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Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:50 am
by vinylrake
Khadrelt wrote:Myth is what we did at my bachelor party. :wink:
and here I thought I was the only one who had naked ghols dancing at his bachelor party.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 12:42 pm
by Eddaweaver
Beware the clothed Ghols.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:47 pm
by Khadrelt
Hey, if there's an official Myth 1.7 wish list, I couldn't find it - thought this thread would serve just as well.

I think it would be nice if Myth could recognize plugins within subfolders in the plugins folder. It would make organizing my heavyweight plugins folder a bit easier.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:00 pm
by Eddaweaver
Ugh please no :|

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:32 pm
by PrplPplEater
I'd like to see a checkbox in the Host Options screen for 'Use Alternate Scoring' or 'Use Tournament Scoring' , then have it apply MWC style scoring in-game.... and more importantly reporting that back to the metaserver for use in the stats.... mb only have that option visible if in a Tourney Room.

Also, I'd like to see Flag Rally & Terries games report the number of flags for each team in the stats, ditto for balls in Captures & BoP or whatever. The only data that gets sent back right now it seems is kills & damage.

I have no idea if any of it would ever get implemented on the server side by marius (::readies another bottle of crown::), but it can't if it's not there to start with.

With it there though, game reporting gets a whole lot better. MWC/Tourney scoring could be fully automated and actually done by the client.... particularly for CTF games where you typically get points if a certain percentage of your force contests the flag and that sort of thing where scoring a game meant having to sit and watch a film, usually more than once.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 9:29 am
by vinylrake
I'd like to see the list of plugins currently activated available at a glance by the host of a the game, like it is for players.

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:38 am
by Renwood
PPE what kinds of things do you think you could get working on the server side to go along with new client side features?

2 of the wishlist features i can think so for server side things it if people could have thier flim uploaded to the server after a game and the server would read what veterans of what kind of units there were, and put them in some kind of bank or something. like we could each (if vets are turned on in game) save 10 guys or something. Be nice to have that warrior that got 75 kills and leveld up the day before and use him in a game of COOP.

PPE REJOIN A GAME IN PROGRESS! ive allways wanted that.
the host of the game sets a password right before the game starts that people use to rejoin them game (from the lobby i would think)
or maybe from the IP screen from the main menu?

The option of automatic downloads of plugins that people dont have would be a nice feature. Most plugins have a URL embedded in them allready, that you see if you try to join and dont have that plguin. (allthough a lot are out of date)

If you can do anything like this you will be new myth god ppe! o wait you allready give us a place to play mythages!


Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:59 am
by PrplPplEater
I responded to this in the testers board, but I'll cross-post:

Any/All changes to the metaserver are the realm of Marius, and he's basically in retirement.

That said, Most of that is Client-Side changes:

The films thing would be sweet, but it's not likely at all..... there would need to be a lot of changes to both client & server to accomodate that.

The Vets thing is actually not too far-fetched, though the changes would again be almost purely Client Side. The client would just need to track its Vets, then at Game_End, it would just report them back to the metaserver. The metaserver would then need to be modified to update the user profile with that additional data, send it to the client on login, etc... again, that would be all Marius stuff though. As long as the metaserver tracked the info and kept the client updated for persistence across days/reboots, etc... that would be all that is needed. The rest would be client side to actually properly make use of that info. It would be sweet to be permitted to have one Vet of Large units (Trow, Myrk Giants, FG's), two of medium units and maybe 3 of small units (duffs, ghols).

Rejoin a game IN progress.... again, more client side. The biggest obstacles I see here is keeping lag to a minimum for the players still in-game on the rejoin, getting the re-joiner Sync'd (tougher if there is more than one re-Joiner), then preventing OOS in general. Server side, the only change would likely be not marking a game as un-joinable.

