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Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:40 am
by Pyro
We let it gather dust and upload it if others want it.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 11:39 am
by A-Red
I'd say upload it. Much better than letting it vanish without a trace.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 8:15 am
by Tireces ... c-campaign
early beta of M2 Campaign on "Mythic" difficulty.
Idea for such mod came 2 me after playing GHOSTs Twice-reborn long long time ago. We know all Myth reg levels so well, maybe its time to make things harder ( but keep things still reg sytle rather than heroes style ).
M2 Mythic beta replaces legendary difficulty with mythic = more dark units per wave (at least some waves) + and more waves + new units, umm sorta, f.e. Myrk Giants on The Wall or Chengelings form Chimera on Throug the Ermine. Light stay as the always were.
This should force ppl to change old strategies a bit or at least make playing lil more fun.

Shiver and The Wall are now closest to what I would like to implement to all levels in final version.