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Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 1:46 pm
by Horus
The Elfoid wrote:
A-Red wrote:
Renwood TWA wrote:Theres a large problem with that "hiatus" theroy A-Red.

Moagim was drawn and quartered on the plains before Ilium at the first few years or decades after the wind age started. So he wasnt around to rule the blasted lands of myth, his armys like the myrks pretty much ran amok for a thousand years, with humanity hiding and on the run bearly surviving.
I don't see how that conflicts with the theory at all. I *said* he was killed and later returned, not that he disappeared--but the relevant thing is that either way, he was there at the beginning of the dark age and the end of the dark age, the two times the Cycle would have required him to be physically present.
I don't think losing a body is a huge deal in the world of Myth for someone that powerful, probably.
Well if we go back to TFL you get that bit which says Balor had been killed many times but he just wouldn't stay dead (until they cheated and threw his head in the Devoid early).

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 4:31 pm
by Renwood TWA
the term "wouldnt stay dead" has never appearded in bungie lore.

"Balor has been killed before" is more like it

What exactly that means i dont know, but to me it seems they are talking about "The Leveler" and not referring to "Balor" being killed before.

crazy video game semantics!

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 3:35 am
by Cobalt 7
What's so freaking hard about all of this you mooks ;)

The comet is likely an indicator, a "Bad Moon Rising" to point to a trope. Aka You know you're fucked when a god damn comet appears right when shit's getting real.

The Spirit of the leveler possesses the hero who killed him in the last age. I'm going to imagine that this spirit may/ may not know the information that the Hero knew when he possesses them.

You're taking it all way too literally. Moagim died in the last age at the hands of Connacht, and before then Tireces killed the leveler before him. And so on, and So on.

Given that all of these individuals would likely be men of great power, they likely already knew of a means to keep themselves alive for the 1000 years. The Deciever is 1000 years old likely thanks to magic, Soul Blighter turned wicked and tore out his heart and gave himself such a lovely smile in an arcane ritual to achieve immortality, same with all of them. Just look at the Watcher. Bastard wouldn't stay down. (I'm of the theory that he is indeed dead.)

The humans of that world have tried for what is least 5 millennium to destroy the leveler. Note how their methods grew more complex at each iteration. Burned at the Stake. Shoulda done it. Comes back and so they tear him apart and send him to the opposite ends of the world where he shouldn't be able to put himself together if he didn't die. Next time, they Burn him (after stabbing him for 5x as long as usual I'm sure), then mix his ashes with Salt. SALT. That right there speaks volumes, and bury him under a (likely important) mountain.

So throwing the head into The Great Devoid doesn't seem like such a bad plan at all. I don't believe the general idea was to keep his head falling forever, because if you'll note Alric speaks about how the only way to DESTROY the head is to toss it into the devoid. This means there is some kind of significance to the hole. I mean a giant black hole/ pit in the earth caused by an ancient war? Big stuff... and guess what happens when that scrappy Dorf tosses the head into the devoid? The god damn thing explodes.

I like to think that it was some kind of an issue like adding reactive chemicals, or negative to a negative. Whatever the case, it KILLED Balor in the most likely destructive way they were capable of, sapping the fallen of their power, and causing the undead to crumble.

The Dark were RISING in power, and were likely supposed to culminate in their complete and utter conquest/ domination at the height of the comet. Madrigal did fall in those last few days.

Though if you want to clear something up, how has the great war only been occuring for 17 years, if the Fallen Lords sacked Muirthemne 30 years before the start of the game in the prologue (though more confusing is the manuals's wording "just a few years ago".), and how have they been fighting for Seven Years in the manual?

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 6:24 pm
by Horus
Renwood TWA wrote:the term "wouldnt stay dead" has never appearded in bungie lore.
You know if I were going to quote an exact line I'd of used quotation marks ("") or the quote system.

Like this:
"Balor has been killed before," Alric told us after we raised the Myrkridian standard, "and each time it has only made him more powerful. Our best hope is to cut off his head, and hurl it into the Great Devoid. Only in this way will the world be rid of him forever."
Heck Soulblighter wanted to recover the head, you don't do that if it's a dead head.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:09 pm
by iron

Every story question asked and answered, long long ago. Yes, every question. Many times, and debated to the nth degree. Enjoy.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 10:03 pm
by William Wallet
Not every question...
what do those zerks wear under their fluffly kilts?

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:05 am
by iron
Ah, you have me there!

You should descend on the Asylum to ask the question - or better yet, post a theory on the subject. Bring the old place back to life it would :)

Btw did you ever notice that Bungie painted the number 7 on zerks' chests?

