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Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 4:43 pm
by Amadeus
Death's Avatar wrote:Doobs has already been appointed as an MNA, but that is a pretty trivial step. The one that we are having trouble with is the one that matters.

perhaps we can stop users from swearing too

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 5:13 pm
by Doobie
Amadeus wrote:
Death's Avatar wrote:Doobs has already been appointed as an MNA, but that is a pretty trivial step. The one that we are having trouble with is the one that matters.

perhaps we can stop users from swearing too
What is that in reference to? Are you inferring that I swear too much? That's entirely possible i suppose.

Are you referring to the old mnet policy around swearing in the lobby? If so you should know that policy was abandoned years ago. Any administrative actions I took with regard to swearing in the past were under the direction of the people in charge of mnet. Mnet is in new hands (and has been for some time). Swearing in the lobby is really no longer an issue and hasn't been for a long long time.

If you want to say something, come out and say it Ama.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 7:16 pm
by Amadeus
Doobie wrote:
Are you referring to the old mnet policy around swearing in the lobby? If so you should know that policy was abandoned years ago. Any administrative actions I took with regard to swearing in the past were under the direction of the people in charge of mnet. Mnet is in new hands (and has been for some time). Swearing in the lobby is really no longer an issue and hasn't been for a long long time.

If you want to say something, come out and say it Ama.
Get the sand out of your vag, it was a joke. Wasn't trying to dig at anyone nor was it some attempt at double speak. Obviously its not an issue anymore.

However, setting up rules that govern behavior in the way suggested not only have failed in the past but have also just pissed people off. In my experience at least. I believe a while ago, a similar agenda was started in playmyth. Maybe you guys can implement it better though.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 8:42 pm
by The Elfoid
I've not played Myth since my MWC team was out, and not really played at all since May. I had exams, then music festivals, then just couldn't be bothered to play. I still consider myself a Myth player though and when I checked in and out on occasion in MWC time...the community on playmyth felt alive. Didn't feel as low as it is out of MWC season but the surge MWC usually brings didn't happen.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 12:13 am
by Doobie
Amadeus wrote:
Doobie wrote:
Are you referring to the old mnet policy around swearing in the lobby? If so you should know that policy was abandoned years ago. Any administrative actions I took with regard to swearing in the past were under the direction of the people in charge of mnet. Mnet is in new hands (and has been for some time). Swearing in the lobby is really no longer an issue and hasn't been for a long long time.

If you want to say something, come out and say it Ama.
Get the sand out of your vag, it was a joke. Wasn't trying to dig at anyone nor was it some attempt at double speak. Obviously its not an issue anymore.

However, setting up rules that govern behavior in the way suggested not only have failed in the past but have also just pissed people off. In my experience at least. I believe a while ago, a similar agenda was started in playmyth. Maybe you guys can implement it better though.
Sorry, but the way you quoted DA saying I'm an admin made it seem as if that was somehow relevant to your statement. My mistake I guess.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:08 am
by Arthim
As for recruiting new players/bringing back old ones, maby we could make a guide that is very easy to find. It would have information on how/where to register for multiplayer, and have information on baisically anything somebody would want to learn about myth.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 4:52 pm
by Pyro
I may be wrong but I think some people over at the Nine forums were thinking of setting up a multi-language site designed to get new players informed on how to get Myth and where to go and all that. I wonder if they are still going to do that.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:05 pm
by Tireces
Yup Pyro, we are still goin to set up multi-language Myth site, I mean sorta - about guide hmmm... I saw OoH site has nice one... and... hmmm... I would not know what to write right in this moment .....
Maybe : "Dear Myther, so you have your copy of Soublighter now - good job. We have two infos for you: good and bad. Good: you have just installed greatest game in the world and there are still ppl that play it : ) Bad: all of em play on but you cant make an account there couse site is down since spring 2007. You can make account on - dont count for any games there tho ( at least for sure not during EU time ). Thx for visiting our site. Have a nice day" ;) ;)

Now seriously
:/ :/ I hope that something will change in this matter soon...

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 6:06 pm
by Arthim
If a guide was created, it would also have to be super easy to find. There is no point in haveing a guide unless most people are able to find it without trouble.

