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Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:29 pm
by TopGunZ
Guest wrote:Well, last night, me and Will were doing Freedom II co-op on legendary (or "Freedom Warrior", Will changed it). We did about two levels, again and again, but we couldn't do them. Today we were going to try it on Timid (or Swineherd), and if we can finish a level, and not be invincible, then the campaign is just nearly impossible on legendary.

<hype> And the Multiplayer maps are totally cool! With really great colour maps and lots of features and... </hype>

90 meg? *cough cough* It's a bit bigger.
Freedom Warrior? Awww I liked freedom better :(

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 10:46 am
by William Wallet
No Fear TopGunz - I think Cid is referring to the Difficulty Level, not the name of the plugin. I think they run thusly

Freedom Warrior
Great Knight

I really can't remember, but we changed 'em because we can!

I am going to use StuffIt not WinZip. Uncompressed, Freedom is 177mb - but the good news is no more big chunks of dialogue or huge collections will be added, and as a .sit file Freedom gets chopped down to a nice 77mb file. That's almost as small as the last one.

Anyway, I hope that the reduction in size will prevent too many people from being put off. There aren't many solo campaigns being made these days (there's The Fallen Vengeance though - onya fellas) so I'd like to think McCoolness is doing it's bit for the underpopluated Myth land. More than anything, I hope this isn't one of those plugins that gets chucked straight into the trash after you've played a bit.

We've put a lot more effort into this one compared to the last one. And as it's really a co-op thing as opposed to single-player, we'd like people to play it with each other. (Might not happen, but there's always hope).

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 10:47 am
by William Wallet
Hey - nice Cid. Badmouthing Seventh God. You'll get us in trouble, and our plugin isn't even released yet! :)

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:33 pm
by Brainbug
release the damn thing already then :)

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:35 pm
by A-Red
Speaking of impossible, and speaking of The Seventh God, does anyone else hate Cincia Burns with a passion? That level alone is the reason I've never beaten the campaign on anything higher than Timid. The combination of the time limit, the very few units under your control, and the fact that your archers can't run fast enough to escape enemy melee and thus you have to fight everything has made this level impossible for me.


Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:48 pm
by Graydon
Cincia Burns... I love that colourmap. Soma is the man. Cant say i've beaten that map on anything higher than simple though.. agreed, few units is too difficult. You're aware of the 3 reinforcements to the North West i believe it is? That might make it a touch easier...

As for the plugin size guys, how many meshes are you releasing? I bet you money that if you combed through your local you can get rid of several tags you arent using, and reduce your unzipped size considderably. TFV local is 215 megs unstuff approx. right now, but that's like 19 meshes or something.

Get a website together, get some screenshots :)

Hype means OTHER than the project magma forums ;)

Edit: Oh yea, and in relation to difficulties, in all honest opinion here, legendary should be as close to impossible as possible. However, on timid, they should be a walk in the park. Getting that balance can be difficult, but once you do, solos are so much more fun :) I personally cant beat MOST of my TFV maps on leg, but as long as they're feasable with 3 or 4 players on normal, you can release it :)

Edited By Graydon on 1105044654

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:11 pm
by :) Da Cid (: McCl
There was a level or two in the campaign that me and Will struggled with, even on Timid. I've asked him to tone it down a bit...

*clasps hands to mouth* Oh no! Bad-mouthing Seventh God?! But you have to admit, I got bored of it pretty quick. Was fun for the first few levels.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:14 pm
by :) Da Cid (: McCl
As for gettin rid of tags, it seems most of it is essential. We have about... 11 or 12 solo maps and... 8 or less multiplayer maps (not including variations of each).

NOT on the magma forum? Oh jeeze, alright then... *walks away, scratching head*

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:33 pm
by Archer
Guest wrote:But you have to admit, I got bored of it pretty quick. Was fun for the first few levels.
Not really, I could deny that you got bored of it quick, but that would be rather silly.


Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 10:06 pm
by William Wallet
Akay akay... Cid and me are struggling to somehow coordinate the reems and reems of CRAP that we have associated with Freedom at the moment, it'll take some effort. But he's on his school holidays so I can work with him on this I hope.

Now unecessary levels? No way! Everything that is in there, is stuff that I want to be in there! We have, I think, 8 different multiplayer colourmaps, with 3-4 variations each. There are 12 solo levels (including the prologue I think).

I dunno, 77mb ain't that bad, it just takes patience!

And Seventh God... well, when I was 15 I was a masochist and could finish single player campaigns, which is why I burned through Myth I and II. In only a couple of years (I'm 18-19 now) I've just lost that ability. Take Stronghold - I'm stuck on Level 5 because I can't be buggered getting further. I just make levels now - playing 20 of them is just too damned boring!
So that's why I got bored of 7th God. It was a masterful plugin, just because I hated the voices and music doesn't mean I wasn't impressed by the units and levels.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:36 pm
by The Elfoid
I love TSG. Cool units, music, story (and it was plausable), lots of levels, replayabilitiy (alternate routes etc.) and Harvick Mountain or whatever it was called RULED in coop. The voices were acceptableish......almost

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:39 pm
by William Wallet
With you, mostly. I couldn't get over the narrator's voice - and I've never heard a good Scottish accent in any Myth endeavour. But still a great plugin - I feel that my not finishing it was more my own impatience than bad mapmaking on Creation's part. They did a good job.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:43 pm
by William Wallet
Well to get back to the point of the thread...

Freedom II - impossible? Who knows - Cid and I have finally gotten together and finished most of the levels on Timid. (or at least gotten close). So technically speaking, it CAN be done! Now I can release it with impunity (when it's ready of course).

Hey Graydon - you Fallen Vengeance boys should hurry up and finish yours so we can do a simultaneous release - a double feature!

And lastly, I've finally updated our site a little. Freedom pages should be on the way.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 4:13 pm
by A-Red
TFV is moving at a fast pace, but it has a ways to go. You should probably just release your plugin when you finish it, since you are much closer to being done than we are.


Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 9:25 pm
by :) Da Cid (: McCl
Uh... if you go to the McCoolness site, and you notice it only has two pages... it doesn't. The top menu bar thing is'sposed to have buttons linking to different stuff (but most of it is very outdated, a year and a half. There's still links to the Mill, I'm still 13 and Will is still in school)

Oh, this is a link to the menu bar, so you can go to the other pages (if you REALLY want to)

It WILL get updated. :D