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Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 9:07 pm
but the taken that appear with every group of thrall also appear with their set of blood thrall... is this correct? or should there just be more takens then in original beta's?...
Ummm, there are still 7 Taken total, 1 for each wave of Thrall, Whisper(teal), with Basic Thrall, Nightcrawler(yellow) with Iron Thrall, Bonegnasher(green) with Blood Thrall, Stormbringer(gray) with Mithral Thrall. These 4 Takens thrall escorts are of equal toughness to Iron Thrall.

Limper(red), Shapeshifter(white), and Soulcatcher(Black), all have thrall escorts that match their colors, Blood, Mithral, and Black thrall escorts, and appear with the watcher who has his own Black Thrall escort.

Hope that clears it up for you, mb I could change the final 3 Takens colors and their escort colors, but that would require making more new MONS/UNITs and Im being kinda lazy on that point mb. ;o)

Well, off to Syracuse NY tomorrow afternoon, mb Ill catch up with you tomorrow for a game or 2 before I have to head out ? :o)

::Vanishes in a pOOf of smoke::[/color]

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 6:25 am
by Brainbug
no need on the colors, it's just that i had Blood thrall (the green, with Bonegnasher) as first thrall wave in my only game till now in last built, and since i had to leave, i didn't see any other except that the basic thrall just appeared somewhere far off (didn't see their taken) thats why i tought that green one was their taken, but that he had his blood thrall with him....

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 8:45 am
Brainbug wrote:no need on the colors, it's just that i had Blood thrall (the green, with Bonegnasher) as first thrall wave in my only game till now in last built, and since i had to leave, i didn't see any other except that the basic thrall just appeared somewhere far off (didn't see their taken) thats why i tought that green one was their taken, but that he had his blood thrall with him....
Hmmm, well even though the waves are randomized now, the Primary Thrall activations ordering I kept pretty static so they *should* always appear thrall, iron, blood, mithral, black(with The Watcher and Soulcatcher).

I thought Id be ok reusing the blood and muithral thrall for The Limpers and Shapeshifters escorts as the primary blood/mithral thrall waves should have already happened, but after testing again, I can see where it might be confusing.

Long story short, Im gonna break down and Ill make 2 new MONS/UNITs/CREFs for The Limper and Shapeshifter, but will keep Soulcatcher using The Watchers black thrall. Of course now Ill have to go replace those units on the mesh and retie to the script, but its not like I havent done that before. ;o)

EDIT: Oh,I just remembered too, if you drag the game on long enough, those random sets of thrall that continually appear to harrass you, they start off as mere thrall, but as they are killed off and replaced they *will* start to be replaced with tougher thrall, iron, then blood, and eventually Mithral. Not sure if this adds to your confusion or not, but figured Id let you in on it.

::wonders if he could/should change that as well::[/color]

Edited By GHOST® on 1084024178

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 1:43 pm
[color=DFC99B]OK, here it is, for those of you who already have access to build 228, Requiem of the Dead FC4

All Taken and their escort thrall are now differentiated by color and no longer match colors of Waved Thrall.

Reworked some FX on attacks, adding small shockwaves etc.

Tweaked Propell a tad, seemed the last modification lessesned the amount theyd move when propelled.

Modified PF Airstrike Attack. This is now my most favorite attack. ;op Oh also lessened PF Ammo to 7, I may reincrease this to 10 and nip the Morts specials a bit too.

Added another small 'egg' to the map.

Added script to allow players 45 seconds at games start to remove any units they wish to not use and not be penalized for by killing off or allowing to die, EXCEPT for Mazz and HGH.

Fixed Artifacts so they remember their charge counts thereby eliminating using an artifact until it was nearly empty, dropping it, and repicking it up with fresh charges.

a slew of other touch-ups, modifications,additions,tweaks,et etc etc.

GL HF Die well, and let me know if any issues or concerns arise please, this is basically it people unless something creeps up or consensus is something should be changed, removed, or added.

I really appreciate the help and feedback Ive gotten thus far, and were almost home on this one, so keep it coming. :oD[/color]

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 1:59 pm
by Archer
How does the new attack work differently? Is it really enough to justify that large a reduction in total number of attacks on a unit that can't pick up more bottles? Same with the Mortar; he pretty much doesn't get any more specials than he starts with, so does it make sense to cripple them?


Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:46 pm
Archer wrote:How does the new attack work differently? Is it really enough to justify that large a reduction in total number of attacks on a unit that can't pick up more bottles? Same with the Mortar; he pretty much doesn't get any more specials than he starts with, so does it make sense to cripple them?

The attack itself is a bit more powerful imho, dropping more satchels for a longer duration, hopefully this will offset the lessening of his ammo count.

The biggest flaw with this attack since I modified it is when the PF dies and has all or most his ammo left, you get 14 balloons all on top of one another. I could alleviate this by having him not drop him ammo, but I kinda like the mad scramble of players when he dies. ;o)

In the end, the same thing can happen with only 7 ammo as with his prio count, so I am still considering options on how to conclude this. MB I will just make it so the PF doesnt drop his ammo when he dies ??[/color]

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 4:08 pm
by Archer
The ammodrop on death is a feature, not a bug IMO. Much the same way losing the Mortar explosively can ruin your day; same with the Demolitionists on Mazzarin's Demise. These are highly explosive units all around, and I personally like it that way.


Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 5:19 pm
[color=DFC99B]Oh, definately not a bug, especially considering there is a flag to check in Fear Monster Tags to deactivate this if one so chooses.

I will leave the ammo drop in, Ive come up with a stop gap solution that should work well and keep the ballons from piling up on one another. ;o)

On another note, have just tweaked Mazzs Concussion attack a bit and he can now shoot up and down stairs and modestly inclined cliffs. :o)[/color]

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 6:03 pm
by Archer
I really think that getting hit by eight airstrikes is a part of the experience. I used the word "bug" a bit too loosely there, though.

Shooting up and down stairs=goodness.


Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 6:03 pm
by Archer
I really think that getting hit by eight airstrikes is a part of the experience. I used the word "bug" a bit too loosely there, though.

Shooting up and down stairs=goodness.


Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 6:59 pm
Archer wrote:I really think that getting hit by eight airstrikes is a part of the experience. I used the word "bug" a bit too loosely there, though.

Shooting up and down stairs=goodness.

[color=DFC99B]Oh that can still happen, they will be dispersed just enough to alot depending on random factors upon death, so either you wont have to worry *too* much as most of the ammo will have blown out to elsewhere, or you will have NO WHERE to run and hide for a good 15-20 seconds. ;o)[/color]

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 5:08 am
by Brainbug
:laugh: HAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHA :laugh:

i had a duff being thrown out of an Airstrike :D
first thing that came down was a duff, and i tought you would have made it only duffs falling from sky

unfortunately i didn't save the film :/ i had to quit myth before i used a second one, and when i restarted it, i noticed duffstrikes are quite rare :(

also on the airstrikes, make the pf duff drop something else (like wights drop puss packet when healed) when he dies, but that something else should explode (100% exploding chance) so the airstrikes are randomly spread.
Spread radius about the size of mazz's nova blast (the full mana special)

Edited By Brainbug on 1084788574

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 5:11 am
by Brainbug

sava will be pleased with the unit removal :D
and i found the cheat again, move it's location maybe? :)
i'ld say for location, an area about the radius of a lok explosion, so you really need to know where you have to go

ah, and where's the new "small egg" located at?

Edited By Brainbug on 1084788934

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 10:14 am
by Brainbug

:( not the lame satches :(

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 6:57 pm

i had a duff being thrown out of an Airstrike
first thing that came down was a duff, and i tought you would have made it only duffs falling from sky

unfortunately i didn't save the film :/ i had to quit myth before i used a second one, and when i restarted it, i noticed duffstrikes are quite rare

I was afraid I went too far with that bit, and yes they are rare, though not that rare, a 10% chance per toss I think, though I planned to lower that to a 5% chance ??

So is the balloon worth the xtra 4mb of collection ?? Dont you think that just makes that attack now ?? ;o)
also on the airstrikes, make the pf duff drop something else (like wights drop puss packet when healed) when he dies, but that something else should explode (100% exploding chance) so the airstrikes are randomly spread.
Spread radius about the size of mazz's nova blast (the full mana special)
Already done, read up about 3 or 4 posts mb. ;o)

sava will be pleased with the unit removal
Heh, and how about jOO 'Mr Sacrifice my units and run about with Mazz and HGH' ?? ;o)
and i found the cheat again, move it's location maybe?

hehe, havent moved it yet, you musta misunderstood me when we chatted on it?? It will be moved in the Actual Release Plug. ;o)
i'ld say for location, an area about the radius of a lok explosion, so you really need to know where you have to go
Well, its much smaller than that now, and after I move it I will be the only one who knows where it is, (until I forget as well), your only clue will be that its somewhere within a minutes movement of Mazz ;o) MB Ill just change the unit to activate it as well ??
ah, and where's the new "small egg" located at?
OMG!! As much as *you* get around the map you havent seen it ??

Try NW mb, thats all Ill say, and it will take some trial and error to get it to mb. ;op

not the lame satches
I would if I could, but I cant so I wont. :o(

You dont know the efforts I already went thru to make it a ghostly airstrike, got very close, but Id need a new small modified satchel collection for it to work/look right.

Sorry but a ghost dropping a corpeal(sp?) beings ammo and calling in living dwarves to airstrike looks wrong to me and goes against all the other ghosts set ups.
(yes youre likely to mention they drop dreams etc, but that is ultra rare and is different imho. ;op )

Ill see if mb I can get ooga or another Amber user to make me a small satchel collection and try again if time permits, real life is squeezing every minute out of me it can L8ly. :o( and LoE and other Projects / Testings etc are demanding my attention.

BTW, Propell isnt right in FC4, Fe made some adjustments that lessened the amount they were pushed, so Ive adjusted that, (should be relatively close to FC3), and Mazzs Concussion Spell, (can now go up and down inclines), and PF Ammo Droppage (randomly disperses), for FC5 which I will await a few more days for more feedback before uploading. :o)

::thinks he sees the light at the end of the tunnel::[/color]