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Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 8:25 pm
by PrplPplEater
Im quite certain there is no money to be made with myth. Any new company looking for that kind of thing could make a new, better engine with all the bells and whistles and just a similar premise from scratch. No need to mess with Myth's rusty hulk.
and that is it in a nutshell.

If a company wanted to take a rehash of something to make money with, Myth would be a horrible choice and a horrible business decision. They'd be dropping a ridiculous amount of startup money on an antiquated architecture before they even got started on anything. Add in the cost of developers and artists and in the first year they could easily blow half a million and have not much more than an expansion pack along the lines of The Total Codex for something that, in the year 2007, still doesn't even display 32-bit color but instead uses 240 colors or something pathetic like that (hint, hint :idea: 1.7 )

They would be best served getting an open source or freely licensed, fully 3-D engine and spending their time with something modern, rather than hacking up Sprite Based code that is a decade old and has been through more hands than a $2 hooker (I'm not implying that Magma is leaving nasty stains on the code :shock: ).

If anyone did *anything* with Myth, it would likely be an agreement to license the Myth 3 source for a future product, then to keep costs down they'd agree to give Take2 exclusive distribution rights.

The only money to be made with Myth is on eBay hawking copies of your own discs.... and thus is is NOT a candidate for anyone but a fool to be dropping that kind of money on.

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:01 am
by Renwood
PPE what kinds of things do you think you could get working on the server side to go along with new client side features?

3 of the wishlist features i can think so for server side things it if people could have thier flim uploaded to the server after a game and the server would read what veterans of what kind of units there were, and put them in some kind of bank or something. like we could each (if vets are turned on in game) save 10 guys or something. Be nice to have that warrior that got 75 kills and leveld up the day before and use him in a game of COOP.

PPE REJOIN A GAME IN PROGRESS! ive allways wanted that.
the host of the game sets a password right before the game starts that people use to rejoin them game (from the lobby i would think)
or maybe from the IP screen from the main menu?

The option of automatic downloads of plugins that people dont have would be a nice feature. Most plugins have a URL embedded in them allready, that you see if you try to join and dont have that plguin. (allthough a lot are out of date)

If you can do anything like this you will be new myth god ppe! o wait you allready give us a place to play mythages!


WEll DA and PPE too bad you guys dont make anything with the myth engine because then you guys might be right about Myth 2 being a "Rusty Hulk"? umm ok...

You guys seem to want to distribute myth so much... all the people who make stuff for myth allready do that right now. I dont get it what are you looking forward to if its free to distribute? giving legal copies of it to your buddies you know so they can play it with you? Are the high 4 dollar price tags keeping myth out of their reach? when i want people to check out myth i distribute it by giving them one of my legal copies i have happened to pick up over the years...even if they take you up on it they will most likely get whisked away by some uber fancy WOW or something half life part 12 or such thing.

Do you guys know much about making games?
Making an ALL new engine requires years of development and a huge
F-ing staff these days. and millions of dollars.

A company could use the m2 engine and add some stuff to it like your 32 bit color you want, and artists would be able to make much nicer looking maps. and get the rights to use it or buy it from T2. They could make an all new game with a bunch of new features and crap in it ! The most it
should cost a wise company is around half a million dollars.

and thats including the rights to use the engine for the game and what is created for it OR just buying the franchise outright.

Nobody would make a "new engine from scractch" and use it for myth Except bungie. and they are all so rich they dont care about myth and 95% of the Bungie people who made myth dont work there anymore soo...

DA you have lost your right to post opinions on this forum with that last post...calling it a dusty rusty old hulk.Tisk Tisk..Its still the best RTS engine out there for Physics Based interactivity and mayhem.

Learn some more about game engines please, then post an opinion about how hopeless the engine and what can be done with it is...ive worked on 5 or 6 game engines at least so i have a bit of knowledge about this.

O yea and its 240 colors for colormaps (16 used to mark it up)

and 256 colors for the units per frame of animation.

Dont think im trying to be mean, i just allways hear the same kinds of things from people that dont develop or work on games and its a bit odd i think for people to have such a strong opinion about something they dont know about.

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:40 am
by PrplPplEater
PPE what kinds of things do you think you could get working on the server side to go along with new client side features?
none... it's Marius' code and he's mostly retired.
erver side things it if people could have thier flim uploaded to the server after a game and the server would read what veterans of what kind of units there were, and put them in some kind of bank or something. like we could each (if vets are turned on in game) save 10 guys or something. Be nice to have that warrior that got 75 kills and leveld up the day before and use him in a game of COOP.
The changes needed to enable this are so ridiculously drastic that I sincerely doubt it ever sees the light of day.... though it WOULD be sweet to have film uploads directly from the server, something I've thought about begging for myself. The vet thing though.... that could be done, almost... but it requires those vets to be reported by the client, not from the server parsing a file... then that data would have to get written to the user profile and stored with them when they are logged in..... then the game client just needs to set it as a local variable for use during the next game.


