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Re: "Bag of Tags" site moved?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:53 pm
by Pyro
That is the thing, godzfire. Isolder wasn't insulting VR or his action of ripping SB's site. He did however insult you guys AFTER you insulted him for not understanding him. While he formed his reply in an odd way, it doesn't fit the bill that Isolder would be insulting VR just like that. Maybe godz, but not VR.

Re: "Bag of Tags" site moved?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:55 pm
by Baak
:: Buys everyone a beer or non-alcoholic beverage of their choice ::

Ok, now let's all shake hands and get on with it. :D

P.S. It's freaky how Pyro will post within a couple of minutes of me! :shock:

Re: "Bag of Tags" site moved?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 3:35 pm
by vinylrake
well regardless of whose motives were what, thanks to melekor's superior site backup skills and willingness to share, there is now a functioning copy of bag of tags up and working. if the original site goes down again just post here and it'll be 'activated'.

Re: "Bag of Tags" site moved?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 3:51 pm
by vinylrake
Isolder wrote:Obviously I know that you're the one with the access to YOUR webhost YOUR scripts and YOUR database, that's why I brought it up! With you having "ripped" sites yourself since you'd like more accurate terms, I thought you of all people would understand the derogatory reference towards the METHOD not the PEOPLE. Apparently you prefer this shitty method of backing up old Myth web sites that involves having to deal with random files and embedded CSS and generally just "hoping" you got all the files of a web site. Low be it for me to be thinking of properly backing up and preserving one of the now most important Myth web sites out there (So you don't misinterpret, Yes, I'm talking about your site).
Ok,putting aside all the ridiculous condescending comments that have been made, I think this paragraph speaks to the root of our misunderstanding, so let me try to understand what you meant. This is a serious attempt to understand your original intent, which according to you I seriously misconstrued, so help me out if you will.

When you asked how I was backing up my site and I said it didn't matter I thought you were literally asking how I backup my site (because that's what you asked). I thought that was a meaningless thing to ask, for the reasons I gave, which you replied to above saying you understand that. BUT from the 2nd part of your paragraph above I think you are REALLY asking not "how do you backup your site" but something more like "When you(vr) decide to stop hosting your site, how are you going to do help the community rebuild your site"? Is that what you really meant when you asked how I backup my site?

Re: "Bag of Tags" site moved?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 6:10 pm
by Isolder
vinylrake wrote:When you asked how I was backing up my site and I said it didn't matter I thought you were literally asking how I backup my site (because that's what you asked). I thought that was a meaningless thing to ask, for the reasons I gave, which you replied to above saying you understand that. BUT from the 2nd part of your paragraph above I think you are REALLY asking not "how do you backup your site" but something more like "When you(vr) decide to stop hosting your site, how are you going to do help the community rebuild your site"? Is that what you really meant when you asked how I backup my site?
I meant it in both ways. Sites have been lost over the years because of hard drives and other catastrophic failures, so I'm curious if you're taking steps to back it up. It would seem like a silly question, but given that past site owners have made the mistake I thought it worth asking while your site is still up and running.

I'm also equally concerned about what you will do if you decide to stop hosting. I don't think anyone in the community would want to see your site go away. Again, I thought now was a good time to ask rather than wait for that possible day to come.

Re: "Bag of Tags" site moved?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 6:33 pm
by GodzFire
Could one of the admins just delete all the posts that aren't related to the Bag Of Tags issue please.

Re: "Bag of Tags" site moved?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:13 pm
by vinylrake
Isolder wrote:I meant it in both ways. Sites have been lost over the years because of hard drives and other catastrophic failures, so I'm curious if you're taking steps to back it up. It would seem like a silly question, but given that past site owners have made the mistake I thought it worth asking while your site is still up and running.
I don't host the site on my hardware so it's backed up at least weekly by my hosting company. At the moment, if my hosting company goes out of business with no advance warning I am SOL. What I should do is write(borrow) a unix script that will zip all the files in my account and email them to me on at least a monthly (prefereably weekly) basis, but for a site that I created for myself as a way of organizing the crap on my hard drive it's additional work that I don't really have any interest in doing at the moment.
Isolder wrote:I'm also equally concerned about what you will do if you decide to stop hosting. I don't think anyone in the community would want to see your site go away. Again, I thought now was a good time to ask rather than wait for that possible day to come.
I tend to stick with things way longer than anyone else (Anyone want to buy a sheet-fed scanner for a 512K mac?) so barring an unexpected sudden death on my part, I have a feeling will outlive the vast majority of the people currently playing Myth. If I decided to stop hosting the site and there are still people actively playing and hosting sites and they are people I like/respect/trust (or at least 2 of the three) I'll probably try to figure out some way to work things out so the content doesn't just dissapear. I am not promising to do that, but that is what I imagine I would do based on my normal ways of doing things.

thanks for taking the time to further explain your original comment.

