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Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 4:08 am
by Pyro
AblitERateOR wrote:
Autumn Demon wrote:another idea:
there should be an option in pregame screen that lets you select if you will be made captain or not in random games.
i play a lot of big 2team random games, and often there will be players who dont know trades or how to captain effectively. these players usually hate being captain and moan for teams to be made so they cant randomly be made captain.
Personally i think this is a horrible idea. The best way to learn how to captain is to be captain, not to avoid it. Yeah you may make some screwed up trades at first and make some mistakes, but so what, thats how you learn.
Agreed. Or make the people who complain team captain on the next round. If they complain then they should be able to be good captains. And if they don't they learn not to complain so much.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:15 am
by Death's Avatar
Uhm. Well. In game mute is kind of silly. It's like...I don't want to listen to my captain anymore...If that ever got implemented, I would spend the first week TKing and say its because I had cap muted. In game conversation is critical to almost every myth game I have ever played. Yes, there are annoying people sometimes, but you deal with them because you need it.

No Auto attack? That's just silly. At the very least, it makes your reaction time just a little bit better. Not to mention, moderate control of your units will prevent pretty much any self-inflicted damage.

"Not-captain" option? They have that. It's called teams. :P

Really, all three of these things are just part of playing myth. You deal with em. Not only that, they make up critical parts of the gameplay, and as mentioned before, I don't think that is something we really want to change.


Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 10:29 am
by Baron LeDant
On the captain thing...

Hadiez mentioned people could like put themselves forward to captain outside of having someone join them in TFL, some sort of game tweak. This sounds nice but not exactly necessary.
Autumn wrote:i was being serious about in-game mute. sounds like a great idea to me. much needed for myth
Agreed, its not that rare that idiots simply spam ingame and its annoying as f*ck.
Deathsavatar wrote:Uhm. Well. In game mute is kind of silly. It's like...I don't want to listen to my captain anymore...If that ever got implemented, I would spend the first week TKing and say its because I had cap muted. In game conversation is critical to almost every myth game I have ever played. Yes, there are annoying people sometimes, but you deal with them because you need it
So you'll suicide and ruin games if things don't go your way? Way to go.... In game conversation is only really mportant from your team captain and flank partner, the rest isn't important and can be ignored (especially if someone is spamming).
autumn wrote:here's another idea: NO AUTO ATTACK!
how about no? I don't want my units standing around dumbly if I can't focus on them at the time. If someone lags out, their units will just stand there getting killed in a melee, instead of autoing and STILL beating your local neighbourhood GFGG'er. Auto attack is simply part of the game, all 3 myth games have it so it can't be a bad idea.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:01 am
by Tireces
I remeber that B&G: Ammo Dept has no autoatack. Map is quite big and should be played 2nd min. I played it few times 1 on 1 and it was annoying like hell that when I was doing well near one flag on second side of map 1 guykilled half of my army with bayonet ( be played without overhead map ) - argh !!!

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:23 am
by The Elfoid
AblitERateOR wrote:
Autumn Demon wrote:another idea:
there should be an option in pregame screen that lets you select if you will be made captain or not in random games.
i play a lot of big 2team random games, and often there will be players who dont know trades or how to captain effectively. these players usually hate being captain and moan for teams to be made so they cant randomly be made captain.
Personally i think this is a horrible idea. The best way to learn how to captain is to be captain, not to avoid it. Yeah you may make some screwed up trades at first and make some mistakes, but so what, thats how you learn.
I agree with both in part. I let anyone cap on my host for a while but sooner or later I can get bored of it and start being a little selective. You can have a bit of both.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:05 pm
by Khadrelt
It has been my unfortunate experience while playing online that a lot of players have little or no tolerance for inexperienced players on their teams. Some poor noob comes in and gets made captain, makes a few mistakes, and soon the rest of his team is screaming and cursing at him for losing the game for them. Sure people ought to have thick skin when playing online (cuz if you're easily offended you won't be playing ANY online game for long) but it doesn't hurt for people to be nice, either. As much as we love Myth, it's still just a game, and it's not as if the universe will implode if you lose.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:42 pm
by Autumn Demon
better than having no auto attack in myth, would be an option to choose whether they wanttheir units to have auto attack. maybe in preferences?