That is all client side, has mostly nothing at all to be done on the server side of things..... the biggest problem here is going to be avoiding lag for everyone still in the game on the re-join, and preventing OOS. The only change server side should be not marking a game as unjoinable.

***automatic downloads of plugins ***

more client side stuff, nothing to do with the server

**Most plugins have a URL embedded in them allready, **

and most of those URLs are just homepages ... and the ones that aren't are dead links these days.

Ok, now the "fun" part....
You guys seem to want to distribute myth so much... all the people who make stuff for myth allready do that right now. I dont get it what are you looking forward to if its free to distribute? giving legal copies of it to your buddies you know so they can play it with you? Are the high 4 dollar price tags keeping myth out of their reach? when i want people to check out myth i distribute it by giving them one of my legal copies i have happened to pick up over the years...even if they take you up on it they will most likely get whisked away by some uber fancy WOW or something half life part 12 or such thing.
I want to get permission to FREELY Distribute it because if folks can just click a link to get it, it DRASTICALLY increases the number of new people that will try it. ... and I'm NOT talking about the guy I know down the street that I could hand a disc to, but the thousands of people I've never seen or met that might see a free download for a full game and decide to check it out.

Do you guys know much about making games?
Making an ALL new engine requires years of development and a huge
F-ing staff these days. and millions of dollars.
No shit... now you're starting to understand what I'm saying.

A company could use the m2 engine and add some stuff to it like your 32 bit color you want, and artists would be able to make much nicer looking maps. and get the rights to use it or buy it from T2. They could make an all new game with a bunch of new features and crap in it ! The most it should cost a wise company is around half a million dollars.
Interesting how you scoff at Millions of dollars above, but you now casually dismiss a Half Million Dollars as if it is not a MAJOR investment... in AN ANTIQUATED ENGINE. ANYTHING that happens with an eye toward ANY game that would actually make money would be with a 3-D engine because THAT is what gamers (ya know, the people that are going to repay this ridiculous investment by actually buying the thing) not just want, but EXPECT.

Ok, the rest of your babbling is unqualified bullshit..... I don't care how many game engines you think you've played with, your business sense is worthless. You either haven't been honest with yourself in looking at things or you just choose to ignore it.

Before you reply, think about a few things in regard to the economics of this:

Myth II - The Installer Bug in v1.0 of Soulblighter cost Bungie roughly their *entire* profits for this game, which is what set up the Take2 buy-in and M$ buyout in general. That should let you know how narrow the margins are. It's a billion dollar a year industry because of economy of scale with mega-hits like WoW, HalfLife, Call of Duty, etc... not because of titles with a marginal, niche audience.

Myth III - reportedly had a budget in the ballpark of $1 Million (twice your purported max for the mathematically challenged among us)... and they shut down, doors closed and company defunct because it was a total loss. They could not, with some of the best people from this community involved, put out a product on time with enough quality to even break even. What patches did come out were done without pay by members of the Dev Team that felt bad about being involved with such a crappy product.

O yea and its 240 colors for colormaps (16 used to mark it up)

and 256 colors for the units per frame of animation.
Who cares what the actual number is? It's low enough that it completely sucks. That is all that any prospective buyer would care about. It would get ripped apart by Reviewers and noone would drop a penny on it. Like MythIII, its release would be a still-birth.

You want to spout about how much expertise you have with game engines (to which I say, big deal, what does that have to do with anything?), but do you have any clue at all on things like salaries? A good C Programmer is going to cost you AT LEAST $60,000 a year. Whomever runs the show is going to want at least that much as a salary. After your costs of getting the license to use the thing, now you have to find an office (do you *really* think an investor is going to drop that kinda change when he can't walk into a building and see his investment working??) and then you now have enough left to pay the salaries of perhaps 6 people at that $60k rate. That will buy you One Year of operations at MOST..... and that isn't even getting int the costs associated with Distribution and getting it on store shelves.

Again, you can take your misplaceed air of superiority about game engines and do whatever you feel is appropriate, but don't go getting all uppity because you don't want to face economic realities.

Anyway, this is all nonsense and an exercise in academic futility as noone is going to do anything.... though I'll happily eat crow if someone actually does manage to convince an investor to drop that kind of money into this game.

