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Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 1:53 pm
by Death's Avatar
We are aware that this is true at the moment. Especially with PMnet registration down. A large portion of the POINT is fixing this problem. Just a thought, just a thought.


Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 1:53 pm
by Khadrelt
The Elfoid wrote:I don't think new players are worth our time.
There's a positive outlook for you! :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:04 pm
by Pyro
New players will not help while they are still new, but eventually some of them might become regular Mythers later on decreasing the shrinkage of the community. So they do matter for later if not for now. If we don't get them now... we won't have them later.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:04 pm
by Tireces
New and returning players - will for sure prolong life of ranked. Ranked ineed may fall someday ( who cares for points anyways ) but unranked = pure fun - and it shall survive.
elfoid wrote: I don't think new players are worth our time.
Would you like hear something like this back in 2004 when you found I dont think so. I wouldnt, for sure. 90% of vaulable and cool Mythers I know and play with joined after me ( that mean after may 2004 ) in 2005, 2006 and some early 2007. I'm sure that more will come if they will only hace a chance to do it. E-mailing ex-mythers is funny idea, heh, its rather hard to force ppl to do things that they do not rly want to do anymore ( even if its playing Myth ) : P

Anyways close ranked, restore accounts creating machine ;) and Myth will not suffer from this action.


Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:13 pm
by Tireces
Its isnt so hard to become good ranked player - know someppl that play this game circa one year and are in top 20 ( if this mean anything )

Heh, and whats the definition of "regular Myther" ? I would say that is a person that plays Myth ( co-op, unrank, ranked, anything ) online not only during MWC and show up on server lil more often than once a year... skillz?... who cares...

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:43 am
by Arthim
In ressponse to the statement that new players are not worth our time, no mater how good bad or new they are, it is worth our time to help people get into myth. Keeping the community alive is a good cause, but it is not the only reason to bring new people into the fold.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 2:39 pm
by Amadeus
Trying to move everyone would cause loss of dedicated players and would be dramatically worse than getting those few players you'd gain from having registration, players that may quit within weeks.

At least, thats my opinion.

If you could augment the increase of new players, that would be great. It hasn't happened yet though.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 2:53 pm
by Tireces
Amadeus wrote:
Trying to move everyone would cause loss of dedicated players and would be dramatically worse than getting those few players you'd gain from having registration, players that may quit within weeks.

At least, thats my opinion.

If you could augment the increase of new players, that would be great. It hasn't happened yet though.
I think that if some rly wants to play Myth it will not hasitate to make new account. Few players... hmmmm..... 10.000 people registered on since may 2004 - 20.000 since 2002. Yeah, I know that there was for sure some fake, or doubled (tripled etc) accounts, some guys didnt even play once on their account or logged in 2-3 times, some met "reg-FU-U-NEWB mythers ( not Mythers) left and never come back but... hey... its still nice bunch of player to play with.

So in theory we already lost circa 1 thousand "newcomers" since march/april? whateva 2007... : (

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 2:59 pm
by Amadeus
Tireces wrote:
Amadeus wrote:
Trying to move everyone would cause loss of dedicated players and would be dramatically worse than getting those few players you'd gain from having registration, players that may quit within weeks.

At least, thats my opinion.

If you could augment the increase of new players, that would be great. It hasn't happened yet though.
I think that if some rly wants to play Myth it will not hasitate to make new account. Few players... hmmmm..... 10.000 people registered on since may 2004 - 20.000 since 2002. Yeah, I know that there was for sure some fake, or doubled (tripled etc) accounts, some guys didnt even play once on their account or logged in 2-3 times, some met "reg-FU-U-NEWB mythers ( not Mythers) left and never come back but... hey... its still nice bunch of player to play with.

So in theory we already lost circa 1 thousand "newcomers" since march/april? whateva 2007... : (
I don' t think those are fair estimates - we probably don't get as many new comers in 2007 as we did in 2002 or 2004. Do you have numbers perhaps for registered accounts in 2006?

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 3:04 pm
by Anthson
Why do people quote the post directly above them? Can't you just ... I dunno ... respond? I mean, especially when your post is 3 lines long and you're quoting 14 paragraphs. C'mon, now.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 3:07 pm
by Tireces
Seems logical to expect less and less newcomers every year - but I observed stats since 2004 and suprisingly flow of new account seemed to be quite constant for most of time - I could search some of my archive cd's and check for ID's and account creation dates of The Nine's clan members. I would shot that it was something like +/- 3000 account in 2006. Ill look for cd and post how close I was.

I often quote ppl couse some like to delete their stupid/rude/etc posts after I replay ;) Of course not talking about any1 right now - just "counsuetudo est altera natura " :D cheers

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 3:14 pm
by Amadeus
That would fit for the numbers you gave, so saying 3333 which would be based just off a line between 2004 and 2007 thats like 278ish per month, if as you say its fairly constant.

That doesn't seem very accurate to me. If we had 278 new people per month we wouldn't be having this conversation. Even if it was 10% of that we wouldn't. I doubt its constant, but would be loved to be proved wrong. If it is constant though, then the numbers aren't very useful unless we know how many keep playing, which apparently is a very low percentage.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 3:15 pm
by vinylrake
Tireces wrote:Seems logical to expect less and less newcomers every year - but I observed stats since 2004 and suprisingly flow of new account seemed to be quite constant for most of time - I could search some of my archive cd's and check for ID's and account creation dates of The Nine's clan members. I would shot that it was something like +/- 3000 account in 2006. Ill look for cd and post how close I was.
This is of course unofficial, but someone told me they heard that over 400 people have registered on mariusnet since it went back up a few months ago and a few more people register every day.

Not astounding numbers, and I am sure lots of those are PM players making contingency plans, but for a server that people aren't going to switch to, that's not bad. Other than mwc I wouldn't have guessed there were even 400 active mythers on playmyth at all often.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 3:29 pm
by Tireces
I just checked Myth forums Members List - exactly 60 users registered since 1 January 2007 - somthing like 50 since site is down.

That gives something like 40 ppl that play on now - ppl are just lazzy : (

Ah, and I am also not stunned by fact that had 3000 and mnet has 20 new players - even now when there is no choice - who wants to make an account on ghosts-town server ? : ( Thats why we should play some more on and eventuraly move there if thing will not change in 1-2 months...

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 3:39 pm
by Amadeus
I checked, 39 people registered from 3-01 to 3-29, including people who never ended up playing, dupes, and forum accounts. I can't sort out the rest of the information (which ones actually played a game, and which played one recently) with the site in the current state.