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Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 10:24 pm
by Archer
It is not the same. I'm quite positive on that.


Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 7:53 am
Guest wrote:Bug, potentially: the Heron Guard Hero doesn't select as a Heron when double-clicking on units. This is inconsistent with the 'Mancers, who select as a shared unit type.

Ahhh, good observation.

Current thinking was, with solo players playing, a player may want to only grab the lesser HG and not the HGH or vice versa, in cOOp games a player rarely seems to get the HG and the HGH. As for the `mancers, a complete oversite on my part, and has been fixed.

Now, back to the HG and HGH real quick, would it be prefered if the HGH was selected when the other HG are double clicked ?? or leave it as it is ??

I personally prefer it as is, with the `mancers fixed of course, but I am not *set* on this decision by any means at the moment. ;op[/color]

Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 8:09 am
Brainbug wrote:i think that is the same in Mazz, dunno for sure...

1/ 03 works on 226, didn't last time i tried, maybe it was just something else i was doing that fucked it up

2/ played FC1, the thrall at the beginning didn't show up??? and it crashed about 25minutes in game, i'll up a film in my folder
::Emails BB a 'Crowbar of Persuassion'::

Here, beat RotD a few times with this until it cOOperates fully with you mb ??

OK BB, I have one 'final' "last idea" what it mught be, Ill get on trying to find a way to resolve that in a few minutes.

For chits and giggles, mind giving me your system specs again ?? either here, email, or HL, donut matter. ;op

As for the initial Thrall not showing, mb you overlooked the part where I said . . .
Oh, also randomized the waves and took away the observers unless youre playing Timid. ;op
?? ;o)

When RotD begins now, each of the primary wave activators selects 1 of 3 random wave orderings and feeds that into the actual wave activations. So 4 primary wave activators each with 3 possible choices of orderings = youre not gonna be able to guess where and when the next waves will be coming from, nor what enemy units it will consist of. ;op

Anyways, was my artwork better in this version I hope ? ;o)


::runs off to prove or disprove his theory on BBs possible crashing cause::

BTW, have any of you other testers of RotD experienced desktop crashes in recent tests ?? If so, what version of RotD running on what build of Myth ??

And a final note, RotD *should only* be tested on build 226 or higher from here on out as some of the effects and actions cannot happen or work correctly in earlier builds.

Thanks for the continued help as always. :oD[/color]

Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 9:42 am
by Pistol_Pete
Ghost, I'd just like to say that when you double click on the HG, I'd rather not have the HGH selected. This way, you can easily identify him.

Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:27 am
Pistol_Pete wrote:Ghost, I'd just like to say that when you double click on the HG, I'd rather not have the HGH selected. This way, you can easily identify him.
Heya Pete :o)

::notes Pistol Pete`s Preference::

**Make double clicking HG also selct HGH**

For --- Against
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Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 12:20 pm
by Archer
I'm up in the air as to whether or not I'd prefer them to select as a single unit type. I'm inclined to say yes, as then it'd be consistent with Mazzarin's Demise IV.

On another note, if you guys ever need another writer or a voice actor, let me know.


Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 3:46 pm
by ChrisP
Hey Archer, there's a chance we may want some voice acting for Laws of Evil. Do you have any sort of recording equipment?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 7:23 pm
by Archer
What sort of quality do you need? I've got some extremely basic stuff, and am willing to obtain a certain amount more (as I'm already dabbling in music creation, so voice recording gear is a logical extension), but I doubt I'll be able to provide studio-quality recordings.

Let me know what you need, and I'll check and see if I can provide it.


Posted: Mon May 03, 2004 3:40 am
by Brainbug
bahbah, it still crashes :(

M2:227, RotD:FC02, again when a wight wants to pop,... is it same wight as always? could be now that you've made appearance all random...

Game crashed at about 26 minutes, film starts to be different from game at about 25 minutes, and doesn't crash

the film changes after the 2 dreams drop in about same minute, then 2 trow appear, normally, i go after first, then 2nd, in film they walk past 1st

Posted: Mon May 03, 2004 2:56 pm
by Archer
Would a cardioid microphone recording with something simple like GarageBand in a properly quiet environment be acceptable, quality-wise?


Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 12:41 am
by Archer
Well, I posted a brief recording using my ordinary computer microphone here. That's probably lower-quality than you want, but I thought I'd check.

Warning, it's kinda loud. Don't have the volume up too high when you listen.


Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 12:51 am
by chaz
its also only 3 seconds least for me it is, unless thats what u intended :p

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 2:37 am
by Archer
That's what I intended. That was a basic sound-quality test rather than anything meant to be substantial.


Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 1:26 pm
[color=DFC99B]OK, if CP and Archer are done hijacking my Thread . . . ? ;o)

FC3 is up at HL, this version has the propell feature turned off until the next build of Myth as that was the apparent cause of the crashings BB and I were suffering.

FC4 will follow when the next build is ready, this *should* be it baring any issues or "needs to be looked intos" issues BB or any of you others may bring forth.

FC4 fixes enemy units from going up the edges of the map out of range and sight, adds spawning Ghasts, (actually I think this is in FC3), fixed some issues with the last 3 Taken not having their 'Near Invincibility' artifacts removed, Taken have been split up to appear with each wave of Thrall, with the last 3 (of 7) Taken appearing with the Watcher himself.

Other things that been changed, fixed, cleaned up . . .
CMap and terrain has been altered to allow more passable terrain and cut down on the congo line of units as they went around larger mass of rocks, Redid the reflections map so Media will no longer be stained by blood, modified the SW corner actions so now there is a 50/50 chance of 'trick or treat', ghost dorfs now drop ghost satchels instead of default satchels, minor Hints touch ups, and more stuff than I can recall at this moment. ;o)

Anyways, get FC3 and run it thru the wringer so if I have to make any further adjustments to the FC4 in my local I can do so for when the next MII build arrives.

GL HF and Die well. ;o)[/color]

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:43 pm
by Brainbug
FC03 has the ghasts

but the taken that appear with every group of thrall also appear with their set of blood thrall... is this correct? or should there just be more takens then in original beta's?...