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 12:59 pm
by Doobie
I'd just like to add ren, have you actually seen the Myth source code? It IS a rusty old hulk. It's ancient and convoluted and held together with duct tape.

Yeah, it's an amazing game and we all love it dearly, but it is NOT a platform from which to launch a new commercially viable game.

just my 2 cents..

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 2:52 pm
by vinylrake
Even putting aside the considerable time and effort I am sure would be involved in trying to make the Myth II engine produce better graphics, compare the best you think Myth II could _reistically_ look with new titles for the xBox360, PLayStation, etc. IS there any comparison? No.

It's unrealistic to think that an application, no matter how well designed is going to be able to have the same quality of graphics and other features that weren't around 10 years ago when the game was designed.

And if doesn't have a similar level of graphics it's not going to catch anyone's attention. When Myth came out in '97 it WAS eyecatching, it's 3D world and fully controllable camera/point-of-view WAS state of the art, and the physics were just amazing (they still are actually). But as much as I love the game there's no way I can pretend that even with the best of face-lifts that it's going to be able to compete for gamer's attention.

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 6:20 pm
by Archer
vinylrake wrote:It's unrealistic to think that an application, no matter how well designed is going to be able to have the same quality of graphics and other features that weren't around 10 years ago when the game was designed.
You may want to check what people have done with Quakes I and II, not that that's an argument that it could happen with Myth.


Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:11 pm
by vinylrake
Archer wrote:
vinylrake wrote:It's unrealistic to think that an application, no matter how well designed is going to be able to have the same quality of graphics and other features that weren't around 10 years ago when the game was designed.
You may want to check what people have done with Quakes I and II, not that that's an argument that it could happen with Myth.

I haven't seen anything lately, do they compare with Halo 3 or Gods of War or whatever the latest greatest video games look like?

Maybe M2 was designed so excellently that one could just drop in 3D models and animations instead of 2D sprites (isn't that what the team tried to do with Myth 3?) but as someone who dabbles a bit in coding, I'd be really suprised if anything less than a really massive overhaul of M2 would result in anything close to what we see in current gen games. Then again imagine the hardware requirements for a PC or Mac that has graphics equal to xBox 360/PS3...

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:47 pm
by Archer
I'm not sure what sort of development work has gone on recently (I've been out of the loop for a few years), but I know that around the time of the release of Doom 3, they had the same per-pixel lighting and shadowing capabilities that it had but using the Quake 1 source as the base (Quake 1=1996, Doom 3=2004, 8 years difference). There wasn't parity with the new commercial stuff everywhere (how would the commercial guys make money if they weren't doing any better?), but it was recognizably "modern" at the time.

Edit: as for the hardware requirements for a PC or Mac to have parity with a 360 or PS3… well, they're probably not as high as you'd think, though the move to HD has meant that the general-purpose computer's resolution advantage has mostly disappeared (some people use much higher, some people use lower, but it wasn't like in the PS2/Gamecube/XBox days when they all ran at ~640x480).


Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 2:43 am
by Orlando the Axe
myth has better gameplay than any other rts game ever which is the only reason why i still play it.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 9:47 am
by Death's Avatar
Orlando the Axe wrote:myth has better gameplay than any other rts game ever which is the only reason why i still play it.
Thats the only reason most of us still play it methinks. And we love it dearly for that. Doesn't mean anyone (I mean businesses, of course we would) is going to spend a ton of money on it.


Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:44 am
by Renwood
PPE my point isnt how much I know, but how much you Dont know about what myth can do.

An i talk about working with game engines because it gives me a pretty good insight into what can be done and what cant. You think i can somehow try to brag about just making mods and not getting paid at all for it? Wouldnt make sense.

I dont get paid to do this so im not an expert, none of us are.

There is a lot of things that still can be done with myth that never have been tried before.

You seem to love pointing out how wrong i am about myth, and how stupid it is that i think people might buy it if there was money spent on myth that added new models and lots of new features/new campain story.

But there is also a Core user base in all the Myth players of old, and you can be sure as shit most mythers if they heard about a new myth game and thought it looked like it was an all new game!! they would buy it i think.

sure myth wont ever break halo sales records even if BUNGIE made an ALL NEW engine for it..because myth takes a lot more brains to play then most games out appeals to CORE gamers..the people who are really good at games and like a challenge. also strategy buffs like complex war games.

All this talk about fancy assed x box 360 titles and ps3 and other modern games...Have you seen the Halo Wars gameplay Videos?