Automatic Downloads:

Most of those URL's are just homepages, not links directly to the file... and most of them are dead links. Aside from that, this is another thing that would be best served as a client-side change I think. Allow downloads only during the pre-game. Everyone in the game would have the map... take a page from the Torrent P2P book and have all people in the game share the sending of the file. Additionally, the client would need to be changed (maybe it already has with 1.5 or 1.6??) to not require a restart to refresh the Plugins list that you have loaded (never understood why a function couldn't be called to refresh that data).

What would be simplest is add a tab to the interace much like M3 has, then have that other tab be a mini-browser that opens the Tain or or whatever to d/l files. Include a simple file manager that can uncompress archives and you're all set.

I guess it is all doable, the big problem is finding people with the right combination of expertise/ability/knowledge, time, motivation and access to the source. ;)

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:12 pm
by Renwood
Thanks for talking the time to respond to me ideas PPE! all you have said makes me think it wouldnt cost 100,000 bucks to get all of these things working!

O yea and thanks for working on mnet..we kinda need that ~8^)

:::Dreams of Mtyh 5000:::

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 2:36 am
by Eddaweaver
PrplPplEater wrote:take a page from the Torrent P2P book and have all people in the game share the sending of the file.
I don't think that's good from a security, and bandwidth perspective as not everyone is on superfast/cheap broadband.

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:47 am
by Archer
Security's only a problem if Myth II makes it be one. I mean, I'm not saying I'd want to be the one auditing the code to make sure it isn't, but there's nothing fundamentally unsafe about transferring data around like that—only flaws in the application that uses it can make it unsafe.


Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:56 am
by vinylrake
Archer wrote:Security's only a problem if Myth II makes it be one. I mean, I'm not saying I'd want to be the one auditing the code to make sure it isn't, but there's nothing fundamentally unsafe about transferring data around like that—only flaws in the application that uses it can make it unsafe.

well maybe a host could release a plugin that was really a virus or ther malicious code so that if myth had an automatic 'Automatically download any plugins I need to play this game' anyone who joined the host's game would unknowingly download a virus to their computer.

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 10:50 am
by Archer
That's my point, though—unless the plugins are executable, which I don't believe they are, or there's a bug in Myth's handling of the plugins which can be exploited, you can't…

Oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah, I guess someone could claim that some random potentially-malicious executable is a map and get it downloaded, but you'd still need to find some way to actually run it—either waiting for the player to run it explicitly, or exploit some bug (again) in Myth's handling to get it to do it for you.

Basically, it's no problem that doesn't already exist from downloading plugins off of the internet at large, except that it's probably a bit easier to make sure someone actually downloads your plugin.


Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:51 pm
by Renwood
Auto download of plugins would be and OPTION. at least in my head thats how it would be ~8^)

and Yes Myth Plugins ARENT exe files, what exactly they are i dunno just bunches of collections put together in a certain way... but ive made a bunch of em! and i can tell you if like 1 thing is off or not how it should be its realy easy to get them to not work at all.... so making some evil shit with a plugin i dont think (im no programmer) would really be possible.

and as stated above no more risky then downloading stuff like plugins allready is.


Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:11 pm
by vinylrake
Renwood wrote:Auto download of plugins would be and OPTION. at least in my head thats how it would be ~8^)
It would be a nice option to have I agree.
Renwood wrote:and Yes Myth Plugins ARENT exe files, .... so making some evil shit with a plugin i dont think (im no programmer) would really be possible.

and as stated above no more risky then downloading stuff like plugins allready is.
In theory I agree, but word documents and excel files and webpages and emails aren't exe files either but enterprising virus writers have figured out ways to make all those non .exe files successful delivery mechanisms for viruses.

I don't have any reason to believe Myth II plugins are more prone to be exploited than any other type of file but all it would really take would be a 'plugin' that would would download a file that didn't look like a plugin so that the next time you browse your plugins folder you see for example a file that looks like a word document and it's called something like "myth4_readme.doc" so you are curious "what ever could that be? What is Myth 4?" so you double click it to read it and it's really a malicious virus exe file.