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Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 5:24 pm
by Acheron
Graydon:The whole talk about modified 'unites' (they were called units last time I checked...mb the 1.5 String List changed?) was started when you reported a ghol bug of the unit melee fighting while loaded with puss...correct?

No... THe modified unites/modified engine or code if u wanna call it that got mixed into this when pistol petter or wtf his name was suggested that MB this gholbug wasnt too bad. Aka it should maybe be made a new feature. This turned me on angry mode because if that was done it would change gamebalance. Then I started to talk about something from the past (1.4) So you dont know how read.. or I admit that im poorly typer..Well anyway If u think that would be a cool feature with puss as 2ndary attack i suggest u play that map with smart ghols.. cannot remember it name. If u do change ghols in real game it will fuck up the perfect balance which myth got. TO MAKE IT CLEAR I DO NOT THINK THEY MODIFIED UNITES. However they have been doing modifing on the code itself.. something was good (non gameplay graphical features etc) but gameplay changes were bad.

Graydon:I assume you're a big rank h00r?

This shows that you never are online and playing reg myth.

Graydon:you DO NOT tell GHOST, who IS one of the gods of 3rd party script, to speak when spoken to. Magma provides these forums for your use and pleasure...if you abuse that privilege and call people down here your privilege WILL be taken away.

Yes I do as long as he is not a BME member I use my right to call him a n00b when he is a n00b. I am sure he makes good scripts tho.
If magne takes my forum privs that would be their loss.. Not mine I am here to help.

I challenge you to beat The Fallen's Vengeance levels one and two in the demo that is soon to be released, on legendary difficulty, by yourself, first try.

I feel really sad for you ;( You give me all proof I need to say that you truly are a n00b. A coop map cannot tell if you are good or not. PLaying the 6 year old computer "A.I." (it isnt even AI lol) doesnt prove shit. Human against human prove if you are good or not. We could play a day me and u but i know the outcome already so its no point. I can also make a map and put 100 trows on it and say AHAHA u cant beat it.. Anyway if this map is actually possible to beat it has nothing to do with good or bad is just to learn the script and kill all the unites coming. Yeah I admit it probably wont be easy, but it does not show skill. Only human vs human can tell that. But all the good players (me) will be able to beat such map more easy then noobs (you) because we got greater multitask skills and so on.

Graydon: Suggest that if you dont like a little bug and it doesnt get fixed to your f00k off mb. If people are going to quit that dont like the new alterations that this fantastic group of guys is doing....let them. They wont be missed.

The mian thing here is that IT WAS "no" bugs when the games was untouched by magma is was myth2, the game who people still played after all these years because of its unique gameplay/balance. That is why I am pissed when you change what is not broken. I welcome the open GL changes and ability to see underwater unites. However removing ripples in water was changing how the game was made. Bungie ment it to be possible to see enemies this so you could plan a bit strategies and flanks for where people went. I read this in an early bungie interview.

Maybe people who quit wont be missed by your n00b coop group who sits on counting veterans on dwarves... but they will be missed by the already to small reg playing community.. I promiss u that buddy.

ghost:Rude ? Acheron is 7 levels beyond rude in my book. As for him "knowing what the gholbug is all about" he should also know its been present since 1.4. :oO

Yeah well that is a bit strange infact... Me and several people noticed this the first time in 1.5 beta.. actually right away after the beta came.. got no explanation on that.. hum

And ghost I try to enlight u about bugs in 1.5 Dont deny it.. u know its true,.

ghost: Personally I dont think beating a coop makes you a good player, I think beating a coop is fun !!

well ghost is not such a big n00b as Graydo.. ill give ya that!

Ghost: What I call a good player is not what you call a good player. A good player in my book is someone who is fun to play against or with, who is a good loser /winner, who doesnt hold themselves above everyone else proclaiming how enlightened they are while everyone else is an ignorant nOOb.

But you do understand my term for good player? right..? A player who is good skilwise and who understand the game. Understand whats going on and so on.. a such player can more easily see when something is wrong then a coop n00b.

Ghost:its Acheron who continually proclaims himself #1 supreme player of Myth

wrong I just claim to be better then a lot of people. However I can name several people who is a lot better then me.

Ghost:who knows exactly how every nuance of Myth should be and he loudly makes this known along with his demands and rude comments to anyone who disagrees with his point of view.

COrrect i know how every nuance should be pretty much. And yes I loudly annouce this when people try break a good game which has lasted for all these years.

Loial: But I wouldn't really expect you to understand this since you think a coop map proves how good of a player you are.

Loial sounds very wise. I think he must be a BME member infact..

I do agree that magma is SKILLED in making fun solo maps etc mazzarims demise was cool I played the first version a bit when it first came out (it was good reggers who lead that victory btw). bla bla etc the problem with magma is that they shouldnt change gameplay/and balance ( ive said this 20 times now ill stop. saying it mb) but keep doing good things with the game.. it seems to me like magma LOOK so hard for bugs that they find bugs which really are not bugs..

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 6:02 pm
by iron
We are looking hard for bugs & mb finding them where they're not, however in 1.5 all we've aimed at doing is reversing problems in 1.4.x, not fixing anything Bungie did (other than a a few of their bugs that caused OOS or crashing).

