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Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 6:03 pm
by Death's Avatar
Cobalt 7 wrote:I don't know... Just something about that shinyness, along with his design, just feels out of place. I mean, he's leagues taller than most Men, wears a very round, kinda dorky bit of armor.

not saying the design choice wasn't great, but at times it just feels out of place.

Cause he is from the Wolf Age! He was stylin back then!


Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 6:44 pm
by Gjallarhorn
Point is, if I tell someone who isn't familiar with Myth that Balor is one of the good guys, all would believe me.


Balor just looks too jolly, like he would go to a bar, lift his helmet, and there's a blond smiling, red-cheeked German head underneath it, that's says: "Bier für Alle!!"

Oh and he HAS a cape ;) And horns. All the wrong stereotypes, but he might have been more of a badass.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 6:57 pm
by geyser
Aha. Good thing someone actually posted a picture. Note that those elongated toes are add-ons to the armor.
Each of them attaches with 3 little bolts. There's another toe underneath, and that one is meant for riding only.
Then again, Balor doesn't ride much in Myth AFAIK. Which is where it all breaks down, of course :)

To whoever will actually tweak Balor's armor: make him look like Oni's Mukade, and I'll kiss you on the nose.
I mean, Mukade is pretty spooky despite all that roundness and shininess. What could his secret be?
Point is, he's black and shiny. Mostly round, but with a few strategically placed spikes. Compromise. Style.
Cape optional :)

I happen to know a guy who's drawn a nice Deceiver, and who might draw a more badass Balor if asked to ;)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 7:00 pm
by Gjallarhorn
geyser wrote:To whoever will actually tweak Balor's armor: make him look like Oni's Mukade, and I'll kiss you on the nose.
I mean, Mukade is pretty spooky despite all that roundness and shininess. What could his secret be?
Point is, he's black and shiny. Mostly round, but with a few strategically placed spikes. Compromise. Style.
Cape optional :)

I happen to know a guy who's drawn a nice Deceiver, and who might draw a more badass Balor if asked to ;)
Pix of your vision plz.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 7:04 pm
by Cobalt 7
Hell, I even Like the Drawn version of Balor. The animated version from the opening cut-scene is great.

But the In game one is SOOOO shiny and detail-less.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 7:06 pm
by geyser
Mukade (not Mythified yet :) )
Deceiver (click to enlarge)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 7:17 pm
by AblitERateOR
Thats a pretty damn good picture of the deceiver

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:05 pm
by Cobalt 7
I feel like I'm looking at the G-man.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 10:47 pm
by Archer
Balor doesn't look like a good guy, but he's close. I think the big thing is that his sword is too menacing, the horns are a little on the intimidating side, and the visor is also a little off. Overall, though, yeah, a few minor tweaks and he looks like a good guy.

It would take quite a few tweaks to make the Source of the Five Hundred Poisons or the Mad Goat of the Fens look like good guys.


Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:20 am
by Cobalt 7
The only thing that's ever thrown me off with The Source of the 500 Poisons is his voice.

When I first saw the associated materials (The journal scribbles), I mistook him for a wicked man with a cackling voice, and a disposer to match.

After playing Myth for so long, I now recognize that instead by going with a rather old, subtle, weathered voice, they wanted to portray the subtle madness of the man, and his inherent genius.

Instead of using a cackling voice, which would have demanded a rather shallow... hair-trigger personality, they went with a subtle character that allowed for much greater depth. They only downside is that great care and effort has to be taken to keep his character "rolling forward"(Relevant, interesting, etc.)


Of course once can only wonder how Soulblighter managed to find a throat lozenge in under 60 years...

(more of a comment on How SB's voice changed between games... Could the next few posts discuss The Deceiver and SB.)

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:31 am
by A-Red
Possibly the best villain in the series was Soulblighter in TFL. The worst villain in the series was Soulblighter in Myth II. In the first game he was such a terrifying, enigmatic presence. They used him at all the right moments, and kept him virtually silent, letting his creepy appearance and his flavor text do all the talking. Then they turned him into an action movie villain.

Which is why they had to change his voice. They made him talk so damned much in the sequel.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:13 am
by Avatara
A-Red wrote:Possibly the best villain in the series was Soulblighter in TFL. The worst villain in the series was Soulblighter in Myth II. In the first game he was such a terrifying, enigmatic presence. They used him at all the right moments, and kept him virtually silent, letting his creepy appearance and his flavor text do all the talking. Then they turned him into an action movie villain.

Which is why they had to change his voice. They made him talk so damned much in the sequel.
Yep, that pretty much sums up my thoughts. Also I loved his appearance in the last level...

"Filthy dwarves! Give me the head and I'll let you live!"

Also it was kinda lame that in M2 he would recover health when healed. :?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 10:21 am
by Khadrelt
As far as Balor goes, who cares if he 'looks' like a good guy? The whole 'good guys wear white' thing is such a cliche. Bad guys don't always have to 'look' like bad guys...often the worst bad guys look perfectly respectable. I like Balor's appearance the way it is. He struck me as a bad guy who's way into himself.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 12:40 am
by AblitERateOR
I'd have to agree, why should it matter if Balor looks like a typical good guy or a bad guy. Myth is great because it is not like every other game. We must also keep in mind that he was once good, maybe we should just believe that while he has returned leading the dark forces, he hasn't totally lost the fashion sense of a good guy(lets just ignore his horrible image from myth 3 for now).

Having said that myth is good for not following the totally clearcut good-guy bad-guy stereotypes, it doesnt go to much effort to call the light and dark anythning particularly inventive

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 10:31 am
by vinylrake
Khadrelt wrote:As far as Balor goes, who cares if he 'looks' like a good guy? The whole 'good guys wear white' thing is such a cliche. Bad guys don't always have to 'look' like bad guys...often the worst bad guys look perfectly respectable. I like Balor's appearance the way it is. He struck me as a bad guy who's way into himself.
Obviously he was just a pioneer of the metrosexual movement.