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Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:28 pm
by Horus
Welly wrote:While I gotcha Iron, would this be your complete list of the Hi-Res units you've made?

Heron Guard
Mortar Dwarf

Floyd is Pink @ Sep. 28 2005,06:46
oo im interested in this 4-armed fetch. infrom the forum if u find it
Believe me, when I find out, I'll post the filename here. I don't abandon my threads :roll: But it might happen that someone else finds it out first, in which case, I urge you, o unknown future person, to post here as well.
Only the Journeyman is wrong (since it hasn't been high Res'ed and doubtfully will ever need to be, just like the Soulless).

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 5:02 pm
by iron
no, the jman in frenzy is hi-res'd. That list looks right to me.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:30 pm
by Welly
iron wrote:no, the jman in frenzy is hi-res'd. That list looks right to me.


3 sets of related questions, for anyone but Iron might know all this best:

Iron, was the remade Myrmidon your first unit creation? I've found it in various older plugins, so it seems that it's older than your remade Thrall and Zerk. What inspired you to remake that unit? then later go back and add scimitars to the hands?

Also, what's the difference between "Myrmidon Terror", "Forsaken", and "Forgotten" in the tags?

My searching in various plugins has brought me to the name Andrew Geer Warner who might(?) be the same person as KVLtv (sp?). Anyone have any info on who this is / what else he's done / what were his major plugins?

FINALLY, in Mazz and a rather large number of plugins, there is a heavily altered fir'Bolg who has all new punching, standing, idle, and cheering sequences, and adds a pick-up sequence. It also seems pretty old too... for what plugin was this first made? and was it Iron, or were there other fir'bolg remakes...

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:39 pm
FINALLY, in Mazz and a rather large number of plugins, there is a heavily altered fir'Bolg who has all new punching, standing, idle, and cheering sequences, and adds a pick-up sequence. It also seems pretty old too... for what plugin was this first made? and was it Iron, or were there other fir'bolg remakes...
Chimera mb ??[/color]

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 8:22 pm
by iron
Yes, the fir'bolg comes from Chimera. Cydonian made one for LoGA as well.

I made the Watcher prior to the Myrmidon, and before that all the B&G units. I just liked the Myrm and wanted a version with 8-frame running sequence instead of TFL's 4, and that slashed with both blades. The scimitar'd variant was for GHOST's Scourge of Belial plugin, though I've re-rendered the standard myrmidon several times since with better lightning effects (compare the myrm from Scourge with that in Frenzy). Forsaken/Forgotten are just names given to the unit in plugins where "myrmidon" didn't make sense.

Andrew Warner was an old Smiths of Muirthemne member known as Discordia. He came back briefly last year to finish the Woods Out Back, and was quite a talented unit maker.

Edited By iron on 1127957007

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:23 am
by A-Red
Some more obscure things I found in VR's list that Welly might not have yet:

-Valkyrie from Amsterdam
-Amazon from berserks to amazons
-Ogre Giant from ref1 (note that this is NOT the original source--Sillek credits the unit to Cydonian and Pope)

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:09 am
by Welly
A-Red wrote:Some more obscure things I found in VR's list that Welly might not have yet:

-Valkyrie from Amsterdam
-Amazon from berserks to amazons
-Ogre Giant from ref1 (note that this is NOT the original source--Sillek credits the unit to Cydonian and Pope)
Iron, you're a font of creativity and knowledge. Thanks a brazilian. Why oh why did you stop making myth?

A-red comes through with another mini-list! I had ignored Amsterdam, thinking the Valkyrie was some new ww2 unit, but sure enough, you're right: it's mythical, so I've added that one.

I actually had already listed the "berserks to amazons", but my download of it had no documentation so it was listed under the "unknown" new unit area. Did yours have any docs? Either way, upon reading the docs for Amsterdam, sure enough KVLtv thanks none other than Re-Animator, now identified as the creator of those amazons which were altered to produce the similar Valkyries.

Did you know that those amazons and the valkyries were by the same guy when you listed them... or was it some freak coincidence?

Onto the Ogre Giant: in earlier posts I mention a vivid memory of one ogre giant unit, and that I know its coming in an archive of mine through the mail for early October. Surely this is the same; what is "ref1", so I can confirm this?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 9:23 am
by A-Red
"ref1" is the actual name of the plugin. It's in the Playmyth archive.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 1:14 am
by Welly
A-Red wrote:"ref1" is the actual name of the plugin. It's in the Playmyth archive.

