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Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 4:20 pm
by Brainbug
it probably happens every time because he starts with the same saved-game...

every seperate game works with a fixed "number" to calculate all "randomness" (I'm not sure, but think it's like that)
the faulty ending will be the result of just that one number being fucked for that level...

at least that's what i think

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:44 am
by The Elfoid
I think BB must be right.

Btw I'm wrong. I went onto the SteveJackson games site and looked up errors in GURPS Myth and one mistake is that the Deceiver is still alive.

Also, The Deceiver DIDN'T kill the crow, just shot it down. Check out the picture from the next level of him holding the crow, it's alive. Also, it says in the journal that 'with the deceiver holding a part of his being, Soulblighter can no longer escape us' or something like that, proving that if Myrdred dropped the crow by the roadside SB could transform again, if it returned to him.

Note: There is a bug where you can kill SB on 'Twice Born' in which he becomes a flock of crows and flies off. This can be done just after his first talk with Alric.

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:06 pm
by Frederick the Great
It's funny... I started a new game, and Shiver still killed Myrdred. I started another new game, and it happened yet again. I did a clean reinstall of Myth II, started a new game, and guess what? She wasted him once more.

Only thing I can think of is that I've somehow fallen under a curse...

Oh well. I'm playing through the Fallen Levels now and reliving the good old days. Maybe eventually I'll actually work up the courage to play online--I have a horrible fear of being massacred...

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 12:10 pm
by TarousZars
Frederick the Great wrote:Oh well. I'm playing through the Fallen Levels now and reliving the good old days. Maybe eventually I'll actually work up the courage to play online--I have a horrible fear of being massacred...

Just Play Coop W/ us MA's. No need to worry about being massacred in coop, Unless you would be massacred anyway. Emonds Field and Mazz have been known to massacre people :D

Most nights around 8-12 Pacific.

Edited By TarousZars on 1098379352

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 3:37 pm
by The Elfoid
Dude, I as afraid about going online too. I guess it's a man's equivilant to a first period or something. Anyway, I went online and WAS TOTALLY CRUSHED. But I love it. Now my caste is Crossed Axes and I'm proud that my damage ratio is now positive.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 4:43 pm
by Road
When I started MythII I always played ranked. I almost stopped playing because of it. You can find alot of great people to play with in the non-ranked rooms too.

I tested Shiver 4 times and didnt have Shiver attack Deciever befor he got her in his hold.

The most simple solution that I can think of (with out messing with the script) is to make sure deciever is immune to that attack that Shiver causes every 1 in 100 times.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 11:04 pm
by TarousZars
But, If you attack shiver too much in the beginning, say w/ your archer, then she uses that attack, on whoever is closest, possibly the dec. She does need a way to defend herself before she gets to end sequence.

My $0.02

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 7:04 am
by Amadeus
My view (which demosthenes recently brought me to) is that the Deceiver is really alive. I mean think about it. The barbarian comes to wake him up, fumbles with the words, and the deceiver says "Ok fine, close enough" and teleports them out. Then, he goes and gets himself killed by shiver (whom he obviously has prior relations with...) Or does he? Alric starts acting VERY weird after that. Knows the exact position in the caves to find old forgotten artifacts - something that would be right up the deceivers alley. Also gets the trow to alley with them... something historically only the leveller could do.

Is it that hard to b elieve the deceiver would... well deceive? =-D

This also explains why the dark supposedly lost this round when they werent supposed to. They didn't. The player was working for the dark, and just didnt know it - being duped by a false alric that was the Deceiver. Right in the style of The Black Company if I do say so. ;-)

Also explains why Gurps Myth says Myrdred is alive ( supposedly the Gurps folk actually worked with the bungie folk on that, but I havent had any real backing for this except the credits)

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 2:50 pm
by A-Red
I think you're reading WAY too much into it. I have a hard time believing Bungie created a secret storyline that you have to scrutinize everything obsessively to figure out. It's just a video game. The bad guys die, and everyone lives happily ever after.


Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 4:20 pm
by ama
Yes Bungie surely isn't known for their stories =-).

Besides, why else would the trow join them and then quit their forces a year later - no explanation. Just for fun? True the deceiver egged them on... but that sorta helps my point. Of course the trow would come to the levellers call with no explanation. Granted, it could be his magical diplomacy skills - but then again it seems trow were immune to them (as they are immune to charm.)

And the deceiver... He just joined the light side for fun again. Known as possibly one of the most evil of the Fallen Lords and gaining such nomers as The Source of 500 Poisons and The Deceiver, the only thing you can be sure of is that when he joined the "light" side it was to stab them in the back.

Gurps Myth hints at multiple times the scholars being baffled at the 'light' winning.

Just seems the deceiver would be the type to just as soon suck the life from you upon you resurrecting him than to rally an army of Trow to help you.

Besides, bungie is known for their elaborate stories. I mean come on - insane AIs kidnapping you and playing with you? Theres at least twice as much hidden story in Marathon than what I'm suggesting for Myth.

But hats really just my opinion. =-). You are probably right, i'm reading too mcuh into it - but I like this story much better =-P

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 4:50 pm
by Graydon
Fred... Here's something to try... Get yourself an account on, or and hop online. Play shiver, and see if you get the SAME results. NOW play with another player, and see if they witness the same problem. Would be good to narrow it down some. Maybe you should get yourself a copy of 1.5.1 RC1, and give it a try on that too.. would be nice to know if happens in the newer version of myth :)

As for The D being alive... wow.. very interesting ideas here. : notes to talk to horus about this for TFV story :


Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 9:02 pm
by A-Red
Guest wrote:And the deceiver... He just joined the light side for fun again. Known as possibly one of the most evil of the Fallen Lords and gaining such nomers as The Source of 500 Poisons and The Deceiver, the only thing you can be sure of is that when he joined the "light" side it was to stab them in the back.
I agree, but I see that as the reason Bungie made a point of killing him off for good. They were tying up a loose end.

What you're suggesting is possible, and might make a good storyline. But personally, I'm against any character seeming to die and coming back to life more that twice. It just gets old after a while.


Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 9:31 pm
by TopGunZ
"Although the Fallen Lords were all held together by Balor, the Deciever had no true love for the rest of the Fallen" ~??? :cool:

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 11:32 pm
by ChrisP
A-Red wrote:
I agree, but I see that as the reason Bungie made a point of killing him off for good. They were tying up a loose end.

What you're suggesting is possible, and might make a good storyline. But personally, I'm against any character seeming to die and coming back to life more that twice. It just gets old after a while.
Bungie's inspiration for the Fallen Lords comes from The Taken, characters in Glen Cook's 'Black Company' novels. The Taken had names like Soulcatcher, The Limper and Whisper, and like the Fallen Lords, were the most powerful sorcerers in the land.

I've only read five out of the ten books so far, but one thing about the Taken, it seemed no matter how many times or how savagely they died, they kept coming back again and again.

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 12:34 am
by A-Red
ChrisP wrote:Bungie's inspiration for the Fallen Lords comes from The Taken, characters in Glen Cook's 'Black Company' novels. The Taken had names like Soulcatcher, The Limper and Whisper, and like the Fallen Lords, were the most powerful sorcerers in the land.

I've only read five out of the ten books so far, but one thing about the Taken, it seemed no matter how many times or how savagely they died, they kept coming back again and again.

I know, I've read the books. And although they did come back many times, they all did die eventually (except one, but if you haven't read them all I won't give it away). If someone can't be killed in a conventional way, they can still be burned to powder and scattered to every corner of the earth. Or blown to bits by a fantastic white death explosion, for that matter.

Everyone has to die sometime, and every story has to end. I guess that if any Fallen Lord could have survived all the crap that happened, it would be the Deciever. I just think his character has run its course, and in my opinion it wouldn't be a very good idea to bring him back again.

P.S. The Black Company series was awesome, and I recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it yet.
