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Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:35 pm
by ChrisP
Aww, Iron, who'd I ever flame? Bet you can't name a single person (who didn't deserve it).

Renwood, now we're talking about a matter of degrees in how much random numbers are used. Myth uses them sparingly, it's true, but still uses them for things like damage amounts, arrows being slightly off target, duds, etc...

WoW uses random numbers more, it's also true. It uses them in the same way as Myth, and yes, if say someone swings a sword at you, you have a random chance to dodge it, another to parry it, if you have a shield, to block it, and there's a random chance they'll just miss anyway. The odds of these are modified by the abilities and gear you obtain for your character. But, it's also a combination of controls as well. Good players will move and position their character to avoid (or make) attacks. For example, if you're a rogue, you just don't click a backstab button and have the computer "roll" the results, you have to sneak up and move behind another player using mouse and keyboard controls before you can make the attack. Couple this with the fact that there are so many different attacks, defenses and counter attacks, and an old fart like me can't keep up with those who who still posses their fast reflexes and hand-eye coordination. I have to rely on wiser strategy. :wink:

In other words, there's enough action based combat to create a vast difference between really good players and really bad ones, same as in Myth. What Wow doesn't have that still bugs me is there's next to no friendly fire. For some reason, there are times when I really miss launching a big area of effect explosive attack against the enemy and having it hit my friends too. :twisted:

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:24 pm
by Renwood TWA
nice post ChrisP.

I also belive ALL games (except the contra series) should have Freindly fire!

You seem to also belive that the realisim of including FF in a game is an important game design feature ~8^)

Imagine myth WITHOUT FF! = suck to a degree never before contemplated!

thats how i see other games without FF as part of the design doc or settings chosen. TOTAL BS!

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:01 pm
by ducky
why the hell was this resurrected? I just came on here to post a win for Mazz 6 secret level on heroic with 4 people & 4 units.

The magma updates were a huge success. Nowhere have I seen developers integrated with gamers to produce a finely-tuned final result. I've toyed around on Wesnoth, an entirely freeware development based game, and despite having an active dev staff that's been involved for years, the few devs I've seen are utterly reticient to ideas, and almost afraid of reasoning.

Dunno what else to say. I'm proud to champion a computer game. How crazy is that?

Never Stop

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 5:08 am
by 06Garrick
I think the project magma team and other map developers should be proud of what they have accomplished. Through their introduction of new maps, conversions and patches, they keep the game fresh and exciting. They certainly have kept me interested in the game.

Thus, I say never stop. Keep pushing the boundaries of the myth engine and doing what you guys love. You guys don't get nearly the respect you deserve.


Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 5:49 pm
by iron
Garrick, ducky, thanks for the comments, cheque's in the mail :)

I think the difference with Myth versus Wesnoth (or other open source games) is that Myth had gamers first, then community developers later on who themselves were players or mapmakers. Even with all the turmoil of the early releases, the devs were part of the community & trying to serve the community rather than dictate to it.

Wesnoth was the creation of first one developer & then a growing dev/artist team. Players came along later, and as they're not part of the development hierarchy their ideas are considered irrelevant - they haven't earned their dues. Different culture, must say I prefer Myth's. Doesn't stop me contributing to open source games though...