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Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 1:14 am
by A-Red
iron wrote:Though ... it has been theorized that as his death is way too unspectacular for a Fallen Lord's demise (especially given the example of Shiver) that he may have transferred his "essence" into Phelot & thus he still lives.
Into Phelot? Now that IS interesting. Especially since Phelot is undoubtedly still out there somewhere and is a loose end I've always wondered about. That would be much cooler than the Deceiver just plain being alive.


Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 4:06 am
by Ama
iron wrote:The guy who wrote GURPS never played the level to the end,
And its to be considered canon!?!? ;-)

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 7:06 am
by The Elfoid
All errors were printed on the website. I'd say that all errors that are gonna be noticed have been noticed.

Also, it's all bungie approved/checked so they think it is ok. Anythig official classes as being correct in my book, the big Elf's book. And that book is a good book.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 12:20 pm
by Ama
But it wasn't bungie checked! On SJGames site they site the date of the errata as 2002 (sorry misspoke earlier when I said 2003.) Microsoft bought Bungie in 2000ish (If i recall correctly.) Which means that errata was written 2 years after bungie didn't have anything to do with myth and 3 years after the book was written.


Even if he *did* not finish the level till then, theres no real telling whether he really died due to the errata since the bungie folks could have thought the Mydred bit right (again, if they even had much or anything to do with it) because he *was* alive somehow, and so never mentioned it. Later Gene Seabolt finished one of the easiest levels in m2 (=-P) and it was errattad OR some schmuck emailed persistently and got them to errata, with gene seabolt not even having any real say.

For those interested, heres the Dated Errata:

Also, assuming it was a misprint due to him not finishing the level, I find it hard to hold much faith in a book written by someone who hadn't even beaten the game. I mean come on. You have to at least admit thats hard to swallow =-0.

Bungie cannon straight from the pen of someone who could barely finish the game? hrmmm. And apparently bungie didn't mind the error when they *supposedly* playtested it. I mean, "The Crew At Bungie" could have been the mail guy and the door man. Even if it was the real them, they still had almost nothing to do with the content.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 2:59 pm
by The Elfoid
The date of the errata is for the last update, does anyone kno what that was?

Also, Take2 and MumboJumbo wouldn't really care so it must have been someone at SJ games who realised the mistake.

Does no one wonder why the Deceiver isn't there at the end of Myth II helping kill Soulblighter, the target of most of his anger being towards his rival for Connacht's favour?

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 7:55 pm
by Ama
He doesn't seem to be the type to need to be there to kill em.


So I guess my date point is moot.

Though, its not uncommon for users and subscribers of Pyramid to be the ones that email in for requested errata.

I guess thats not what happened here. Oh well, He'll always be alive to me!!!

*runs off to little imaginary world*

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 2:40 pm
by The Elfoid
you my friend, have just been owned.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 11:43 pm
by Ama
My other points still havent been proved wrong.

Not to mention at very least the myth team was misbanded by then. And I still don't hold Gurps Myth as bungie gospel let alone its Errata as gospel. Bungie had nothing to do with the development except **Supposedly** playtesting. I mean the guy who wrote it didnt even beat the game.

Come on!


And besides,
1Tz 5p3113d pwn3d n00b !11!!!!1!!1!

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 11:48 pm
by TopGunZ
:rock: riiiiiiiiiiiiiight :rock: :::calls psycho ward:::

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 1:23 pm
by The Elfoid
The fact that it is official means that Bungie thinks everything in it is true.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 4:51 pm
by A-Red
The Elfoid wrote:The fact that it is official means that Bungie thinks everything in it is true.
The fact that it is official means that Bungie said "sure, whatever, why not?"


Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 5:23 pm
by Ama
A-Red wrote:
The Elfoid wrote:The fact that it is official means that Bungie thinks everything in it is true.

The fact that it is official means that Bungie said "sure, whatever, why not?"



Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:29 am
by Archer
Not relevant. They still signed off on it.


Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 11:37 am
by The Elfoid
It means that whether the information was good, clear or what Bungie thought should happen, it IS ALL ACCURATE ACCORDING TO BUNGIE. They might not have read it, they might not care but the licensing means that all contract is "the truth".

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:50 pm
by Ama
The Elfoid wrote:It means that whether the information was good, clear or what Bungie thought should happen, it IS ALL ACCURATE ACCORDING TO BUNGIE. They might not have read it, they might not care but the licensing means that all contract is "the truth".

Well fine, for purposes of all conversations of this sort I'm in from now on I'm defining the scope of them to "the vision of the original bungie folk working on the myth project".

I mean sure, you can argue that its legally 'the true' story, and fine, I'll agree with that. BUt thats an awefully narrow path to take. Especially when its obvious the guy had no idea of the original bungies vision.

Do I care about the vision of some schmuck at sjgames, or do I care about what the creators of the games vision? I think the answer to that is fairly obvious