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Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:14 pm
by Evilzen
easiest fix would be to finish ww2 for myth3. pretty much what it comes down too.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:39 pm
by Doobie
Evilzen wrote:untill 1.5 it was playable on my machine. ive never had this prob since 1.5 neither has anyone else.
Neither has anyone else? The poster you responded to said he had problems playing pre 1.5, and I remember lots of others who had problems pre 1.5. I understand you're frustrated and hoping for a solution here, but rediculous exagerations like that don't help anyone.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:47 pm
by Evilzen
thats not an exaggeration by any means. Untill 1.5 was implemented there was no problem with fps. to go from 128fps to 7.2 thats not very playable. Myth2 is dieing anyway. Only smart thing to do would be to get khrome interested in finishing his work on wwIIi.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:33 pm
by iron
I disagree - Myth 3 is not a solution. Were Magma to abandon Myth 2 and finish WWIIi, you'd get perhaps half the ww2 players to move if you were lucky. Others would hang around for a while on Myth 2 or just leave & not return.

The real problem with Myth is the total absence of new players in any significant numbers, and that's not going to be happen with either Myth 2 or 3. The only real solution I can see would be if someone developed a new Myth-like game & started the ball rolling again with a fresh audience.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 7:01 pm
by Evilzen
Myth3 is that new game. Players are leaving myth2. forinstance shade. one of the best ever ww2ers. he said and i quote. "untill magma fixes ww2 and goes back to a 1.3 style game play i will not ever play again." Only way he can play myth is in software mode. Its killing myth. The future is myth3. There will be no other games on the same level as myth. With ranked game play. Myth is one of a kind. WW2 is they way to get players to play m3 if its good every ww2 will be interested and play. Not stay on m2.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 7:02 pm
by Evilzen
There is no way to get more players to come back unless something else is done!

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 7:23 pm
by Evilzen
I have just installed driver upadate 61.77 for nvidia and got alittle increase in fps. Plains now went from 80 to 83 and swamps went from 7 to 10

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 8:46 pm
by Baron LeDant
If you seriously think Myth 3 is the future of Myth god help you.

M3 is over 2 years old, it originally had a community of several dozen on gamespy after it was released. However with no real development going on and no ranked play, people left it until there was about 20-30 active players left by the time playmyth brought the players over.

For 3-6 months M3 was at its most active since gamespy. However when the planned M3 tourney failed to materialise and the older players getting tired of waiting around, the active players shrank yet further.

Then you arrive at the present. You're lucky to get more than a single bout of games a week, all but a few of the gamespy people still play and all the dark maps are still horrible to play.

Now ww2 for Myth 3 will change very little. Some may download a play it for a week or so if that. Then they will go back to m2 ww2 since its all they know.

Sure this post is negative, but as Iron says, it will take a new mythlike game to revitalise interest.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 10:14 pm
by Evilzen
I have to disagree with ya there on both part. one every player that i know (and i know alot from 7year) have only played m3 when it first came out. Barely anyone knows about the 1.3.1 patch and map pack. I can bring some players to play there. An i already have. Myth3 is much more playable then it was on gamespy. There would be more interest if people knew more. Im not just making shit up everyperson i talk to today whick was probably 15 people havent played since it first came out and had no clue there was a update or anything of the sort. Others said they wont play it till there is ww2 on it. I can guaruntee there will be plenty of players that will switch. My reasoning i have talk to alot of people that play regularly and thats how they feel. Im not trying to be negetive either but there is alot more potential now then there is on myth2. I need to get ahold of khrome and get a copy of wwIIi if he isnt going to finish it. I will put a team together and finish it. A new myth game will never happen.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 8:37 am
by khrome
OK, I'm here.

WWIIi is on the web, it's not complete... but I'm pretty sure I could fast-track a recon-only release. It's actually a pretty big project and being involved with 3 other software projects it doesn't really get all that much attention from me, however someone else has been working on it for a while as well. So what will happen if you guys want this is much like the recon/titans release. Initially something to allow people to play, then something I'm more creatively happy with that people use to make new meshes. There are a few bugs in m3, though, that will rain on a m2er's parade.

Let me know.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 5:11 pm
by Evilzen
Yeah just a recon realease would be fine. As far as bugs go lets see how many people switch over. I think it will get a decent showing. Then maybe go from there fixing bugs if its worth it. Get back to me on here or you can reach my on AIM my screen name is fearnzilla1. Once the units are on there others can make other meshes. I have spoken with alot of people that play ww2 and would love to play it on myth3. Thanks alot khrome.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 7:27 pm
by Evilzen
khrome i see you hit me up lets chat or let me know what your gonna do. If you need me to test anything with ya before ya release it im here

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 4:08 pm
by CIK
After much testing help from Alan here is the deal with ww2 & Myth II....

Certain versions of certain video drivers use a function internal to translate RGB bitmaps to bitmaps that use a color table using a function called XLATEOBJ_iXlate. This function is very slow and should never be used, but none the less Windows uses it in certain situations during Bitmap blitting. On Alan's system this single function was consuming over 35% when he was in the swamps of Recon.

I'm now in the process of trying to find where Myth might be passing in a RGB bitmap instead of one with a color table to Direct3D. This is also why software mode is uneffected by the problem.


Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 4:46 pm
by Baak
CIK: You da man!! :cool:

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 5:10 pm
by Evilzen
nice work CIK i wouldnt have ever thought of anything like that.