Also, it was mentioned earlier in this thread that a new player has to learn alot just to be averge. If there is a guide, it shold explain some of those things.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 8:49 pm
by king paris
over the past few months i have invited some of my friends in real life to play myth

the biggest problems with this are already stated, but lets just recap for a second here

1) Playmyth has to be up and functioning. it is the main server that is used and we shouldn't even think of recruiting new people until it either succumbs or has an open registration. my friends used to check this website daily for 1-2 weeks straight to see when registration was up, without that they were stuck on other myth player's accounts (which they will now be penalized for or something of the sort for more than one IP logging on thier account). so basically, playmyth still isn't up, and it is a huge problem that needs to be solved.

2) new players to myth get slaughtered. this is not fun for a noob, nor is it fun for anyone, but the fact is, myth is quite the challenging game for most players and it takes a while for new players to actually get good (and it takes time and effort). a guide on how to play, a guide that gave descriptions of situations, detailed unit information and a guide that had a chart of units vs units would be great! it would help speed up the newer players and allow them to adapt faster to the game, thus get bitched at less for sucking so hardcore!

3) the server is not always active. this isn't really solvable at hand, but plenty of people have told me "i log on, theres no games, a bunch of AFK people in the lobby, no one to play with" etc etc shit like that. we can't change this, unless the 2 problems above this are solved. why? more people, more games, more activity.

dunno i had about 5 other things to say but im not going to bother

also : we shouldn't bitch about ppl being assholes on myth because uh, its never going to change and we could ban a bunch of ppl like we did before, but it really hasn't done any good in the long run.

also also: the sooner playmyth comes up the sooner problems are solved.
the waiting game is quite a shitty one.


Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 10:05 pm
by Point
playmyth is a dead stick... a ship without a captain.....

and I say that in that it is just one hack or bad day
away from being shut down always ...

so it is doomed to complete its cycle ... blades has a life h e
must focus on and we should be happy to support
him in achieving that by allowing him and encouraging him
to let go of the reigns for a while...

just to set the blue bar text om playmyth to go play at mnet link and use this
as a back up server .... peace out while i take care of
business simple as that...

Re: playmyth

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 10:40 pm
by Death's Avatar
Point wrote: just to set the blue bar text om playmyth to go play at mnet link and use this
as a back up server .... peace out while i take care of
business simple as that...
It really is...

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:06 pm
by Arthim
Go to the flying flip forums, mythII 1.3 support, and read the thread about status for the more blades supporting side of this discussion (and a very thourogh flameing of an admin).

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:46 am
by Tireces
king paris wrote:more people, more games, more activity.
Actualy we are loosing players - every month some1 leaves - maybe it isnt very noticeable yet ( MWC time etc. ) - but sooner or later it will be - just wait till november-december. So we need new players.
I would love to see back but if it will not return - lets say: in 1-2 months from now - then we should all move to to give new/returning players chance for some myth games ( and to avoid stagnation ).

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 1:35 pm
by The Elfoid
MWC04, MWC05 and MWC06 were all heralded as 'probably the last MWC'. It almost wasn't organised in 2001, it was a bit last minute. No one thought it'd happen again after that cuz of dying. Myth is not gonna disappear off the face of the earth anytime soon. Yes it's shrinking, but plenty of us won't leave.

Secondly: NEW PLAYERS WILL NEVER COMPENSATE FOR COMMUNITY LOSS. They'll not be as good as the veterans, so veterans'll get bored and leave. They'll find it too challenging - I think outside of the weird Italian community spurt in the last year there's been around 5-10 new players this year and about treble that have left.

Myth's old, it will shrink. End of story. We're lucky we are where we are now. All we need is the PlayMyth site to be up, to find somebody or other to run MWC08 (I reckon if no one else will Paris will end up doing it) and updates to run on new systems to keep things alive as long as we can. Things that might help are maps, other tournies but really there's not a lot we can do.

Shoot out e-mails to ex-Mythers you used to know a year ago or something maybe - they might have time to play again. Bout all I can think of other than reduce the shrink. I don't think new players are worth our time.