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Re: Bungie Textures for the Fallen levels v2

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:32 pm
by vinylrake
since I just said I thought PRASP maps were maps that Bungie COMPLETED AND RELEASED and Going to Town and Cryptic Wightings were neither finished NOR released by Bungie, I really don't understand how you can say that they fit my definition.

Re: Bungie Textures for the Fallen levels v2

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:48 pm
by Defacto
I belive Going to town was finished and was released with myth 2 as an EB exclusive.
Not really PRASP I guess

Re: Bungie Textures for the Fallen levels v2

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:32 pm
by vinylrake
i know this gets quibbled about a lot - "what exactly are PRASP maps?"
and i've heard claims that Going To Town and of Cryptic Wighting were "EB Exclusives" or that Bungie did release them, but documentation is hard to come by. I haven't been able to find anything definitive that documents either CW or GTT as being officially released by Bungie either as an EB exclusive or otherwise. My own (fallible) recollection is that the unfinished nature of both maps is why there are multiple versions of each map floating around - different mapmakers took cracks at completing the map tags they found for these unfinished maps. Also, CW and GTT are often referred to as the "lost bungie maps". If they had been officially released it's hard to imagine how they could have ever been "lost".

uodate: i've found two webpages from pre-2005. one that lists just 3 PRASP maps, and one that refers to Cryptic Wightings as part of an EB prerelease order.

(source: an article from the long-dead by acrappa) lists only 3 PRASP maps and says the following about Myth II.
...Since its release, Bungie has released three brand new multiplayer maps for our enjoyment. All are gorgeous and offer new ways of playing the game. These PRASP (or post-release attention span product) maps are:
it then goes on to list Boil and Bubble, Phoenix Rising, and Leagues from Nowhere. - has the reference to CW being part of EB pre-prerelease bundle.

Also, on the tain there is anote about the map "Gothic" explaining it's pre-game image being embedded in Myth tags file, and it's roots in a map called "Cryptic Wightings" by an unknown author.

I've also seen references to the tags for both CW and GTT being in the full install of M2.

If anyone has other reliable documentation (memory is good but awfully fallible, so something other than memory would be better) of what the PRASP maps were or anything about the EB Myth II exclusive release I'd be eager to see it.

Re: Bungie Textures for the Fallen levels v2

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:37 pm
by Jon God
VR, get on some form of IM, I need to talk to you. :)

Re: Bungie Textures for the Fallen levels v2

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:14 pm
by myth_is_pleasure
Hey Jon,

Not wanting to be a pest, but I got my hopes up a few months back when you had a limited release of the detail texture projects I asked you about. I was wondering if you might be getting close to the actual release and am still very much looking forward to replaying vTFL and Chimera!


Re: Bungie Textures for the Fallen levels v2

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:59 pm
by Jon God
myth_is_pleasure wrote:Hey Jon,

Not wanting to be a pest, but I got my hopes up a few months back when you had a limited release of the detail texture projects I asked you about. I was wondering if you might be getting close to the actual release and am still very much looking forward to replaying vTFL and Chimera!

I just released a third private beta of my textures, school this semester has really slowed me down, and I apologize for that.

Poke me again in like a week, I should have made up my mind about what sort of release plans I have by then.

Re: Bungie Textures for the Fallen levels v2

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:41 am
by myth_is_pleasure

Thanks for the quick response! No need to apologize for the delay, I am also a busy student and completely understand. I'll check back with you in a week or so to see if you have narrowed down the release date.

Re: Bungie Textures for the Fallen levels v2

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:49 pm
by myth_is_pleasure

Ready to announce your release plans??

Re: Bungie Textures for the Fallen levels v2

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:21 pm
by Jon God
myth_is_pleasure wrote:Jon,

Ready to announce your release plans??
I believe, for the moment, I am going to keep it in beta a touch longer. If you would like to help beta test it, send me a PM. :)

Re: Bungie Textures for the Fallen levels v2

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:18 pm
by Olong
Absolutely fantastic work, Jon. If I had one critique it would be that the Bungie M2 textures are so painfully close to the originals, they are sometimes not immediately distinguishable as being high-res. That is both good and bad, as you have maintained the integrity of the originals, almost to a fault. I like the DarthRevan textures as well, but yours are more refined and polished. The Chimera versions are just amazing to behold. Please, Jon, keep going!

Re: Bungie Textures for the Fallen levels v2

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:11 pm
by Jon God
Olong wrote:Absolutely fantastic work, Jon. If I had one critique it would be that the Bungie M2 textures are so painfully close to the originals, they are sometimes not immediately distinguishable as being high-res. That is both good and bad, as you have maintained the integrity of the originals, almost to a fault. I like the DarthRevan textures as well, but yours are more refined and polished. The Chimera versions are just amazing to behold. Please, Jon, keep going!
Well, my older patches would not override the Magma textures, so, try pulling that plugin out of your plugins folder, and retrying the Myth 2 levels.

As for keeping going... ;)

Let's just say, you've only seen the tip of the iceberg. :D

It might be a little while until you see more, as my computer isn't starting up at the moment.

Re: Bungie Textures for the Fallen levels v2

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:21 pm
by Olong2
Jon God wrote:It might be a little while until you see more, as my computer isn't starting up at the moment.
Well, I do hope you have backups! Looking forward to this.

Re: Bungie Textures for the Fallen levels v2

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 2:13 am
by Jon God
Olong2 wrote:
Jon God wrote:It might be a little while until you see more, as my computer isn't starting up at the moment.
Well, I do hope you have backups! Looking forward to this.
As far as I know, I have it all backed up.