O yea looks really cutting edge all f-ing fancy and evreything..just one problem..there is a recticle in the middle of the screen that you need to move around to select and control units....this means you have to move the entire screen around just to center the recitcle on 1 guy and looks like its made to NOT be used with a mouse.. o thats a great idea..and RTS with no way to control units except by having a stationary selector.

great looking graphics dont impress me at all..any company with a bunch of money can have those. its easy these days..just costly.
whoop dee do. good gameplay Depth and replayabillity are what is important and when a compy spends so much making it look great they often forget this part.

Yea the great 1.0 SB erased your entire hard drive bug was one of the lamest things ever to be sure but.
What Hurt bungie the most was picking up that stupid "bungie west" bullshit. Halo also took far longer then they thought and spent a ton on that as well.

Myth 3 sold as well as TFL and SB, When i was working with the early Myth Dev team When it was some loser and people like fisj and vodi i was told that all the myth games sold around 250,000 copies. so myth 3 made enough money to get the investment back easy.

lets see 30 bucks per game x 250,000 copies = over 7 million bucks
seems pretty good to me.

If you think its soo old and hopless and nobody will want to play it because it not all flashy and great looking like new you really think just making it FREE will get a ton of new players? you think myth is so lame and old that nobody would buy an all new game of it..BUT they WOULD play it for free..???

Nice logic BTW

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:48 am
by Death's Avatar
Renwood wrote: you think myth is so lame and old that nobody would buy an all new game of it..BUT they WOULD play it for free..???

Nice logic BTW

Er yeah. Thats exactly right.

Not to say its lame. But it might look that way to someone who has never played it or seen it before. So if its free, they have nothing to lose.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:50 pm
by AblitERateOR
Renwood wrote:Great looking graphics dont impress me at all..any company with a bunch of money can have those. its easy these days..just costly.
whoop dee do. good gameplay Depth and replayabillity are what is important and when a compy spends so much making it look great they often forget this part.
Your logic seems to contradict itself. Unfortunately, good graphics and lack of depth is exactly what the majority of gamers ARE after these days, and that is why companies tend to follow that trend. if you actually want to sell a game these days you need to have super flash graphics etc. Even if we can see beyond that, as most of us can, otherwise we wouldnt be playing myth anymore, and that is why there is virtually no profit in myth left. If there was, it would have been milked out of it allready. Thats what big compaines do.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 8:14 pm
by PrplPplEater
If you think its soo old and hopless and nobody will want to play it because it not all flashy and great looking like new you really think just making it FREE will get a ton of new players?
Yes. Exactly.
Who in their right mind would pay for a game that LOOKS 10 years old unless they're buying a pack of ROM's for MAME?

you think myth is so lame and old that nobody would buy an all new game of it..BUT they WOULD play it for free..???
Yeah, see above.
Noone is going to drop money on something with the graphics it has, but for free they would be less hesitant to give it a shot. If you can't comprehend that part, then we're done here.

The Myth II Engine is not Economically Viable.
People EXPECT 3D. Myth II is NOT 3D. It is Sprites. Compared to what is available today, Sprites Suck.

This is akin to talking about releasing a new version of Marathon using the same engine and thinking you're going to make money and get a bunch of new players...... it doesn't work. Even the mighty Bungie had to rebuild the whole thing and turn it into Halo.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 9:44 pm
by Renwood
err PPE you know that marathon 2 is on xbox 360 now right???

Im not saying it we could all put likes to dl it for free what we wouldnt get some new people. im just saying that it would be a tiny fraction of what all new game built with the engine 1.7 features could get if there was adversting and marketing power behind it. thats all.


i just dont see why you think paying 4 bucks is some kind of dropping money on it.....its only 4 bucks..less then a sammitch! mm sammitches!

the amount of money it would take to produce an all new game with 1.7 features that wouldnt look 10 years old BTW, is tiny compared to the standard that companys spend on games these days. so the risk is tiny and the gains could be huge..

company A. makes a game for 200,000 and makes only 500,000
thats a good investment. myth has a large installed user base from its years of being around. just most dont play it anymore
and if it was free i dout those old people would come back, since they most likely still have it and if they lost their CD could just get a copy for a few bucks.

do you know that myth can have much higher res sprites? so good in fact and with many more angles that it looks just as good as 3d models in some other rts games? it just wont have cool pixel shaders and stuff.
many of the total war games if you zoom in all the way have pretty crappy looking 3d models.

if a company would be so stupid to try anything myth related..why would the company take 2 give it away for free? nothing to be gained for them in doing so. and i know for a fact that Take 2 are not a nice company to work with. talked about them a lot with a bunch of the MJ guys back in the day.

Now lets play nice! i havent tried to be insulting to anyone...but is seems people like to pick on the poor ren ~8^(