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Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:47 am
by William Wallet
"You need people that want to follow your lead and people that believe in your vision if you are to be a true leader."

You need to be able to use words like 'vision' with a straight face if you want to be a leader. Hence my current position in life. :D

"When we all look back in a few years..clems name and legacy within the myth community will be one of the few alot of us remember."

Meh. I just don't... see it personally.
What exactly did he do? Not saying he did nothing, I'd just like to know.

I know when I think back on Myth, I think of the ordinary players like GUY or Smurfette - shitloads more I can't be buggered writing here.

"Funny how any discussion of the Mill turns into a conversation about Clem."

Hahahah... I was just answering someone.

"(I'll be around long after the OSes stop supporting it - my plan is to keep at least 2 functioning Myth-compatible computers in my posession at all times)"

RIGHT ON - I know that's my plan too.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 3:08 pm
by The Elfoid
Oz's post on Clem says most of it, but apparently he tought at least one person (It was either Ares or small possiblity of it being Cydonian) almost everything he knew. I was told this, I cannot confirm it. The guy sounded like he knew what he meant, no doubt people here know if I have any idea what I'm on about or not.

He was also responsible for a lot of the creative aspects, gorgeous website art and I know he did more work. I can't remember it much my Creation knowledge faded away.

What exactly did he do? Not saying he did nothing, I'd just like to know.

Closing the Mill annoyed a lot of people. Did he warn people about that?

He's also a pretty bitter guy, his service was more important than and people took his work even more as their own.

His bitter atitude and hatred of all who play Myth, and the way he really thinks Blades should be nastier can't be loved by all everyone either.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 6:35 pm
by ozone
clem tought dozer and alpha alot about cmapping. I dont think he tought ares how to script or Cydonian how to make units. They were much better then him at those aspects of modding.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:16 pm
by carlinho
uhhh...another Clem thread....
yeah he's great, yeah he's a pain in the arse, yeah whatever
I'll take the red pill and chill out, keep the matrix alive

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 1:29 am
by Baak
I'd like to see a Myth Census to determine exactly how many active players, orders, and mapmakers there are out there, and have some way for them to get in touch with each other beyond the current scheme of decentralized forums (which I enjoy immensely but not as a central hub of information). I mean... currently shows some 16,000+ registered users - somehow I don't think that's "active". :;):

To me it feels like we're all sequestered in our individual city-states - comfortable where we are but wary of outsiders - which is fine, but tends to put us in separate camps from the get-go. We're like little island communities.

I recently attempted to engage the forums at as part of promoting several new maps and plugins I've created and was greeted in a friendly, encouraging way - and scorned in near equal measure. I think forums just aren't the place to post maps and plugins - threads disappear in an instant, folks there are more interested in talking, etc.

I am somewhat frustrated we don't have a centralized posting area for new maps and plugins yet, primarily because I think it encourages people to try each other's stuff. I do think that any review setup for such a site should have the ability for the author to post reply comments to reviews and other built-in features to encourage people. One of my pet peeves with The Mill was people could post uninformed reviews (for example posting reviews when they never actually played the map/plugin or were mistaken in how to use it, etc.) and there was no way the author could point out their misconceptions. It could be so simple. I've debated whipping out a quick version myself, but I'm concerned a bigger version might appear shortly afterwords and all that work would be for naught.

Perhaps it's not too far away after all... :)

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:26 am
by William Wallet
I hear ya Baak. While it's enormously useful having someone who'll host a map for you, it's not easy releasing anything without an actual site to go with it (along with a place dedicated for discussion).


And to address that part of the thread that people keep trying to extinguish (hahaha) look - I'm sure he's great yada yada... but someone who wants Myth to die is essentially not of great worth to anyone anymore.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 6:18 am
by The Elfoid
Its only a minor indication of's popularity, but over 2800 people have clicked my Galleria link there since 1st October. That's a lot of hits.

