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Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 5:31 am
by William Wallet
iron wrote:What happens is that when I add shadows to a sequence, the whole sequence blanks out & if I save the collection it ends up corrupted.
Hmmm.... someone sent me a bunch of bitmaps for a unit and I had no such problem. Curious. :\

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 5:35 am
by iron

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 6:18 pm
by haravikk
Never happened to me either and I've been using Amber under Classic for a while. Hmm, although I have had mixed luck with Classic in general, for example, Apathy just randomly stopped working despite me not changing anything, nothing installed that could have affected Classic, in fact nothing installed at all, one day I could use it, the next I couldn't.
A complete re-install later and I'm fine, if you can re-install just the classic part of your system then I'd recommend trying that to flush out any stupidity from Classic being rubbish.

Edited By haravikk on 1150586354

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:23 pm
by Industry
So I have been using the wam2 warrior as my 'test' collection, and am hoping someone might be able to answer some questions. Does anyone know why there would be 423 bitmap instances (the data structure that holds things like the key points, and bounding box corners) but only 339 bitmaps?

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:26 pm
by ozone can reuse bitmaps in different sequences and within those different sequences they would have a different data structure for each one. Alot of times the first bitmap in a sequence is used multiple times for better fluidity when changing from one sequence to the next.

Edited By ozone on 1150936108

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:32 pm
by Industry
Oh my, I think I may have actually just figured this out myself. The collections are made up of sequences of bitmaps. The sequences are in a sequences data structure. The sequences list (among other things) the sequence of bitmaps for particular actions like block, attack, soft death, etc. But these don't list to the actual bitmaps. The sequences link to bitmap 'instances' that are data structures with links to an actual bitmap, key points, bounding box, etc. This way the actual bitmap can be re-used with different bounding boxes, key points, or any of the other handful of like 2 byte settings, without having to repeat the whole 60k bitmap. Yes?

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:33 pm
by ozone
yep...I think thats it.

Edited By ozone on 1150936467

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:50 pm
by iron
That's absolutely correct, and the same applies to shadows in sequences.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 10:43 am
by Point
new amber... still hoping that the export collection plate wont still be a limited size... ie I can't export big collection or sequence plates to fine tune... because old amber says the resulting image would be to large....

24" or 36" wide by any length would be good me thinks instead of what ever the current either mb size or physical size limit.

Is there a beta of this i can try....

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:58 am
by Point
would be real great if i could try a beta of this... I imagine I have the most complex collections made for myth would be nice to see if they worked on it...

especially since Im wondering if it would remove an error in one of my monlific tags... thus saving me 84 megs in the tag set...

if i cant get the beta can some one with it open my cwr soldier cold ... ilWar/?M=A

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 9:50 pm
by GodzFire
Did you even look on the forum before you posted and also bumped an old topic when there is one exactly like this about Oak?.........nope.....

heres link to collection

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:10 pm
by Point
yes i did look and i just looked again... dont see any more relavent posting anywhere recent... search oak and see... chills..

heres a link to collection
open it if you have time thanks...

_CwR-PointSoldier-Cold.sit ... _CwRunits/

seems since the 12 meg tag limit was removed it should work and the plug does load online now. though it still has some graphic craziness. either the tag is corrupted or since the reduced sequences versions work up to a 100 sequencces maybe myth just cant handle over 100 sequences in a tag. anyway if some one with oak could open it and take a look that would be great. maybe it could be salvaged ... so i dont have to have 3 versions of it in the plugin... 84 extra meg.. to download is no fun.

Re: heres link to collection

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:41 pm
by GodzFire
Point wrote:yes i did look and i just looked again... dont see any more relavent posting anywhere recent... search oak and see... chills..
Hmmm mmmmm ..., wow that was hard to find....

yes since it wasnt under map making support..

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:01 pm
by Point
:) general discusion forum.. tis why it didnt show in search...

now dont be cross... its all good..