file format, people can pretty much do what they want with it. It's still nice to ask first, of course.

Re: The Seventh God

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:09 am
by vinylrake
i don't recall that clause, if you know where it is (which readme) could you let me know?

Re: The Seventh God

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:15 am
by WeefBellington
I'm just glad/surprised that there's any interest in patching this at all. As a casual Myth II player who's mostly interested in the single player it just blows me away that there's such a dedicated community behind the game, so many years down the road.

Re: The Seventh God

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:05 pm
by Baak
I never heard back from Clem. He gave me permission to host all of his stuff and the Creation stuff and essentially handed me the keys.

If anyone can make a patch for TSG I would be happy to host it on the Creation Mirror along with the current TSG. I do not believe Clem would mind one bit.

Whoever does do the patch: you might need to ping me more than once, I'm more or less away from the Myth Universe these days... unfortunately...

Re: The Seventh God

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:52 pm
by Horus
Didn't someone already update TSG a few years ago?

@ vinylake: I believe he's refering to this:
Myth 2 Manual page 78 wrote:Myth II: Soulblighter ships with map editing tools, so you'll be able to create your own net maps and solo campaigns. Documentation for these tools is on the CD-ROM.

Any file(s) created with these tools may be freely distributed provided it conspicuously contains the following copyright message:

"Copyright 1998 in whole or in part Bungie Software Products Corporation. Created with Bungie's Fear and Loathing by: <YOUR NAME, YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS>"

In addition, you may not charge money for any Fear/Loathing creations that contain any Bungie copyrighted artwork, sounds, or other Bungie copyrighted content.
Over the years that has been commonly interpeted as "if you make something with F&L Bungie/Take 2 owns it".

Re: The Seventh God

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:27 am
by A-Red
Horus wrote:
Myth 2 Manual page 78 wrote: In addition, you may not charge money for any Fear/Loathing creations that contain any Bungie copyrighted artwork, sounds, or other Bungie copyrighted content.
Interestingly enough, that means that if you can make a Myth mod that doesn't have any Bungie content, you could sell it, and if you could create some way to launch it independently of Myth II, you could market it as a separate game (though at this point it would just about have to be freeware rather than sold). Doom community modders have done precisely that with a couple of projects, namely Harmony and Urban Brawl. I wonder if any Myth mods would qualify. Jinn? Touga?

As for TSG, the last time I tried to play it the RPG levels were really buggy, and it seemed like it was probably script-activation-related and pretty easy for a patient mapper to solve. Everything else seemed ok. Do those problems still exist, and are there others that someone making a patch would need to be aware of?

Re: The Seventh God

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:56 am
by vinylrake
Horus wrote:Over the years that has been commonly interpeted as "if you make something with F&L Bungie/Take 2 owns it".
yeah but unless i am misunderstanding, William was saying something different, you are saying 'anything made with F&L is owned by Take2" he was saying that once you make a 'monolithic' plugin (aka build plugin) that it's public domain and anyone can do with it what they want.

Re: The Seventh God

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:00 am
by vinylrake
A-Red wrote:Interestingly enough, that means that if you can make a Myth mod that doesn't have any Bungie content, you could sell it, and if you could create some way to launch it independently of Myth II, you could market it as a separate game ...
Well yes, of course if you could write your own game that could read Myth formatted but not Bungie-Take2 owned tag files you could market it as a seperate game, because it _would_ be a seperate game. The gameplay would be a clone, but as long as it didn't have any Bungie/Take2 code or resources (images, fonts, sounds, etc) it would still be an original game.

of course if i had the talent/skills/time to write a game of that complexity, i doubt i'd be spending it on creating a clone of an existing 12 year old game.

Re: The Seventh God

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:15 pm
by Jon God
The four body problem is the only place TSG broke for me.