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Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 8:02 pm
by Cobalt 7
Lugas wrote:another symptom of myth addiction:
you hate Take2
Yeah I'd say that's a pretty fair one.

You know your a Myth Addict when: You start laughing like a Dwarf and muttering to yourself "Ehaaha BLAM ahahehahah Oh Boy are they gonna get it, Oh BOY are they gonna get it."

Or alternatively

You start watching films like Lord of the Rings, and you begin wondering things like:
1) Why the Dwarves of Moria didn't simply make a big satchel pile on that Bridge and lure the Balrog over it.
2) You start Comparing TreeBeard and the Ents to Forest Giants, and wondering why they just don't go agro more often?
(And alternatively if Ents and FG get Morningwood?)
3) Why the hell hasn't anyone ever made an accurate depiction of The Battle at Helms Deep, or the Siege of Minis Tirith for Myth?

It seems like every strategy game BUT Myth 2 has some version of it. Considering the gameplay of Myth, as well as the map features, it seems like Myth just screams for it. It certainly would get more justice than the crap versions for Warcraft 3 and other strategy games.

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 8:11 pm
by toescs
Zeph wrote:
And finally, when someone asks you what games you play and you tell them its Myth. They all seem to know that game, until you tell them its not Myst, it's Myth, god damnit! very very true

The one i always think of...

shouting "GAUD DAMN YERR EYES" whenever someone accidentally hits you

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:54 am
by Gjallarhorn
Cobalt 7 wrote: 3) Why the hell hasn't anyone ever made an accurate depiction of The Battle at Helms Deep, or the Siege of Minis Tirith for Myth?

It seems like every strategy game BUT Myth 2 has some version of it. Considering the gameplay of Myth, as well as the map features, it seems like Myth just screams for it. It certainly would get more justice than the crap versions for Warcraft 3 and other strategy games.
Amen to that

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:54 am
by Gjallarhorn
Gjallarhorn wrote:
Cobalt 7 wrote: 3) Why the hell hasn't anyone ever made an accurate depiction of The Battle at Helms Deep, or the Siege of Minis Tirith for Myth?

It seems like every strategy game BUT Myth 2 has some version of it. Considering the gameplay of Myth, as well as the map features, it seems like Myth just screams for it. It certainly would get more justice than the crap versions for Warcraft 3 and other strategy games.
Amen to that
Oh and not just AMEN, start working on it!

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 8:48 am
by The Elfoid
There's a Helm's Deep multimap, I never played it though. I think its just loosely based on the idea or something.

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:52 am
by Gjallarhorn
There should be an (obviously enormous) LOTR plugin, for every notable scene from the movies.

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:02 pm
by Death's Avatar
Gjallarhorn wrote:There should be an (obviously enormous) LOTR plugin, for every notable scene from the movies.
And by movies you mean books right? >:)


Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 2:28 pm
by Khadrelt
Even The Hobbit is full of possibilities. Am I the only one who imagined Bilbo sneaking around invisible while sneaking Balin through all those Ghôls? There should be a level where a pathfinder unit as Bilbo has to sneak into Smaug's lair and retrieve an artifact without getting flamed.

Unfortunately, I'm still learning scripting, and I'm not too good at it right now. Maybe someday...

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:49 pm
by Pyro
When you remember Myth's birthdate and yet you don't know your friend's birthdate.

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 9:17 am
by Gjallarhorn
Death's Avatar wrote:
Gjallarhorn wrote:There should be an (obviously enormous) LOTR plugin, for every notable scene from the movies.
And by movies you mean books right? >:)

The movie scenes are visualisations from the passages in the books, so whatever ;)

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 5:37 pm
by The Elfoid
Pyro wrote:When you remember Myth's birthdate and yet you don't know your friend's birthdate.
Is Myth not a man's best friend?

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:03 am
by Cobalt 7
It just might, it just might. Who else will keep you company when a she-devil is through sucking the life out of you :wink: could try the cold, unfeeling arms of the internet, but too much of it leads to cynicism.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 6:22 am
by vinylrake
1) Microsoft didn't sell Myth 2 to Take2, BUNGIE sold/gave Myth2 to Take2 to pay them off for the money they had invested in Bungie BEFORE Microsoft bought Bungie. It was a condition of MS's purchase ot Bungie, but Bungie made the deal because Microsoft wanted to buy Bungie and Halo lock, stock and barrel, not share it and the profits with Take2.

2) Bill Gates _today_ may be a kinder, gentler person who gives away billions but the reason he has billions to give away is because he was a ruthless, arrogant, visionless capitalist asshole copycat who made his inferior and substandard software the standard by illegally forcing hardware manufacturers to bundle his crap applications with their computers. That his original version of DOS was a clone of an already existing OS is a seperate issue, as his his screwing of IBM by delaying and sabotaging a project they were supposedly working on together (a new graphical OS that by all accounts was FAR superior to the later MS developed "windows") while his engineers were building their own OS to compete with the joint venture (that piece of crap they called "Windows" - sure it's ok now, but ask anyone who remembers any of the versions of Windows prior to win95 - Windows 3.1 anyone?), as is Microsofts repeated and continuous sabotaging of industry technical standards (their mantra about non-MS developed technology might as well have been "Embrace, Extend, Extinguish" - anyone remember C#? MS's attempts to kill Java? Their non-standard HTML extensions that make webpages only work in Explorer?), and there are countless other reasons to hate Bill Gates. Sure the guy now is all warm and fuzzy and a great humanitarian, but until he got involved with the AIDS and other disease prevention work his primary philanthropy was giving windows software and related hardware (can we say double tax write off and "how to ensure sales of future sales" not unlike the way razor blade sales are increased by giving away the razors?) to schools and other non-profits. So, I don't care what he is like NOW - he has acted as an asshole enough already to last him a couple of lifetimes - no matter what he does in his remaining years.

and to get back on topic -

You know you play too much myth when you are editing an image in photoshop and you try to use the Myth keyboard camera controls to zoom around the picture.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:44 am
by The Elfoid
You know you play too much Myth when you jump if you hear you have 'SATs coming up'.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:25 pm
by Gjallarhorn
I know I play too much Myth, since I tried to re-enact a dorf on new years eve with my self-made croftybomb, a self-copied oneliner and a self-made swooshing sound.

Unfortunately, the experiment failed.