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Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 9:32 am
by CIK
Spond the code is all in straight C. It's been cleaned up a ton from what Bungie had shipped.

You have no idea how ugly game programmers make some of there stuff.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 9:45 am
by haravikk
I personally found this hilarious, it seems fitting that after all the name calling Acheron made in regards to 1.5 that 1.5 call him names right back =P

Besides, Beta2 isn't really an official release, we'd never put anything like that into a release version.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 10:30 am
by El Tainted Blissarino
Yes but the fact that is being ignored is that THIS IS STILL A COMMERCIAL PRODUCT. Take 2 still owns rights to this game, and we're LUCKY to have people with the ability to modify the code. But pulling bullshit like this is the best way to lose that ability.

Fix the fucking game and leave your own erectile insecurities out of the code. I can barely play m2 anymore because of your retarded "upgrades" -- I average 15 fps on singleplayer STILL with beta 2.

You make the game unplayable, don't fix bugs that are reported (HELLO -- THE TROW STICK BUG IS LIKE 10X WORSE NOW) and yet you waste time programming stupid little pranks like this into your code.

I've been nice until now, but fuck you magma.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 10:55 am
by thief of chickens
Very unprofessional...Childish, even.

Of course, the standard response to that is: We aren't professionals! We are doing this in our free time and with no pay! We ARE children!! Wah wah wah wah.

What else do you do in life that you don't get paid for? Well...Everything besides your job. WOW. WHAT A REVELATION. PERHAPS I NEED NOT EXPLAIN THIS ANY FURTHER. I HOPE NOT.

Do the job right, or don't do it at all.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 11:00 am
haravikk wrote:I personally found this hilarious, it seems fitting that after all the name calling Acheron made in regards to 1.5 that 1.5 call him names right back =P
I must agree vikk. ;o)

::wipes tears from face, picks self up from floor holding sore gut from laughing so hard::

If I had read this post a split/second sOOner, I woulda had soda spewing out my nose. ;op

Man, its been awhile since I had a gut wrenching laugh like this. THANKS !! :oD[/color]

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 11:14 am
by CIK
El Tainted Blissarino wrote:You make the game unplayable, don't fix bugs that are reported (HELLO -- THE TROW STICK BUG IS LIKE 10X WORSE NOW) and yet you waste time programming stupid little pranks like this into your code.

I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm also sorry if you submitted info on this bug before also.

If you could please email me a film with the details of what's not right and when it happens to cik at that would be great.

We are gearing up for final release and as each day passes the time needed to QA gameplay changes is slipping away quickly.

Edited By CIK on 1083860121

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 11:25 am
by thief of chickens
CIK wrote:We are gearing up for final release and as each day passes the time needed to QA gameplay changes is slipping away quickly.
Glad to hear you hobby coders are utilizing your time wisely and coding little pranks into the game.

Way to maim a great Bungie game.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 11:37 am
Way to maim a great Bungie game.
MAIM!? Oh grow up! It changes Acherons name, whoopty fOOkin do!

"OMG!! That just ruins Myth for me and everyone else, Myth will never be the same, forever ruined by Acheron having Complete nOOb as a name."

FYI, this effects NO-ONE but Acheron, so get off it. ;o/[/color]

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 12:24 pm
by CIK
Ok let's tone it down a bit here....

Acheron & I have both gotten over it and moved on.

Now let's find some bugs in this thing. I'm getting bored here waiting for some game play bug reports.

The cosmetic bugs reports are good too, but we need time to QA any game play fixes and time is running out.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 2:58 pm
by El Tainted Blissarino
Not Found
The requested URL /cache/reports/4-1-front.html was not found on this server.

so how do I report bugs now?

I did report the trow stick bug, but I was told that it "wasn't a gameplay issue"*, thus I didn't bother saving films. This problem is so rampant that I'll log on and play a few games of clash or trow tomorrow and I'm sure I'll have at least one film of it.

*if you want, I'll look up the post where I was told this.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 3:14 pm
by haravikk
GDI something weird is up with this thing, it's back again though

Aha! Got it! Shouldn't break anymore now

Edited By haravikk on 1083879445

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 6:55 pm
by iron
TB we definitely need a film of it. The sooner the better as well. Thanks.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 9:13 pm
by Possum Stu
When I read about this stunt, I thought it was a cute prank. Then I read Asteron's forum posts about it and the joke got funnier and funnier.

Anyway, I think this is what Ahcerohn must have looked like when he discovered what was happening.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 9:32 pm
Anyway, I think this is what Ahcerohn must have looked like when he discovered what was happening.

Too funi man!! Thanks !! :oD[/color]

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:52 am
by SneakAttack
Hey hey hey, lets all just get along. After all we all share something in common here... We all want Myth around. Maybe Magma does more inside testing, maybe the community does some more bug reports, maybe we all just get along and playmyth. I'm not fond of any of these bullshit bugs either, but what the hell were not going back to 1.3 or 1.4.x any time soon, and getting magma to make 1.3 with no gameplay changes and just other features is like beating a dead horse (no flame bait here magma, you know it's true :D and hell it's understandable no one wants gameplay bugs)! So stay focused people, the bitchin' ain't helpin', and magma the irresponsibility with your releases needs to be cleaned up, I understand your not paid developers, but c'mon lets see some professionalism :p Maybe you all just need to listen to some tunes, Hendrix, Audioslave, Dead, Pink Floyd, Rage Against the Machine, pick your poison!