Re: "Bag of Tags" site moved?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:58 pm
by Myrd
vinylrake wrote:I don't host the site on my hardware so it's backed up at least weekly by my hosting company.
I'd be careful trusting this. The hosting company we use for the Tain made a similar promise. Until their servers' hard drive crashed and they could not find any backups. After calling them, turns out that the backup service does not apply if you have over 5GB of data (something that wasn't stated anywhere in their policy) - in which case they simply don't back up. Fun. :(

(Nowadays, TZ has some scripts where he periodically backs up our files and dbs.)

Re: "Bag of Tags" site moved?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:00 pm
by vinylrake
thanks for the info. mb i should drop TZ a line see if he has any good general purpose backup scripts floating around. of of course i could just find one on teh internetz if i weren't so lazy.

Re: "Bag of Tags" site moved?

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:52 pm
by Baak
What I do with the OoH site is have the complete site on my main computer and then the one on-line (obviously), which means there are two complete copies somewhere at all times.

I also have an external hd I keep in sync with my main computer via Microsoft's Sync Toy (yeah, I know -- but it works). Essentially an rsync (*nix) type synchronizer but simpler to use on a PC.

Thus I have three copies (two local and one remote) at any one time. [Edit: Forgot that I also copy the site (not the map zip's though) to a 16GB thumb drive periodically too].

Periodically -- especially after major changes, etc. -- I burn DVD's with the site on it, and have separate sets of DVD's with all the map zips since they are MUCH bigger than the actual site software. If you didn't want to keep stacking up DVD's over time, you could have 3 or more DVD-RW's and just overwrite the older one each time, etc.

And then with the MySQL database, I built a couple of *nix scripts that run via cron on a daily basis that backup the database to a single compressed archive file, and then email to a yahoo email account as an attachment. Thus I have a daily backup of the db sent to _another_ separate account on another separate server (yahoo email). Since this is what changes the most often (forum posts, battle plan data, etc.) it is nice to have it backed up daily -- and automatically. [Edit: Heh -- thought I should go check on this script since I haven't looked at it for something like _two years_ (!!) and it appears to not be emailing as of 3/31, but it is still saving the compressed db archive locally (on the host server), so it is only doing half its job... Something changed with SMTP Authentication for sending the email from a Python script... Investigating now... Fun stuff!]

Re: "Bag of Tags" site moved?

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:59 pm
by GodzFire
Dear lord Baak change that blue font color my eyes are going blind!

Re: "Bag of Tags" site moved?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:41 am
by Baak
GodzFire wrote:Dear lord Baak change that blue font color my eyes are going blind!
Sorry 'bout that!

... and these days only the peasants call me Lord Baak. ;)

Re: "Bag of Tags" site moved?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:34 am
by Jon God
Is that pronounced 'Back' or 'Bock' something else entirely? This has been bothering me for a while.

Re: "Bag of Tags" site moved?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:31 am
by vinylrake
Jon God wrote:Is that pronounced 'Back' or 'Bock' something else entirely? This has been bothering me for a while.
It's Baaak, like Ahnold in Terminator... "I'll be Baaak". (At least that's how I say it in my head)

as for Baak's set up. Holy Crap that redundancy on redundancy pretty much guarantees the OoH site will live forever - or at least that it will never be lost due to data/HD loss, but I would expect no less. Since I don't have a static IP / isp connection I can't host on my physical hardware, so most of those options aren't available to me. What I _should_ do is as I said - zip all the files on my site (including software installs/dbs/etc) once a week or so. A seperate backup of the SQL would be good too.

Re: "Bag of Tags" site moved?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:49 am
by Deqlyn
As official forum judge, VR won this thread'argument, hes up 1-0. Since judging started today.