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Re: Computer Crashed

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:44 am
Got both the speakers and monitor a few days before scheduled delivery. Computer was supposed to arrive today but didn't. No big deal, this baby is up and running for the time being, and I can't start on the myth movie until I have some free time anyway. I'll post pics when it comes in.

Re: Computer Crashed

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:08 am
by vinylrake

no offense, but unless you have some custom case art or something, I am genuinely puzzled why anyone would want or need to see pictures of your (or anyone else's) computer.

Re: Computer Crashed

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:08 pm
by GodzFire
To make his e-Peen feel good Vinyl, obviously.

Re: Computer Crashed

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:46 pm
vinylrake wrote:why?

no offense, but unless you have some custom case art or something, I am genuinely puzzled why anyone would want or need to see pictures of your (or anyone else's) computer.


Re: Computer Crashed

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:33 pm
by vinylrake
Hey I bought a new keyboard a couple of months ago, if anyone is interested I can post pictures of it here in the forums.

Re: Computer Crashed

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:04 pm
I'd love you to. I'm probably going to buy one of those ergonomical keyboards with the right and left sides separated.

Re: Computer Crashed

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:23 am
by vinylrake
i'll post a pic of my home keyboard later if i remember when i am home tonight.

at work i use one of those microsoft 'ergonomic keyboards' - been using it for a few weeks and am, still getting used to it. i think if you are a good touch typist and use all 5 fingers on each hand to press the 'proper' keys they work ok, but if like me you cheat and type 'v's and 'b's and 'g's and 'h's with whatever finger/hand is closest instead of the hand you are supposed to you can end up with a lot of typos.

Re: Computer Crashed

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:07 pm
by Khadrelt
I hate ergos.

But I don't type correctly. I can get 65 wpm by hunt-and-peck, baby!

Re: Computer Crashed

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:44 pm
by DarthRevan555
Back in HS I could type 100+ WPM by hunt and peck style :p

Re: Computer Crashed

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:55 pm
There are next to no keyboards that are set up similar to how laptop keyboards are. I need a keyboard like that for maximum mything performance. I haven't played myth on a desktop in 5 years, so it would be hard to switch back. Especially since the one section I rely on most on my new keyboard is completely useless for mything. After searching hundreds of different keyboards, the Microsoft 4000 keyboard is the only one that has the proper setup I'm looking for. Its cheap, but I'm trying to see if Dell can give me an even swap since I thought I was going to get a much better keyboard with my system than what I did.

Re: Computer Crashed

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:48 am
by Graydon
Take a look at the apple wireless keyboard. It's set up exactly like the macbook pro keyboards. No number pad, and Fn key as expected.

Re: Computer Crashed

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:54 am
by punkUser
Yeah there's a bunch of wireless/bluetooth/"tablet" keyboards with similar layouts to laptop keyboards. Just look for stuff that is meant to be "compact" like laptops and it'll typically be similar.

Or you could treat yourself to a sweet mechanical keyboard... they're cool again among gamers :).

Re: Computer Crashed

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:03 pm
by vinylrake
i had a few of those old IBM 10 lb metal keyboards i wish i hadn't thrown away back in the 90's. i've seen retrofit DIY instructions to turn make them USB compatible. I'd love to have a working one today, i go through at least a keyboard a year and end up hating them all. i thought the G15 I bought back in the summer would last me a while but the space bar is already half broken. i like the looks of the newer aluminum keyboards, but those chiclet keys don't feel very strong i think i need an industrial strength keyboard.

Re: Computer Crashed

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:13 pm
I use geometry when determining whether or not a keyboard will be suitable for my gaming style. I am 100% reliant on muscle memory, so I want things to be as close as possible. You are right about the apple wireless keyboard, but the arrow keys are small. And since its a desktop I would want the numeric pad on the right, even though I don't use that portion for mything. The Dell laptops are set up fine for what I'd want, but again they use the small arrow buttons. The XPS 15 is really close, but they mash all the keys together, and don't even put the Return key on the farthest right side of the cluster.

Believe me, I know exactly what I want and need ;P

I didn't win 2 MWCs and countless over tournaments by not knowing what goes into my superior gameplay ability.

Re: Computer Crashed

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:14 pm
Speaking of which, how do I enable ascii lettering when on myth? I press windows key and a letter/number but it just brings up whatever key I hit.