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Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:52 pm
by Eddaweaver
Eddaweaver wrote:
Death's Avatar wrote:
t o x y n wrote:
Death's Avatar wrote:VRPP!

Already been ported! :D

...Really? The only port of it that I encountered was terrible.

Yes, it was. It was actually a mere port of the VRPP colormap for a co-op in the "Group Of Co-ops" plugin, which was also dirtily rigged into a multiplayer map with little in common with the original.

I was working on making a decent recreation of the original TFL VRPP a couple of months ago but became distracted since I can't really play Myth currently. It's about 95% complete, I can finish it off if you'd like:
I ran into a problem with the Pathfinder Dwarves' bottles exploding too often on impact, but other than that it's more or less finished. I kind of forgot about it.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 6:50 pm
by iron
Hey Sharp, I'd like to include VRPP ... I could port it myself, but if you've already done the work would you mind my using your version?

Btw I need a bit of help choosing which meshes to include. Some of these plugins have a lot of meshes (for instance, Sieve has 8). If I try to include all of them, this project will never get finished. So ... what I'd like to do is just port the very best, funnest meshes. The trouble is, I don't know which ones qualify.

If anyone can suggest which to port & which to leave out, that'd be a big help. I'm porting Sieve atm, so feedback on that plugin would be good - but advice re the others helps too.


Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:35 pm
by Oroboros
Hurgh... I loved Sieve, but my shaky memory is failing to recall the mesh names. They were all 'pretty' names involving similies as I recall, with crystals and diamonds in the titles... but I liked the Alric vs... Soulblighter?... version, and a cool 4-team FFA with fire-souls I think...

...God, I hope I'm thinking of the right map... Four villages with a wide river running north-northeast to south-southwest, right?


Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:39 pm
by iron
Yes, that's the one. I'll definitely do the fire-souls mesh, plus at least one of the big 2-teamers. Alric appears on at least one map, but I don't think soulblighty does (though I could well be wrong).

Unfortunately Sieve's water doesn't match the mesh triangles at all, so the reflection mapping will be quite jagged :\ Also, I must admit the prospect of placing all those models on a stack of meshes really does not appeal to me!

BTW, the meshes have names such as:-
"Like Six Thousand Feet Under"
"Like a Hail of Spleens"
"Like the Taste of Crushed Diamonds"
and my favourite...
"Like Heads in a Blender".

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:35 am
by iron
More help needed re mesh selection ... unless you're all happy with me just closing my eyes & throwing random darts at the list - or unless no-one really cares :)

Another question - should I use the higher res unit graphics as previously seen in Frenzy, or stick to the standard blurry stuff?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:28 am
by Pyro
It would be interesting to see a modified tag files that use the hi res collections and are yet compatible with other people and their default res standard collections. Is that even possible? Have the hi res collections use the same headers as the old ones and still be compatible?

Btw the reason I don't suggest maps in for this list is that I never really got to play TFL multiplayer so I wouldn't know.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:36 am
by iron
No, that wouldn't be possible. Higher res (or to put it another way, larger) sprites need different values in the object tags to make them appear the right size in Myth. A tiny difference in how big this size ends up being, or in the precise dimensions of the selection boxes defined in Amber compared to the original units, and you'll be assured of OOS.

Another reason for not having a hi-res unit plugin, apart from the fact that no-one would use it, is that quite a few units would need to have new models created & rendered, otherwise we'd have a plugin in which a few units become detailed & others remain blurry. I really can't see anyone making all those extra new units.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:15 am
by Eddaweaver
iron wrote:I'd like to include VRPP ... I could port it myself, but if you've already done the work would you mind my using your version?
That would be fine. I've been tidying up and removing redundant tags to make it fit in better.

I ran into a problem with the dwarves. The vTFL Pathfinder's bottles seem to blow up on collision in the pool more often than the TFL Pathfinders did. I wasn't able to figure out why this is.
Additionally, I created a special monsters tag for the Pathfinders as the vTFL one has some mistakes and has a double-click attack that wasn't in TFL which unbalances some maps. This means vTFL is compulsory for the mesh.

I didn't do the VRPP co-op as I don't know scripting very well.
Btw I need a bit of help choosing which meshes to include. Some of these plugins have a lot of meshes (for instance, Sieve has 8). If I try to include all of them, this project will never get finished. So ... what I'd like to do is just port the very best, funnest meshes. The trouble is, I don't know which ones qualify.
Is the only difference between the meshes of the particular maps the unit-sets? If so, wouldn't it not be too difficult for all of them to be done if you have some others helping? :)

The Battle of Stirling sounds good to me.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:04 am
by TheHelmet
Do Blunt Force Trauma, I think that's the one where everyone starts on one side of the map and LMOTH flags and such are at the top.. :o

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 5:50 am
by Eddaweaver
Are you still working on this Iron?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 6:34 am
by Dio
Just stopped by to add my 2 cents. (which is on the list)
Which has SB vs. Alric I believe...and a cluster of other games in it. Crunchy goodness!

I tried to port Stirling..but failed....I don't know what I am doing.

Then of course there is that coop plug I think Crazy rooster and Cap made..has like 25 new levels for TFL..Mauriac ring a bell. I love it..but nobody plays straight TFL I play it myself. ::poof::

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 6:15 pm
by iron
Yes I'm still working on it Sharp - probably will be for quite some time :) I'll PM you my email addy so we can get in sync re VRPP.

Dio, Mauriac's Tales would be a big project in its own right. I've never played the original, so honestly I have no idea if I (or someone else) will port it. BFT was a bit unbalanced wasn't it? Perhaps my memory's not the best. Also, ChrisP's UTB has SB v Alric in it, though I think its on a different map. Anyway, thanks for the suggestions :)

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:42 am
by Avatara
Dio wrote:Then of course there is that coop plug I think Crazy rooster and Cap made..has like 25 new levels for TFL..Mauriac ring a bell. I love it..but nobody plays straight TFL I play it myself. ::poof::
I still play it... sometimes. Drop me a message if you want some games.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 3:58 pm
by Eddaweaver
Iron, it's in my HL user uploads folder.

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 3:49 pm
by Eddaweaver
The vTFL Pathfinders are really bad and don't act like TFL Pathfinders. They make VRPP unplayable. To have VRPP in Myth 2 would necessitate a fresh and acurate port of the TFL Pathfinders, which I am not able to do.

I doubt the mesh is as acurate as you could do with your conversion tools. And in retrospect, I think the person who ported the colourmap to M2 may have made it undersized compared with the TFL original, although this may be an optical illusion.

I would prefer you do a fresh port of the VRPP map if it meant it being more acurately true to the original. You will notice I made a couple of fresh meshes with the Grave and Postal unit sets. They actually play quite well, so I'd be happy to redo those two.

But please keep my indestructable beachball netgame captures targets ;)