Baak, a census would be a good thing. But you can get SOMETHING of a feel at this time of year from ranked stats on PlayMyth. Reset was start of the year, number of people who played ranked games will tell you a large portion of players.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 10:40 am
by vinylrake
The Elfoid wrote:Baak, a census would be a good thing. But you can get SOMETHING of a feel at this time of year from ranked stats on PlayMyth. Reset was start of the year, number of people who played ranked games will tell you a large portion of players.

You can't really rely on "projections" based on the number of players who make up a subset of myth players (ranked) because you don't know how many other players there are who only play unranked.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 1:57 pm
by Baak
I posted a thread on to see if anyone there might want to setup an ongoing tally of the number of unique registered players who have played at least once in the past three months.

That wouldn't take into account TCP/IP games, or games on other servers like mariusnet, and would be slightly skewed from people with multiple registered names - but it would be about as accurate as we could get.

Might be very interesting... :)

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:34 pm
by William Wallet
My guess is around 400-600. It's a pretty generous number I suppose. :(

*EDIT* I'll say it's generous, I got my fingers mixed up, they were supposed to be a few keys down. hahahaha. I was actually going for something a little lower like 100-300. Hmmmph!

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 11:06 pm
by Baak
My only gauge at present is the OoH Downloads - that's actually part of the reason I put in special download counters that only increment when a download is 100% successful (i.e. it doesn't count partial/broken downloads).

It's interesting to me that the last version of RDF had 725 downloads between 11 Nov 2004 and 2 Dec 2005. It was big enough (5+ MB) that I wouldn't think non-Mythers would download it - but you never know. RDF 5.1 has 235 downloads right now - I haven't checked the stats for 5.0 to see how many there were in the same time period, but it was fairly similar.

Several other smaller downloads are in the 500+ range currently, all of which were posted from 11 Nov 2004 onward. There are two that are 677 and 633 as well. Again - I have no way of knowing if some of those downloads are from non-Mythers (people who think they can play them outside of Myth and/or who don't have a clue what they really are, etc.), and of course since they go back 14 months some folks may have dropped out since then (hopefully not).

But given the fact that odds are heavily against 100% of the active community downloading stuff from the site - I'd think even 50% would be high - it's interesting. Also I wouldn't think too many people would download things multiple times (I could probably weed through the data and make another count excluding duplicate IP's for the downloads).

My personal feeling is it's somewhere in the 400-600 range now - but then I've always been something of an optimist. :;):

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 3:41 am
by :) Da Cid (: McCl (the place that hosted The Mill) is basically dead now, besides the Lh'owon Ar'kives (which is Marathon, another Bungie game, go figure. :P). I think the most active place other than that is the UT2004 place, which has actually been turned into a UT - Marathon conversion place.

Uuuh. What was I talking about? Yeah, anyway, the Mill would still be active even today if it was still up, especially with 1.5 coming out and all. And the Fileball front page wouldn't be in such a depression.

Sad. Oh well. And speaking of inactivity, WHAT THE HELL? There's been nothing good on for about a week. Is it because I've been playing Marathon in the mornings? Do you all leave because I'm not there!?


Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 8:01 am
by William Wallet
"Do you all leave because I'm not there!?"

Hah. Why would they need you, I can just go on pretending to be you. I'm usually very convincing, they've only cottoned onto it either when:
* We both show up, or-
* I admit I'm really Wallet.

Good times.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 10:47 am
by vinylrake
Baak wrote:It's interesting to me that the last version of RDF had 725 downloads between 11 Nov 2004 and 2 Dec 2005.

Ummm sorry to skew your analysis, but I have to confess that I downloaded RDF about 500 times so your download numbers would be more impressive.

[heh. Lest anyone think I am remotely serious; with my budget ISP and slow modem connections and frequently dropped connections in the midst of downloads it's kind of a running joke that I bitch and moan (ok, at least it's a joke to ME) whenever a new version of ANY map or plugin gets released. There is no way you will catch me downloading anything more than is absolutely necessary, and downloading the same thing 500 times? Let's just say that Microsoft is more likely to buy Take 2 and release a brand new built-from-scratch open-source Myth IV.]