another idea: a tie in terries should go into sudden death. i've played so many des terries games where both times have 3 flags at end but one team wins just because they tagged first. i dont even know how that system works. if team x tags 3 flags first, but then team y gets 4 flags at one point, then who would win if it went back to 3-3?
two teams having the same number of flags but one of them "winning" just seems dumb to me.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:02 pm
by vinylrake
Autumn Demon wrote:...i've played so many des terries games where both times have 3 flags at end but one team wins just because they tagged first. i dont even know how that system works. if team x tags 3 flags first, but then team y gets 4 flags at one point, then who would win if it went back to 3-3?
two teams having the same number of flags but one of them "winning" just seems dumb to me.
Since it's the only logical/fair way for it to work I want to say the winning team is determined based on which team captured all of the flags they held at the end FIRST who wins, but I don't _know_ that for sure.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 4:19 pm
by AblitERateOR
Khadrelt wrote:It has been my unfortunate experience while playing online that a lot of players have little or no tolerance for inexperienced players on their teams. Some poor noob comes in and gets made captain, makes a few mistakes, and soon the rest of his team is screaming and cursing at him for losing the game for them. Sure people ought to have thick skin when playing online (cuz if you're easily offended you won't be playing ANY online game for long) but it doesn't hurt for people to be nice, either. As much as we love Myth, it's still just a game, and it's not as if the universe will implode if you lose.
Having made my previous comment, i feel it necessary to say that i do understand that, and that i am actually on the whole a reg noob, and when im cap especially in 2t games it leads to some bitching and cursing. But i couldnt give a shit. If you put up with the bitching then after a whiel you'll get better and they wont bitch anymore.. if you took an easy option and never captained, well, youd never get much better ya. Although i dont disagree that some people could do with being a little bit nicer ya

As far as no auto attack goes.. i think that would lead to disaster. Ive got a feelign that without auto attack, in a melee if say one of ur warriors kills the enemy warrior that you've had it targer, it will just stand around aimlessly till you tell it to attack something else.. doesn't sound like much of a winner

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 6:48 pm
by Autumn Demon
obviously no auto attack wouldn't apply to melee units

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:40 pm
by ozone
A long time ago Bungie made an application called FEAR. With it you can make units do whatever you want. If you dont want auto attacking fear up and make it happen. Or maybe its just not that important or worth the effort? :shock:

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:11 pm
by Baron LeDant
autumn wrote:another idea: a tie in terries should go into sudden death. i've played so many des terries games where both times have 3 flags at end but one team wins just because they tagged first. i dont even know how that system works. if team x tags 3 flags first, but then team y gets 4 flags at one point, then who would win if it went back to 3-3?
two teams having the same number of flags but one of them "winning" just seems dumb to me.
FYI terries works like so...

If theres a tie at the end, the team which held the most flags during the game (and first) wins.

Example: Team A tags and gets a quick 5-1 lead in Creep Terries, by tagging all but one flag first, they will never lose in a tie. If Team A tags to go up 4-2, but then Team B is up 5-1 later in the game, then Team B will win in case of tie.

Again you ask to change something that has ALWAYS been the same for myth, since it obviously won't be changed by the people working on patches, its not really worth discussing.
khadrelt wrote:It has been my unfortunate experience while playing online that a lot of players have little or no tolerance for inexperienced players on their teams. Some poor noob comes in and gets made captain, makes a few mistakes, and soon the rest of his team is screaming and cursing at him for losing the game for them. Sure people ought to have thick skin when playing online (cuz if you're easily offended you won't be playing ANY online game for long) but it doesn't hurt for people to be nice, either. As much as we love Myth, it's still just a game, and it's not as if the universe will implode if you lose
Well you can seperate the noob captains into handy groups!

Newbie Captain #1:
Hasn't played myth offline, has no idea how to detach units, no idea how to talk or anything. This player really needs to learn the keyboard basics in unranked first.

Newbie Captain #2:
This player has played a bit before. He trades slowly and quite often not very well. His distribution is dumb (like 20 archers to one guy, 4 warriors to another), and he often keeps all the Trow to himself. A couple of games getting his Trow slaughtered should be sufficient to make him see sense.

Newbie Captain #3
This guy is no doubt a newbie, however he asks his team what to trade for straight away in PT, and follows suggestions. Sometimes he detaches all the units so an experienced player can hand-out. or does so himself slowly. He will never take what he/she deems the most important units.

So newbies really have to aim to be #3. I try to help the ones that do possess the brains to ask and try to learn, but inevitably there will always be those with less patience.

The first ww2 s2 game I capped I got 2 cannons, the host dropped and I got wanked. Good times...


Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 1:09 pm
by TheHelmet
I usually go with #3, I resent being labelled Newbie #3 though. :x

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 1:55 pm
by Enculator
something is sure, when in doubt : take max thralls.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 10:45 pm
by William Wallet
I don't think any more updates are necessary. I'm fully able to express my irritation on there already.

Like when some idiot gives me a warlock; I team kill. It's very simple. I don't like warlocks, or Myrkridia Giants, or any of the other hopelessly h00rish units.

Someone wants to make a good Myth II update? Make it so you can't turn vTFL off.