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Re: Mazz VI: Wisdom of the Mancers

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:48 pm
by GodzFire
Deqlyn wrote:ChrisP just download Dream Duel at Tyr and finish the script that pyro broke!
No.......Chris has a map he's working on.

Re: Mazz VI: Wisdom of the Mancers

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:43 pm
by gvari
Some people will hate me for saying this, but...
For the love of Wyrd, nerf the damn Mort.
Hyper firing dwarfs always look stupid but the mort completely breaks the barrier,
killing dragons in seconds, annhiliating trow trains and whatnot.

Leaving the dwarves out completely wouldn't be a bad idea I think.
It would force people to use archers(they tend to get suicided), and would make the mancers much more important.

Re: Mazz VI: Wisdom of the Mancers

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:11 pm
by Gleep
I need to play some mazz. I used to love vetting the arcs.

Re: Mazz VI: Wisdom of the Mancers

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:14 pm
by Pyro
Deqlyn wrote:ChrisP just download Dream Duel at Tyr and finish the script that pyro broke!
I broke no such thing! It was fine before you messed with it, and it hasn't been clear if this issue you speak of is still there using the 1.7 final. Make it crash on 1.7 and then ask for help.

Re: Mazz VI: Wisdom of the Mancers

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:47 pm
by GodzFire
gvari wrote:Some people will hate me for saying this, but...
For the love of Wyrd, nerf the damn Mort.
Hyper firing dwarfs always look stupid but the mort completely breaks the barrier,
killing dragons in seconds, annhiliating trow trains and whatnot.

Leaving the dwarves out completely wouldn't be a bad idea I think.
It would force people to use archers(they tend to get suicided), and would make the mancers much more important.
This only happens when you have a very good player who knows how to vet the dwarves properly. While the mort can get pretty quick when he has a high kill count, as soon as he levels up, it's back to snail slow fire.

The pathfinder is much more tougher to level, since his special requires a very crowded group. I'm hoping that should Chris continue Mazz, he will replace the flaming satchels with the Dwarven Balloon Airstrike.

Finally, 7 times out of 10, the Striders are suicided at the start killing the rest of the unwanted units. As for the Demos, they are an endangered species.

I have a few ideas for Chris in fine-tuning the Dwarf section.

Re: Mazz VI: Wisdom of the Mancers

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:21 pm
by sillek
GodzFire wrote:
The pathfinder is much more tougher to level, since his special requires a very crowded group. I'm hoping that should Chris continue Mazz, he will replace the flaming satchels with the Dwarven Balloon Airstrike.
NO!!!!! The dwarven airship dropping satchels lags a lot of people really badly.
Finally, 7 times out of 10, the Striders are suicided at the start killing the rest of the unwanted units. As for the Demos, they are an endangered species.
Demos are also bugged to reset back to 0kills. Otherwise, they are quite useful with hammer and anvil

Re: Mazz VI: Wisdom of the Mancers

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:23 pm
by GodzFire
I have yet to directly respond to Archer's original question. Being the official Electromancer of the Mazz Dream Team, I feel it is my duty to share my wealth of information. The EMan (Electromancer) along with the PMan (Pyromancer), are two of the more 'specialty units' on your team. By that I mean they have a more specific purpose than your other units, especially at the start when leveling up.


For the first level and a good portion of the second, your only goal really is to clear the ghol, soulless, and spider mobs. When reaching the third level, you can then branch out, offering your services against different enemies, since mana is not that much of a limit. Note that the cost of each attack lowers as you level.

Mana Usage Key: H(igh), (M)edium, (L)ow, (V)ery Low

- Bolt (M-H): A very powerful single and AoE attack, but very costly in the first two levels. Bolt's great for pushing back Beholders when being overrun, and mauls are relatively weak against it.
- Storm (H): Your lifesaver if you are out of or low on healers. Basically, a cloud which heals your teammates while damaging most enemies. Closer you are to it, the better chance it has to strike. Excellent for throwing out when surrounded by a couple of minibosses or encased in enemies where a healer can't reach you. High mana and loss of 1 ammunition piece is the tradeoff.
- Strike (L): Your second best normal attack. Good for hitting ghost dwarves, warlocks, and other weak enemies.
- Chain (M): The EMan's bread and butter. This is essentially what you use to level up. When ghols, soulless, or spiders attack, this is your job. Also, if you have a large enough mob for the chain to stretch out on, it will surge through the enemies more than one time for additional damage.
- Missile (V): The main normal attack you'll use. Very low mana cost. Once you hit level 3, Missile can usually take out enemy missile units in one attack.
- Web (L-M): Handy little attack for slowing down incoming units and buying you or someone else time to get away. Especially effective against Green Dragons.
- Orb (M): The second mana/ammunition based attack. Fairly good range most used to destroy the ArchLich's 'shooty' attack. Note the farther it flies the weaker the spell damage gets.
- Volt (M-H): Final mana/ammunition based attack. Haven't really used this one much due to the rather large amount of mana drain. Still it does a considerable amount of damages to mini-bosses.


PMan has more difficult time leveling up than the EMan does, since he doesn't have a specific enemy for him besides the Blue Dragon and Tree. Mauls are also the best fodder for leveling, however sometimes you will have to deal with a whOring Forest Giant. The hardest part for the PMan is getting out of level 1, since your fireballs don't hone in on enemies, (I think this might even be a bug that went forgotten and unfixed for release). Overall, enemies are more susceptible to the PMan's fire attacks than the EMan's, especially Thrall and Myrmidons. Note that the cost of each attack lowers as you level.

