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Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 4:13 pm
by Renwood TWA
I dont know what would happen in a George A. Romero if somebody died from like falling off a roof or something. They have never that in his movies. People allways die from zombies in his movies, i dont think anybody ever dies from normal stuff, so you cant tell what would happen.

They are called Head Crabs, but i like your head humper name better ~8^)

ANd they look like a headless raw chicken crawling around on the ground.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 4:40 pm
by vinylrake
deleted due to inadvertent duplication.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 5:37 pm
by Frumius
Ahh, the Chessmen of Mars. One of the best of Burrough's Barsoom novels (Mars books). Well do I recall the Kaldanes and their headless human-like mounts, the rykors.

Edgar Rice Burroughs was totally creative and prolific. I've read most of his books. I have always loved his style... in fact, I'm re-reading Tarzan the Terrible (my personal favorite) as we type! I've even gotten my son to read the Tarzan books (24 of 'em), and the Mars books (11 or 12 of 'em). Burroughs also wrote westerns, medieval tales, At the Earth's Core, primeval stories (dinosaurs and stuff), even a book about zombie-like critters (!) called The Monster Men
That's the cover I have on my copy.

But look at this other cover I found (below)! I'd never seen this one. But I think the creatures as described in the story better fit the small image above.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:23 pm
by Pyro
Yeah they are called Head Crabs, though some of the characters in the game refer to them as Head Humpers. I for some reason switched those names in my mind.

VR, those Kaldanes look/sound pretty freaky.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 7:35 pm
by vinylrake
Burrough was so far ahead of his time it's amazing. I've read the Mars, Venus (Pellucidor? I think that was his name for them), Tarzan and the center of the world books - oh wait, Pellucidar was the name for the world in the center of the earth. Hmmm what was venus called? (just looked it up "Amtor"? WTH I don't remember that at all)) - and a handful of others though I forget which ones.

I liked the Tarzan books ok, but when I tried reading them to my son I was really struck by how racist his views were. Not suprising given the period he was raised in and his own ignorance of people in Africa, but not something I felt comfortable (or wanted to) reading to my son. If it had been a character espousing racist views that's one thing - but it was the narrative stating very racist views as _fact_ that I didn't want my son absorbing. I did a lot of on the fly editing as I read those to him.

The Mars books had some great ideas in them. Besides the Kaldanes, one book had a doctor who transplanted the brains of the ultra-rich-powerful into the bodies of young attractive people (leaving the young people to a quick death in a dying old body), man-eating plantmen, anti-gravity vehicles, 6 limbed giant antmen, swordplay, and hot hot babes in skimpy attire - what more could you ask for?

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 7:47 pm
by Sonixboom
not a whole lot i may have to go out to buy these books from my local used book store.I recently every michael crichton book that is still in print (he died of cancer about 2 weeks ago:() and i have been reading those I LOVE them only problem is no zombies :shock:


Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 7:47 pm
by Frumius
vinylrake wrote: liked the Tarzan books ok, but when I tried reading them to my son I was really struck by how racist his views were.
I agree. It was his antiquated view. I don't think his racism had negative connotations (he didn't hate black people), but he considered them different to be sure. I still love the books and the writing.

I used that, and Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn to show my own son how views had changed. Even watched "Gone with the friggin' Wind" with him. Plenty has changed both since that movie was made and since the period in which it was set (US Civil War).

Yeah, Pellucidar was the Center of the Earth place. There was even some Tarzan overlap, with Tarzan at the Earth's Core.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 7:50 pm
by Pyro
Oh another type of zombie from the movie "I Am Legend" which was already mentioned. I forgot that even though that movie has "fast zombies" like in 28 Days/Weeks Later, they have a vampire type quality. They are hurt by sunlight. So they are like a mix of zombie and vampire when you think about it.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 8:35 pm
by Renwood TWA
I allways felt that newly created/freshly attacked and dead victims of vampires should be like bloodthirsty mindless zombies. That is untill they get more powerfull as time goes by and become more intelligent. if you like zombies check out left4dead video game. its on PC and 360.

All fast zombies though, and they die from anything not just head wonds ~8^(
Its a pretty awesome FPS coop experince, the likes of wich i havent seen since Aliens Online BEFORE myth came out! you play the entire campain with 4 other players or 4vs4 one team is humans others are zombies and boss zombies in VS COOP.

Whats funny is im allready pretty much done with it I.E done it all seen it all bored. heh VIVA LA MYTH!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:46 pm
by GodzFire
You could always put an update on the status of Oak.........ROFL yea right

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 11:13 pm
by Death's Avatar
GodzFire wrote:You could always put an update on the status of Oak.........ROFL yea right
It is always so good of you to come by and troll the forums every few weeks Godz.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:46 am
by vinylrake
I took the Oak comment as humor. e.g. Oak=Like a zombie, it's the application/project that won't die. It's not dead, but it's not quite alive either - it just keeps shambling towards some undetermined release date in the semblance of a useful tool. Like a zombie. kindof.

note: Not meant as a dig against anyone working on Oak. From what I hear Oak will be nifty, and I am really looking forward to having textures in my M2 maps - though honestly, like most of my own projects that never get completed,l I am starting to give up any hope of seeing it released in my myth lifetime.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:30 pm
by carlinho
Don't give up Myth Vinyl!!!
unless you give up on myth within the next few months, you'll probably live to see it...

Oak it's coming along really well and melekor and myrd and the team behind it are doing amazing things to get it together.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:09 pm
by GodzFire
Death's Avatar wrote:
GodzFire wrote:You could always put an update on the status of Oak.........ROFL yea right
It is always so good of you to come by and troll the forums every few weeks Godz.
I know, can never let you guys get too comfortable right?

In all seriousness though, how long has Oak been in "development"? 6 months, a year, TWO years? By the time this thing finally does get released to the general community there will be no one left to use it.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:24 pm
by carlinho
well that means I should release the greek tagset shitty incomplete?
no way....
at least 2 people will play it on oak high res res but at least mediocre finished, not shitty...haha