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Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 5:42 am
by Dio
On a personal note..for me it isn't so much the coop is the quality of ppl in the game. I can play crow's bridge 10 times a day with fun ppl.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:32 pm
by chaos
For me, I can't really put my finger on what makes a GOOD map, but I definitely know what makes a BAD map... mistaking ridiculous amounts of micromanagement for challenge or difficulty.

Example: the last level of Chimera, which is overloaded with those invisible ghost guys that drain your life force. You basically have to creep forward a few inches at a time until you can spot them, and pick them off before they get to your units. And then the spiders that drop right on top of your ranged units repeatedly. You can't move around in the level at all, and it takes FOREVER to get through.

This is not fun, it's just frustrating and boring gameplay.


Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:09 am
by oogaBooga
I echo a lot of the sentiment said already, and I guess a few maps come immediately to mind:

first tfl's:

Forest Heart - another four-target assasin level, and if you were quick enough and had 3 forest giants left at the end, you could actually kill soulblighter (however he cheats by turning into crows). The FG's are the only units SB doesnt send into the tain (wonder why...)

Seven gates - I love shade hunting. I also love watcher vs deceiver rivalry - so thrall and fetch and souls pounding on each other was awesome. I just.. i dunno. Nostalgia value? Yeah, but its still fun on its own.

Last Battle/Devoid - The ending 2 levels were just spectacular. It was quite a feat to actually beat it using TFL archers dwarves and berserks. Bonus: Has anyone also blasted balor's head into the devoid from the start of the map using satchels? I've done it in TFL, but unfortunately it 'breaks' the map. Apparently the dwarves have to be close enough for it to count and activate the final script, and even when you get over there and heal SB it doesn't end. Still worth the effort tho:P

M2: Breach. Drawbridge, pathfinder, castle. Weak pathfinder (just satchels) but still a cool level. I prefer the CBI version:)

Landing. Again, castle theme and offense/assasin type mission.

The Baron: I dunno what it is about assasination type missions but really fun levels always seem to be based around them. A fun thing to do on this map is suicide all warriors immediately by wasting them on the stygs and bowmen in the center room and then just post survivors (if any) on exits/entryways, and then use only bowmen/dorfs to secure the exits and hunt him down for added challenge. Ive had some great films where bowmen stabbing was decicive to victory.

Speaking of what makes a great map, including multiplayer - REST IN PIECES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And speaking of that, here is some crazy myth film i put on youtube which takes place partly on RIP - watch the FG's antics!

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:42 am
by Souly
I like MYth!

Myth maps are cool even if they suck!

on another note...Iron
are you ....THee Iron (duke)

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:56 am
by Tireces
Haha well spoken - same here I guess - Ive even liked ufamous The Siege v2 :D

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:45 pm
by iron
Souly - yes.

Ooga, nice vid - especially the bit from The Baron :)


Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:43 pm
by oogaBooga
Thanx iron:)

I like how my first (failed) attempt proves that the second one wasnt a fluke (in fact if i didnt dodge i would have killed myself with it!)

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 2:21 am
by Oroboros
I kept pressing QWEASD all the way through the vid. I'm so sad :-/



Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:59 am
by Lugas
chaos wrote: Example: the last level of Chimera, which is overloaded with those invisible ghost guys that drain your life force.
I actually quite like the last level of Chimera, mostly because you get to control Kyrilla and her thugs/brigands. But I do agree with your hate of Mahirs! If you're on your own, they're essentially invincible. I'm just glad they aren't used in multiplayer maps much, if at all. If they were, then assassin would be a stupid gametype. :evil:

Now...for what makes a good level...

Something that introduces a new way of playing Myth without bleeding 1.5/1.6 dry of its new features. Has a good story, good script, great replayability etc

Senex Silvae.

There are many ways you can play it. Although, it might not be a good coop map, because you start with one unit.

Re: !!

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:44 am
by chaos
Lugas wrote: There are many ways you can play it. Although, it might not be a good coop map, because you start with one unit.
I was wondering if it would have even a remote semblance of fun to create some kind of coop engine where two people work together to control a single unit (think of the driver and the gunner in Halo)... you have a single hero unit. One person is in charge of moving him, the other of using his weapons.

Obviously this is impossible under the Myth engine because it just wasn't BUILT that way, but it might be kind of neat to mess around with. And it would certainly be something new and exciting to try out. :)

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:10 am
by Baron LeDant
Just be captain and give the unit to the other player so you can both control.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:16 am
by chaos
Baron LeDant wrote:Just be captain and give the unit to the other player so you can both control.
Yes, but wouldn't that give both people the ability to both move and attack? I'm talking about a game in which one of the players is ONLY able to move the unit, and the other is ONLY able to attack.

It was mostly just idle thought though. It would probably be pretty boring for the person doing the moving. Halo is certainly boring when you're just a driver. ;)

Re: !!

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:36 pm
by Tireces
chaos wrote:
Lugas wrote: There are many ways you can play it. Although, it might not be a good coop map, because you start with one unit.
I was wondering if it would have even a remote semblance of fun to create some kind of coop engine where two people work together to control a single unit (think of the driver and the gunner in Halo)... you have a single hero unit. One person is in charge of moving him, the other of using his weapons.

Obviously this is impossible under the Myth engine because it just wasn't BUILT that way, but it might be kind of neat to mess around with. And it would certainly be something new and exciting to try out. :)
Yea it would be great if.e in Halo based plug. Lats say we have one unit - armed warthog jeep. 3 guys can control it: 1st is a driver - he moves warthog and can splatter enemies, 2nd operates warthog main turret - he can shot 360 o - and 3rd is a passanger near driver guy - lets say that he can shot only 120 degrees and we can give him any weapon we want - short range assault rifle, mid range battle rifle or maybe a rocket launcher, sniper rifle, shortgun, damn anyhing :D I think it would work great in co-op :D

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 10:52 am
by chaos
Or imagine keeping to the myth style of level, you had a castle to siege, so you had an actual siege engine sort of contraption, one person drives it around (and as you said, could run over enemies to do damage), one person is controlling a dwarf so can hurl bombs as far as he can reach, and a third person controls 2-3 archers who can only shoot in a limited range out of the side. The object is to get the engine to the castle and successfully break down the door, without the engine getting swarmed and destroyed by the undead.

Could actually be kind of fun, if you could give the driver the ability to affect things by smashing up units. So who wants to take a crack at actually coding it? ;)

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:21 pm
by Renwood
Chaos i like the idea.
Only one thing i can think of that is anything like that, is currently only on paper at this point.

In our Wind Age Units stats DOC we have a "Dwarven Steam Flail Miner"

Kinda like a powered hulk/tank its pretty much a flail tank with a cow catcher type scoop on the front of it with a simple turret on top.

This was one of the things i was going to get our concept artist to draw next.

He is no longer with us, so i never got it made ~8^(
His name was Matt Kammert and he made all of our other concept art.