Mana Usage Key: H(igh), (M)edium, (L)ow, (V)ery Low

- Stasis (V-L): Your last resort type spell. If you're in trouble, or someone else is, you can use this time buy some time while other teammates get there. Unfortunately, you can't move anywhere, and any damage breaks it. Still it can mean the difference between a death and survival.
- Hellfire (H): Don't use this one myself personally, due to it's very, very high mana drain. Still if you have a very long line of tough enemies, and mana to spare, Hellfire is a devastating attack.
- Fountain (L-M): Great long range attack to stop an enemy in it's tracks and cause damage at the same time.
- Swarm (L-M): Useful against Stigs and relatively weak enemies.
- Fireball (V-L): Your main normal attack. More powerful than the EMan's default attack. Again, level 1 fireballs do not hone in on their enemies, so you have time it just right.
- Firewall (L-M): The PMan's main leveling attack. Perfect against any concentrated enemy mob. Normally kills units with 1 spell, however some tougher level enemies might require more.
- FlamePath (M): Your first mana/ammunition based attack. Most effective when enemy units are in a close line coming after you. One of your top leveling spells.
- Immolate (M-H): The second mana/ammunition based attack and the Tree's worst enemy. Very deadly to the unit it's cast on, and has a pretty nasty AoE effect too. Blue Dragons are one shot with this. Does decent damage to even mini-bosses with tough skins.


So there you go. Hopefully this will help you and anyone else reading this.

Re: Mazz VI: Wisdom of the Mancers

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:37 pm
by Pyro
GodzFire wrote:Being the official Electromancer of the Mazz Dream Team, I feel it is my duty to share my wealth of information.

Re: Mazz VI: Wisdom of the Mancers

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:50 pm
by gvari
Godzfire, that's exactly the case in 95% of the games I've played lately.
Some old player(all players are old players these days) takes Mort and hoors like mad.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that dwarfs take the roles of both mancers and archers,
making both less important (archers actually completely useless). I have seen people get annoyed when I have archers, because they cannot hoor as much.

I don't agree adding carpet bombing zeppelins would make Mazz better in any way.

Also, I'm very curious what this unconcious exploit with Watcher is.
Since it's not something people realize it cannot be Pathing(a very shameless exploit imho).

Re: Mazz VI: Wisdom of the Mancers

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:50 pm
by GodzFire
gvari wrote:Godzfire, that's exactly the case in 95% of the games I've played lately.
Some old player(all players are old players these days) takes Mort and hoors like mad.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that dwarfs take the roles of both mancers and archers,
making both less important (archers actually completely useless). I have seen people get annoyed when I have archers, because they cannot hoor as much.

I don't agree adding carpet bombing zeppelins would make Mazz better in any way.

Also, I'm very curious what this unconcious exploit with Watcher is.
Since it's not something people realize it cannot be Pathing(a very shameless exploit imho).
Only the mort comes close to the possible damage the EMan and PMan have. The Pathfinder is just too hard to level with all the main units alive. For me the only archer used is the Ranger.

Re: Mazz VI: Wisdom of the Mancers

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:03 pm
by gvari
Fully vetted PF and Mort are quite effective even against black thrall.
Pyromancer has nothing expect Immolation perhaps, that works on Blacks.
Storm clouds fry blacks in seconds however.

Re: Mazz VI: Wisdom of the Mancers

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:07 pm
by GodzFire
PMan's role with blacks are mostly to keep mini-bosses at bay along with the EMan. Firewall is still effective against Blacks, albeit a bit slow.

Re: Mazz VI: Wisdom of the Mancers

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:01 am
by Kyth
I play ele often

Bolt: Useless 99% of the time before level 3 as it uses up way too much mana

It can destroy mauls and such quite easily (but that's easy with ele)

usually you have better options. One good use is to fire it BEHIND behilders to make them fly to your melee units, which renders the beh useless

Storm: When you're surrounded, or getting pwned, just cast this

Strike: zap swarves, wights, and when it's faste enough can dispatch things like ghols

also to move items around :D

Chain: souls, ghols and spiders for nice vetting. Also on very large waves, it might hit each unit 2 or even 3 times, which is actually very damaging

Missile: Nice to dispatch stuff from far away, can also be used as a melee attack ;)

Web: great to immobilize beholders early on, otherwise i dont much use this

Orb: GREAT for early vetting. That thing just rapes thralls, mauls, and pretty much everything. Watch out for teamkilling :p

I have never ever ran out of charges so you can easily use 20 of them :o

Volt: wtf

Re: Mazz VI: Wisdom of the Mancers

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:05 am
by Kyth
Pyro wrote:
GodzFire wrote:Being the official Electromancer of the Mazz Dream Team, I feel it is my duty to share my wealth of information.
lol :|

Re: Mazz VI: Wisdom of the Mancers

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 4:33 am
by ducky
gvari wrote:Also, I'm very curious what this unconcious exploit with Watcher is.
Since it's not something people realize it cannot be Pathing(a very shameless exploit imho).
Sometimes after about 1-1.5 hours in, it seems that some wave patterns stop until others are done. Like, even if the map is clear (no stuck units or anything), there will be basically nothing but bosses and, like, wights for a while. Then once you're finally done killing all the bosses, thrall waves start coming again, except they're still only reds or something and you're 2 hours in.

This means that sometimes when you get to the watcher, you've already killed all of the boss waves and even all of the wraith waves. Haven't heard it from CP but I bet the "exploit" is whatever causes that to happen, and goodness knows what that is.