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:37 am
by vinylrake
Horus wrote:Heck Soulblighter wanted to recover the head, you don't do that if it's a dead head.
Even soulblighter knows that there's no hope of recovery for a deadhead.

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 12:25 pm
by Renwood TWA
good post Cobalt, there are a few mistakes in it though.

Tireces didnt kill the first Moagim though, he killed The Leveler 1,000 years before the first moagim.

history has no record of who indeed killed the first moagim, other then it was an unamed great hero of the light.

The part where you talk about how many years have gone by in the great war is kinda hard to keep track of. It goes something like this.....60 years BEFORE crows bridge takes place Balor sacked Muirthemne and raised all the land around muirthemne creating The Barrier (big assed desert)

It would seem Balor was busy building up his armys or just running around for decades before the dark decided to cross the mountin range of the cloudspine to attack the west.

At the time of crows bridge the war has been IN THE WEST for 17 years.
Wich would mean that balor had destoryed Muirthemne about 67 or 57 years before crows bridge takes place.

There is one porblem with the forever falling LIVE head thoery.

The Devoid totally blew the fuck up when the head was tossed in it.

The head either turned into bloody mush from the giant exsplosion OR it got FLUG way the hell out with all the other crap that the devoid sent flying= no forever falling head.


Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 7:10 pm
by oogaBooga
Marathon had epic story.

Myth had epic story.

A good story is one that its fans argue over and discuss for years on end without actually resolving all of its questions (but giving reasonable possible explanations for them).

Notice how nobody gives a shit about Halo's story because it's so see-through. (Don't take too much offense, I loved halo, but it's undeniably lame and small of scale for a Bungie game).

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 9:58 pm
by Renwood TWA
yes there should allways be some mystery in storys.

Its allways when people try to explain exactly why things are that storys can become contrived feeling.

As an example the comic book character Wolverine, People debated for decades about how one of the best things about him was you never knew his entire deal. his history for a long time was completely unknown.

being able to speculate about storys is fun it would seem.

so in short, things should never be explained 100%

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:22 pm
by Arthim
First of all, the levaler is reffered to as a tranciant divinity in the epilog of myth 2. He cannot be killed only banised for 1000 years. Secondly also at the end of myth 2 they suggest that the leveler might still come back, and that they have to remain vigilant to be able to stop him if he does.

Secondly, I always thought that tfl happened at the end of balor's age and that the comet was signaling that Alric would defeat balor (which he did). Where are all of you getting the idea that the opposite was true?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:18 pm
by Pyro
Seven Gates Journal Entry
Sunday December 7, Seven Gates
So ends the seventeenth year of the war.
That is from the journal entry for Seven Gates in Myth TFL.

The Great Library Journal Entry
According to the journal, a similar expedition was undertaken during the Great War. It seems ironic that sixty years later, we will be going through the same World Knot to retrieve the Codex once again.
That is from the journal entry for The Great Libary in Myth 2.

The Ibis Crown Journal Entry
One hundred ten years ago, during the Wolf Age, Muirthemne was sacked, burned and all but buried under a mountain of rock and sand by Balor and the Fallen Lords. As I stood before the ruins of the Mausoleum of the Cath Bruig I could not help but wonder what we hoped to gain by owning it.
That is from the journal entry for The Ibis Crown in Myth 2. Myth 2 as we know takes place 60 years after Myth TFL. So 50 years before Myth TFL was when the Wolf Age ended.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:28 am
by Cobalt 7
Renwood and all you guys annoy me so much... :roll:

The Great Devoid is more than just a big deep hole in the ground. It's a site of vast mystical energy, where the last of a dying race nuked a mountain into oblivion with magic the characters of Myth couldn't possible dare comprehend.

You saw how Balor's head reacted with it. If his head is a vessel for his spirit, and dumping a spirit in such a "reactive area" resulted in an explosion of such fierce proportions, then I'd say it's very easy to argue that The Leveler is DEAD, or at least trapped in the devoid at the very least.

It would be the equivalent of dropping sodium and potassium into a cup of water. It's incredibly reactive.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:28 pm
by vinylrake
Cobalt 7 wrote:Renwood and all you guys annoy me so much... :roll:
I don;t know if I am one of the guys who annoys you so much (fingers crossed), but how is anything you argue and better or worse than anyone else's opinions? Nothing you've said is factual or proveable, it's just your opinion based on your interpretation of how THINGS THAT AREN'T REAL should work - or is it just that you get annoyed by people who disagree with you?

For the record, lest I get lumped into some group I don't belong in - I am not arguing _against_ your interpretation, just pointing out that your opinion is no more valid (or less annoying) than anyone else's. I personally don't even have an opinion other than to say that Myth TFL is a really awesome and fun game.