I think people have taken their eye off the ball in this thread. The most important thing at the moment is identifying and nailing bugs in the beta, _not_ wasting pages of valuable forum space in personal attacks, no matter how justified they may seem.

Ach, you and anyone else are welcome to post bug reports here. You've pointed out the ghol double-click problem, which as I said earlier has been fixed for the next beta as a result of your post and the film you sent me.

To me, that is the only worthwhile thing in this whole thread. No offence intended everyone, but if I can look past the swearing & insults to the core issue then perhaps its time some of the rest of us learned that as well?

If Ach and others felt unwelcome to post bug reports here then what'd be the result? (a) bugs will go unfixed and (b) 1.5 and Magma will be slandered on other forums, perhaps rightly so. I and others have put way too much effort into 1.5 to see that happen as a result of people not wanting to ignore insults.

On a last note Ach, they may have said that about the water ripples in an article however in the source code they made a real effort to make them invisible as in 1.4, however gave up as their method caused OOS. To me that spoke more about their real intentions than anything they'd say later to the press. Here's a snippet of their commented-out attempt from the sourcecode...

// unsigned long cell_visibility_flags= get_cell_visibility(WORLD_TO_INTEGER(object->location.position.x), WORLD_TO_INTEGER(object->location.position.y));

// Only show splashes if the object is visible
// if (cell_visibility_flags&_far_visibility_flag)

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 6:08 pm
by Acheron
I see Iron. I guess bungie changed their minds later on then.. This was really early on in the development process.

I think I said in my first post here that I was really pleased with 1.5 (i was not with 1.4) except those small issues we all know now :=) Anyway yeah lets track down the bugs.. But it all came down to my opinions aginst changing gameplay kinda the old 1.4 war waking to life. ppp final word in this thread mb.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 10:15 am
by Krusader
Yeah, fixing the numerous bugs being made in the bugtracker for the public beta 2 would be great...if it can be done.


Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 10:39 am
by iron
Many of those bug reports are variations on the same bug, so yes its a lot smaller a task than what it seems. And despite the recent troll attacks (which were overdue really), we're determined to see this through and make 1.5 a quality release without an interminable beta period.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 11:14 am
by Graydon

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 7:09 am
by Nitro
well i have only one request: do not release 3 more betas before final release. It takes me an hour to dl a 1hr patch so plz be considerable.

About the ghol bug..In 1.4 it happened when u had 2+ ghols selected together and they would not throw puss but were just getting too close to the opponent and then attacking (killing themselves).

Now in 1.5, from day 1 i noticed it. The ghol had 2 attacks. He would attack with normal attack and throw puss after. So yea, acheron didnt say anything in 1.4 because it was a bit different and not quite the same i think.

ps. Try not to focus on the way acheron says something but on what he is trying to say. It will save you a lot of time, cause these long posts u guys make against acheron are...well..stupid or have no point atleast (mb some of u found that out by now ).:0

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 11:37 am
[color=DFC99B]Plans are for only 1 more public beta then final release. :o)

So make sure you all get any films of any suspected issues / bugs to Iron, CIK, or Myrd so they can look into and fix things before then. :o)[/color]

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 4:15 pm
by thief of chickens
hi I'm new to the battlefields of myst.

Myth must have been a really buggy game if it has been 5 years and it is still really buggy. Must have been really riddled with bugs to begin with!

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 4:30 pm
hi I'm new to the battlefields of myst.
Myth !! is called Myth. ::shakes head and grumbles "its called MYTH!" ::

While named similiar, they are NOTHING alike.
Myth must have been a really buggy game if it has been 5 years and it is still really buggy. Must have been really riddled with bugs to begin with!
No, not really, alot of whats being done is to allow newer systems to run this old relic of a game we all hold so dear and are addicted to. A few long time bugs from 1.3 are being addressed as well as a slew of mapmaking features to provide for new innovative ideas to flourish in new 3rd party maps.

With any luck Myth II 1.5 and the Myth II 1.5 Demo we plan to release may draw new players and keep older ones from slipping away, and keep old and new mapmakers BZ for years to come. :o)

::runs off down the street yelling "STOP !! THIEF !!::


Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 5:42 pm
Guest wrote:I had my two ghols loaded up with puss and one satchel charge

I didn't know ghols could hold two items, cool!

and...whats wrong with smart ghols? This means you won't accidentally puss a unit when u want to smack it down. yeah...
I'm not sure if this is implemented, but if you can you should give each different item a different icon so you know what the ghol is luggin' around.

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 2:36 am
by Acheron
<pirateking> wrote:
Guest wrote:I had my two ghols loaded up with puss and one satchel charge
I didn't know ghols could hold two items, cool!

and...whats wrong with smart ghols? This means you won't accidentally puss a unit when u want to smack it down. yeah...
I'm not sure if this is implemented, but if you can you should give each different item a different icon so you know what the ghol is luggin' around.
hello retard lars. I hope u fall down something

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 5:49 am
by lank
what acheron actually means is: ghols can't carry two things at once (unless you have modified them in particular ways). reread what you quoted and you'll see the mention of two ghols, each loaded differently.

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 6:37 am
by qwerty2
no Lank, what Acheron means is that smart ghols were not included for a reason (balance).

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 8:15 am
by lank
clearly that too. my mistake.