Yes, yes indeed this is it... I just posted to an old thread with Graydon about this, but I figured I'd thank you here too A-red... I've been lookin for that Ogre Giant on a map for awhile now. ref1 is incredible.

A-red and Floyd, I still have yet to find that 4-armed Fetch which now haunts my dreams :;): I hope this one now turns up soon.. we got the Hexo dragon and griffin, we got the Ogre giant.. 4-armed fetch is next!

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 5:17 pm
by Graydon
Keep up the great tracking job Welly. It'd be great to have a massive unit tagset/plugin out of this in the end....Even just as a resource to extract pre-made 3rd party units...All in one place, so convenient. Keep at it!

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 2:31 pm
by vinylrake
A-Red wrote:That's pretty awesome! Did you use a particular archive of plugins to compile this list, and if so, where is it? There are a few plugins in there--Roland's Dream, shalome.beta, and The Might of the Living Dead--that sound particularly interesting, but I've never even heard of them before and they aren't on the Map Atlas or udogs.

The "archive of plugins" I used is what I have on my hard drive at the moment. Most of the really obscure things (inluding the files you mentioned) are probably from folders of beta versions of maps I found on one of the hotline servers or websites listed in the sidebar of the myth map atlas. One site in particular has a lot of "user folders" where mapmakers post their works-in-progress.

The reason these maps aren't in the map atlas (yet) is because either a) The maps are in such a raw state as to be too buggy to play (crash), b) I just haven't gotten around to archiving the more obscure stuff, or C) I am not very organized so hadn't noticed they weren't there.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 4:41 pm
by Graydon
. . . . . If you've been uploading random things from peoples upload folders (especially on udogs) I sure hope you're contacting those persons ahead of time to tell them you're linking to their chit. Some people upload betas to their folders for their beta testers to access... not random people mb mb :)

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 4:38 pm
by vinylrake
Graydon wrote:. . . . . If you've been uploading random things from peoples upload folders (especially on udogs) I sure hope you're contacting those persons ahead of time to tell them you're linking to their chit. Some people upload betas to their folders for their beta testers to access... not random people mb mb :)

1) I've never uploaded _any_ myth maps or plugins as part of the myth map atlas site. There are NO maps or plugins at the myth map atlas. There's nothing there. "Using clay to make a vessel, where the nothing is lies its use." -- Lao Tzu

2) The list of units I posted a link to earlier in this thread is from myth files I have _downloaded_ from public internet resources for my personal use.

3) There is a difference between what myth files I have downloaded onto my personal computer for personal use, and what myth files are listed on the map atlas. [Several of the maps mentioned in the list of units I provided are not in the map atlas, for this and other reasons. ShalomeBETA is a good example]

4) There are maps on the Myth Atlas which might appear at first glance to be 'private beta maps, but many maps with 'beta' in their name or in the readme file were released to the general public. I just searched the Map Atlas for maps with the word 'beta' in their name and found 26. I was pretty sure I hadn't published any maps on the atlas that were really private betas, but just to be sure I double-checked a little over half of them and confirmed that all of them are currently available in public web/hl/ftp locations - e.g. none of them were hidden in user's personal folders.

I understand from my earlier comment it might have appeared that I am planning on putting links to user's personal hotline upload folders into the myth map atlas, but to tell you the truth it's not really something I want to do anyways - while I would like to have the most complete list of myth maps and download links possible, linking to a user's upload folder is on some hotline server is just not a path I want to persue. I might catalog that the file exists as a project with author name if I can discern it - without a direct link to the download site - but I really don't think I want to be linking to user folders of unfinished projects.

caveat: I do have mentions of projects that Myth Addicts has on their website, but that's because the links are right on their site.

If you (anyone) are aware of or find any maps/plugin on the atlas which are not available publically please let me know.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 5:58 pm
by Graydon
Ahh kk Vinyl. I misread your statement perhaps then. Looks like you know exactly how to do what you're doing, so I'll give you a commendment on the job well done. keep it up mate :)

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:29 pm
by vinylrake
Not a problem Graydon, my wording was unclear.

Thanks for the kudos. Now go make a map or something so I can have something to add to the map atlas.